英语试题 很简单的 求救!29. The government is trying to offer special loans to_______ poverty among the disabled. A. alleviate B. distribute C. appeal D. ignore30. He _________ us ______ the belief that he was an hon

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 13:58:53
英语试题 很简单的 求救!29. The government is trying to offer special loans to_______ poverty among the disabled.    A. alleviate       B. distribute        C. appeal          D. ignore30. He _________ us ______ the belief that he was an hon
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英语试题 很简单的 求救!29. The government is trying to offer special loans to_______ poverty among the disabled. A. alleviate B. distribute C. appeal D. ignore30. He _________ us ______ the belief that he was an hon
英语试题 很简单的 求救!
29. The government is trying to offer special loans to_______ poverty among the disabled.
A. alleviate B. distribute C. appeal D. ignore
30. He _________ us ______ the belief that he was an honest man.
A. made….into B. adapted…to
C. looked …into D. deceived ….into
31. She _______ to drive me to the airport.
A. alleviate B. contact C. exploit D. offered
32. The subject isn't very well ________ in this book.
A. dealt in B. dealt with C. dealt out D. dealt to
33. He _________ the danger to break in the fire to save a child.
A. touch B. disclose C. ignore D. appeal
34. On entering his house, we at once_________ that he was a man of taste.
A. erect B. compare C. ascend D. perceived
35. I ________Mary by her red hat at once.
A. released B. impressed C.compromised D. recognized
36. The government has ________ the firm from bankruptcy by giving them a grant.
A. dealt B. erected C. rescued D. appealed
37. She said that she would rather go with me.____________, she doesn’t want to go with you.
A. In touch with B. In terms of C. In short D. In other words
38. These old coins may _______1200 years ago.
A. date back B. date back to C. date of D. date to
39. The accident ________ the death of two passengers.
A. resulted from B. resulted C. resulted in D. transformed
40. He watched the airplane ______higher and higher.
A. ascend B. resulted C.exploit D. erect
41. This job rather __________me.
A. deal to B. turn to C. look to D. appeals to
42. He sent her some roses,_________ a nice letter.
A. along with B. touch with C. compare with D. go with
43. The West Lake is often__________ the Beauty Xishi.
A. loved to B. turned to C. likened to D. dissuade to
44. The organization works to________ the trade between nations.
A. perhaps B. perceive C. persuade D. promote
45. The job is too dull; I want one with more ________
A.challenge. B. special C. implement D. operation
46. The report ought to be__________in great detail and in clearer language.
A.absented B. operated C. recognized D. presented
47. When you think something is unfair, you should________
A. speak out B. speak up C. speak in D. speak down
48. Marriage has completely ________her.
A. transformed B. admitted C. implemented D. presented
49. You can't _________ English poetry unless you understand its rhythm.
A. transform B. alleviate C. change D. appreciate

英语试题 很简单的 求救!29. The government is trying to offer special loans to_______ poverty among the disabled. A. alleviate B. distribute C. appeal D. ignore30. He _________ us ______ the belief that he was an hon
29.A.alleviate poverty意为“脱贫”.句意:政府正努力提供专项贷款,以开展残疾人扶贫.
32.B.deal in 是外贸术语,意为“买卖,经营”,后主要加商品名称;deal with“处理”deal out“分配”;没有deal to这个短语.句意:这个问题在这本书里处理得不太好.
34.D.erect“使直立;创立”;compare“比较”; ascend “上升;攀登”;perceive“察觉,意识到”.句意:一踏进他的房间,我们立即意识到他是一个很有品味的人.
37.D.In other words“换句话说”.句意:她说她宁愿和我一起去.换句话说,她不想和你一起去.
38.B.date back to “追溯到”.句意:这些古老的硬币可追溯到1200年以前.
39.C.resulted from后加导致的原因;result in 后加导致的结果.句意:这起事故致使两名乘客死亡.
41.D.appeal to sb.“对某人很有吸引力”.句意:这份工作对我相当有吸引力.
43.C.be likened to“把……比喻成”.句意:西湖常被比作美人西施.
47.A.speak out “说出来”;speak up也有“说出来”之意,和speak out区别并不大,不过speak out更常用而已.

29.B 30.D 31.D 32 B. 33.C 34.D 35.D 36.C 37.D 38. B 39.C 40.C 41.B 42.A 43. C 44.D 45.A 46.B 47.A 48.D 49.A

29. A. alleviate poverty意为“脱贫”。句意:政府正努力提供专项贷款,以开展残疾人扶贫。
30. D. deceive“欺骗”。句意:他骗得我们相信他是一个可靠的人。
31. D. offer有“主动提出帮忙”之意。句意:他主动提出开车送我去机场。
32. B. deal in 是外贸术语,意为“买卖,经营”,后主要加商品名称;deal with“处理...


29. A. alleviate poverty意为“脱贫”。句意:政府正努力提供专项贷款,以开展残疾人扶贫。
30. D. deceive“欺骗”。句意:他骗得我们相信他是一个可靠的人。
31. D. offer有“主动提出帮忙”之意。句意:他主动提出开车送我去机场。
32. B. deal in 是外贸术语,意为“买卖,经营”,后主要加商品名称;deal with“处理”deal out“分配”;没有deal to这个短语。句意:这个问题在这本书里处理得不太好。
33. C. ignore“忽视,不顾”。句意:他不顾危险,冲进大火去救那个孩子。
34. D. erect“使直立;创立”;compare“比较”; ascend “上升;攀登”;perceive“察觉,意识到”。句意:一踏进他的房间,我们立即意识到他是一个很有品味的人。
35. D. release“释放,放开”;impress“给……以深刻印象”;compromise“妥协”;recognize“认出,识别”。句意:我凭玛丽的红帽子一下子认出了她。
36. C. rescue“救助”。句意:政府通过给这个企业拨款使他们免遭倒闭。
37. D. In other words“换句话说”。句意:她说她宁愿和我一起去。换句话说,她不想和你一起去。
38. B. date back to “追溯到”。句意:这些古老的硬币可追溯到1200年以前。
39. C. resulted from后加导致的原因;result in 后加导致的结果。句意:这起事故致使两名乘客死亡。
40. A. ascend“上升,攀爬”。句意:他看着飞机越飞越高。
41. D. appeal to sb.“对某人很有吸引力”。句意:这份工作对我相当有吸引力。
42. A. 此题用排除法,句中逗号后无连词,所以空格处不能用谓语动词,故排除BCD。句意:他送给她一些玫瑰花,并附带一封动人的信。
43. C. be likened to“把……比喻成”。句意:西湖常被比作美人西施。
44. D. promote“促进”。句意:该组织旨在促进各国之间的贸易。
45. A. 分析句子可知,空格处应填入一个和dull意思相反的词,故选challenge“挑战”。句意:这份工作太枯燥了,我想找一份更具挑战性的工作。
46. D. present“介绍,展示”。句意:这份报告应该以高度细节化和更清晰化的语言来呈现。
47. A. speak out “说出来”;speak up也有“说出来”之意,和speak out区别并不大,不过speak out更常用而已。
48. A. transform“改变”。句意:婚姻彻底改变了她。
49. D.appreciate“欣赏,领会”。句意:你若不懂英文诗韵律,就无法欣赏英文诗。
