英语翻译 不要软件 不要机器翻译高校特别是高校领导必须从宏观上重视双语教学, 转变教育思想 和教育观念,从微观上加大双语教学的改革力度,从教材、教学模式、教学方式和方法、师

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 01:12:30
英语翻译 不要软件 不要机器翻译高校特别是高校领导必须从宏观上重视双语教学, 转变教育思想 和教育观念,从微观上加大双语教学的改革力度,从教材、教学模式、教学方式和方法、师
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英语翻译 不要软件 不要机器翻译高校特别是高校领导必须从宏观上重视双语教学, 转变教育思想 和教育观念,从微观上加大双语教学的改革力度,从教材、教学模式、教学方式和方法、师
英语翻译 不要软件 不要机器翻译
高校特别是高校领导必须从宏观上重视双语教学, 转变教育思想 和教育观念,从微观上加大双语教学的改革力度,从教材、教学模式、教学方式和方法、师资队伍等几个方面进行改革。 1)领导的重视。学校特别是学校领导的高度 重视是成功推动双语教学的前提条件,某种程度上说,领导重视是事情成功的一半。领导重视表现在 以下几个方面:一是思想上重视。要从培养“三个 面向”人才的战略高度来认识和定位双语教学, 认真学习和领会 4 号文件关于 “积极推动使用英语等 外语进行教学”的精神;二是组织上重视。学校应 及时成立双语教学领导小组和双语教学改革指导 委员会,主要由学校主管领导、教务部门、高教研 究机构以及各学院主管领导组成, 主要负责双语教 学规划提出、修改和完善, 督促和监督双语教学计 划的实施;三是制定计划。要根据学校的实际,制 定切实可行的双语教学计划
关联的文字是承载人类文化的载体,文字语言又是人类进行思维的媒体。由此双语教学势必有利于学 生掌握两种语言,有利于学生理解、吸纳除本民族 文化之外的其他国家的文化; 有利于学生形成可用两种语言、文字进行思维,增加适应不同民族、国家要求的能力。

英语翻译 不要软件 不要机器翻译高校特别是高校领导必须从宏观上重视双语教学, 转变教育思想 和教育观念,从微观上加大双语教学的改革力度,从教材、教学模式、教学方式和方法、师
Colleges and Universities,especially their leaders,must emphasize macroscopically on bilingual education,convert educational ideology and educational perceptions,deepen the reform of bilingual education microscopically,and start the reform in different aspects,such as teaching materials,educational modes,pedagogies,teacher resources and so on.1) Emphasis of leaders.Highly concerns of colleges and universities,especially their leaders,are the preconditions to successfully propel the bilingual education forward.To some extent,leaders’ emphasis is the half of success.Leaders’ emphasis is demonstrated in these regards:first is emphasis on mentality.Understand and define bilingual education in the height of raising three facing to talents strategy.Conscientiously study and grasp the essence of No.4 document concerning “actively promoting using English and other foreign languages to teach”.Second is to emphasize organizationally.Colleges and universities should set up bilingual education steering group and bilingual education reform steering committee in time,which are composed of school’s operation directors and directors from educational administration department,postsecondary education research institutes and every college,taking major responsibility of putting forward,modifying and improving the bilingual education planning,urging and monitoring the implementation of planning.Third is to plan.Work out a feasible bilingual education plan in accordance with the school’s reality.
Relevant word is the carrier containing human’s culture,and word language is the medium of human’s thinking.Consequently,bilingual education is bound to help students to handle two languages,to understand and absorb other countries’ cultures besides native culture,to form thinking via two languages,and to improve the ability of adapting different nations and counties.

Siwim是一种桥梁动态称重系统(即动态地磅)。它利用道路网中载重汽车上层装置 对不起哦,我英语不怎么样,希望可以帮上忙

Universities, especially the college leadership must from on macroscopic attention bilingual teaching, education ideas and education concept change from the microcosmic increased the bilingual teachin...


Universities, especially the college leadership must from on macroscopic attention bilingual teaching, education ideas and education concept change from the microcosmic increased the bilingual teaching reform, from the teaching material, teaching mode, teaching modes and methods, teachers' team aspects reform. 1) leadership attention. School especially school leaders attach great importance is successful push the premise condition of bilingual teaching, to some degree, leadership attention is things half done. Leadership attention performance in the following aspects: one is the ideological attention. To foster "hree face from the strategic height of" talent to recognize and positioning bilingual teaching, studying and comprehend 4 files about "actively promoting teaching foreign languages, such as English use the spirit of"; 2 it is organizational attention. The school shall timely established leading group and a bilingual teaching reform of bilingual teaching steering committee, and the main academic departments in charge of school leadership, high research investigates institutions and competent leadership composition of each college, mainly responsible for bilingual teaching learning plans to put forward, revised and perfected, urge and supervise the implementation of the planning the bilingual teaching; Three is a plan. According to the actual school, system set workable bilingual teaching plan
The text is carrying humans associated carrier of culture, text language is human thinking of media. Thus the bilingual teaching for students will grasp two languages, help students to understand in the national culture and absorb the other countries outside the culture; Benefit students form usable two spoken and written languages in thinking, increase adapted to different nationalities, countries require ability.

