八下英语被动语态练习根据句意,选用所给单词并用其正确形式填空build,eat,paint,cover,catch,plant,drink,write1.This picture____________by Millie three days ago2.Coke___________all over the world3.Many trees_________in my homet

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:59:39
八下英语被动语态练习根据句意,选用所给单词并用其正确形式填空build,eat,paint,cover,catch,plant,drink,write1.This picture____________by Millie three days ago2.Coke___________all over the world3.Many trees_________in my homet
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八下英语被动语态练习根据句意,选用所给单词并用其正确形式填空build,eat,paint,cover,catch,plant,drink,write1.This picture____________by Millie three days ago2.Coke___________all over the world3.Many trees_________in my homet
1.This picture____________by Millie three days ago
2.Coke___________all over the world
3.Many trees_________in my hometown on Tree-planting Day
4.The South Pole is so cold because it ____by ice all year around
5.The thieves __________by the police at last
6.This flat _____in 2005
7.This newsletter article___________by Amy last week
8.All the snacks_________before the party ended

八下英语被动语态练习根据句意,选用所给单词并用其正确形式填空build,eat,paint,cover,catch,plant,drink,write1.This picture____________by Millie three days ago2.Coke___________all over the world3.Many trees_________in my homet
1 was painted
2 is drunk
3 were planted
4 is covered
5 were caught
6 was built
7 was written
8 were eaten

1.This picture was painted by Millie three days ago
2.Coke is drunk all over the world
3.Many trees are planted in my hometown on Tree-planting Day
4.The South Pole is so cold because it ...


1.This picture was painted by Millie three days ago
2.Coke is drunk all over the world
3.Many trees are planted in my hometown on Tree-planting Day
4.The South Pole is so cold because it is covered by ice all year around
5.The thieves were caught by the police at last
6.This flat was built in 2005
7.This newsletter article was written by Amy last week
8.All the snacks were eaten before the party ended
2 全世界都在喝可口可乐。
3 在植树节那天,我家乡都会种上很多树。
4 南极是如此的冷,因为它是整年都被冰雪覆盖
5 小偷最后被警察抓了
8 所有的零食都在聚会散场前被吃完了。
