
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/18 13:50:25
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1.Spring Festival is the most solemn year, the biggest festival.
2.One to the Spring Festival, packed the streets, hanging men, women and children face a smile, to enjoy the festive fun.
3.Lunar New Year festival by adults, even children's festivals, children's toys, books, stationery counter is unusually crowded, the children to the wave of another wave, who took the beloved toys, leaving laughter.
4.Our family had finished dinner, then to Wai-time in front of the television to watch.
5.we have watched with relish. Evening programs colorful: comic, sketch let us into the new year; singing, dancing along with singing and dancing for us; magic, acrobatics Let us praise click one's tongue.
6.Into the climax of the evening, "Dangdang when ... ..." the clock struck twelve, and the new year here. I secretly wish to promise, China's total education network documentation Channel hopes in the new year to the next level of my performance.
7.Look, has become a fireworks outside world.
8.Invites the window is particularly brilliant.
9.Look beautiful fireworks mix it! Some like a "meteor shower", and some like "starry sky", and some such as "flamboyant" ... ... how much like "sky gardens"!

Look beautiful fireworks mix it! Some like a "meteor shower", and some like "starry sky", and some such as "flamboyant" ... ... how much like "sky gardens"!

用6~8个意思连贯的英文句子介绍你们家是如何过春节的. 用6-8个英文句子介绍你们家是如何过春节的.用意思连贯的英文句子写成英语短文.这是我暑假作业里的英语题.我是初一的、将要读初二.所以这篇英语短文要用我初一的知识或以前的知识.只 用?和!写两个意思连贯的句子 丹麦英语介绍,用英文介绍丹麦是作文形式的那种,不要单个的语意连贯,可以用于直接口语表达的thanks. 请介绍一下自己的妈妈,她有什么兴趣爱好,经常做什么等等,请写出意思连贯的句子5——6句,用英语.她名字叫肖芬 求一句英文,这句英文的每个单词首个字母开头顺序为:B C E T,I L O V E Y O U..例如:B** C*** E***** T***,I** L** O** V*** E*** Y**** O*** U***.希望能够得到通顺连贯的句子,句子意思是关于爱情的或者健康 英语小作文要求:1,假设你是Jen,请用第一人称给你的好朋友Louise写一封信,描述一下你的暑假计划.2,不少于65个单词4,条理清晰,意思明确、连贯,句子通顺,标点正确. 请你根据下面的提示,用英语介绍一下中国.要求:语法正确,意思连贯,40词左右.(我要的是初一的作文) 介绍自己的家人英文,不小于20个句子 用这些词选3个 造3句以上意思连贯的句子.雕梁画栋”、“巧夺天工”、“独具匠心”、“引人入胜”、“古色古香”、“余音绕梁”“不落窠臼”、“雅俗共赏”、“美不胜收”、“脍炙人 用上“?”和“!”写两个意思连贯的句子. 用上“?”和“!”写出两个意思连贯的句子咋写? changes in people’s life 英文作文80字根据图示用英语写一篇Changes in People's Life的短文,介绍过去和现在人们的生活变化.要求:1.词数在80个左右.2.把图中所示内容表示完整,条理清晰,意思连贯.3.开 造句:衰弱 真谛 屹立 履行 沐浴谁能用以上几个词语组成一段意思连贯的话.在60个字以内这是我的作业不是什么考题摆脱大家动动你们聪明的脑子帮忙想想啊 用英文介绍小组成员,具体要怎么说.加点修饰词什么的.我们是个英语作业.4个porformer,2个speaker,一个compere一个PPT producers如何连贯介绍呢,要介绍名字,分工什么的.开场白,hello everone,my name is ××,I 根据表格的信息,用英文来介绍一下Mike的情况.注意语句通顺,意思连贯.不少于五句话.Height:163cmWeight:45kgFavoutite colour:白色Hobby:拍照Ability(能力):洗衣服 用英文介绍一下 对不起我爱你或者用英文介绍一下 苏志燮我的意思是说 用英文介绍一下 对不起我爱你 这部韩剧 的剧情 用英文介绍EuropeEurope是欧洲的意思,谁能帮我写一篇英文介绍Europe,不要太长!