
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 07:56:25
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1 、微生物的作用
1.1 微生物在物质循环中的作用 在生物圈内的物质循环过程中,以异样型微生物为主的分解者,在有机物的矿质化过程中有着不可替代的作用,它于生产者一起共同推动着生物内的物质循环,使生态系统保持平衡.例如,在碳素循环中,地球上 90% 的 co 2 是由微生物的生命活动产生的;在氮素循环中,固氮作用、氨化作用、硝化作用、反硝化作用都有微生物的活动;在磷和硫的循环中同样也需要各种微生物的活动.
1.2 微生物与污水处理 工业迅猛发展的同时也给人们带来了一定的环境污染.在众多的污水、废水处理方法中,生物学的处理方法因具有经济方便、效果好的突出优点而被广泛应用.在污水的生物学处理过程中,微生物起着特别重要的作用,它们能将水体中的含碳有机物分解成 CO 2 、 H 2 s 、 CH 4 等气体;将含氮有机物分解成氨、硝酸、亚硝酸和氮;能使汞、砷等对人类有毒的重金属盐在水体中进行转化,以便于回收或除去,使许多病原性寄生生物常因与环境不适而死去.
1.3 有益于人体健康 人体肠道中含有很多种微生物,其中主要有大肠杆菌、产气杆菌、变形菌、粪产碱菌、产气荚膜梭菌、乳酸杆菌和螺旋体等.人体为这些微生物提供了良好的栖息场所,而这些细菌生活在肠道中能合成核黄素、维生素 B12 维生素 K 等多种维生素以及氨基酸以供人体吸收利用.
1.4有很多食品(如酱油、醋、味精、酒、酸奶、奶酪、蘑菇)、工业品(如皮革、纺织、石化)、药品(如抗生素、疫苗、维生素、生态农药)是依赖于微生物制造 的;微生物在矿产探测与开采、废物处理(如水净化、沼气发酵)等各种领域中也发挥重要作用.微生物是自然界唯一认知的固氮者(如大豆根瘤菌)与动植物残体 降解者(如纤维素的降解),同时位于常见生物链的首末两端,从而完成碳、氮、硫、磷等生物质在大循环中的衔接.若没有微生物,众多生物就失去必需的营养来 源、植物的纤维质残体就无法分解而无限堆积,就没有自然界当前的繁荣与秩序或人类的产生与维续.
1.5微生物与人类健康密切相关.多数微生物对人体是无害的.实际上,人体的外表面(如皮肤)和内表面(如肠道)生活着很多正常、有益的菌群.它们占据这些表面 并产生天然的抗生素,抑制有害菌的着落与生长;它们也协助吸收或亲自制造一些人体必需的营养物质,如维生素和氨基酸.这些菌群的失调(如抗生素滥用)可以 导致感染发生或营养缺失.然而另一方面,人类与动植物的疾病也有很多是由微生物引起,这些微生物叫做病原微生物(pathogenic microorganism)或病原(pathogen)

Various bacteria survive in different environment, and through different approach spread. A statistics, the upper body in people per square centimeter skin is 50 a 5,000 microbes, they get from the sweat and the secretion of a growth, reproduction nutrition, death metabolism. Sweat or the fatty acid, lactic acid secretion inside can kill many organisms. What of microbiology could have also killed or disaster live action, constitutes the balance coordination of nature. Microbial were widespread, even though they live on human production have certain positive role, but they also often make industrial equipment from corrosion, make food and raw material of corruption and metamorphism, even with food for the media to cause human body poisoning, disease, cancer and death.
1, microbial role
1.1 microorganisms in the role of material circulation in biosphere material circulation process, mainly with different type of microbial organic decomposers in the process of mineral play an irreplaceable role in producers together, it pushes the material circulation, biological inside that ecosystem balance. For example, in the carbon cycle, on the earth, 90% of the co 2 is produced by microbial life activities; In nitrogen cycle, nitrogen fixation function, amination function, nitrification, denitrifying action have the action of microorganisms; In phosphorus and sulfur cycle in the same also need various microbes activities.
1.2 microorganism and sewage treatment industry rapid development of also has brought people certain environmental pollution. In many of the sewage and waste water treatment method, biological treatment because of its economic convenient, good effect is prominent advantages and has been widely used. In the wastewater treatment process of biology, microbiology plays a particularly important role in water, they can turn organic carbon decomposed into CO 2, H 2 s, CH 4 gas, such as; Will contain nitrogen organic material is decomposed into ammonia, nitric acid, proposed and nitrogen; Can make mercury, arsenic of human toxic heavy metal salt in water in transformation, in order to remove, make many recycling or pathogenic sex parasites often die because of and environmental discomfort.
130 be beneficial to human body health human intestinal contains a variety of microbes, which mainly has e. coli, produce gas bacillus, deformation bacteria, dung produce alkali bacteria, compared with perfringens spindle bacteria, lactobacillus and helicoid, etc. The human body for these microbes provides good perched place, and these bacteria living in intestinal can synthetic lactoflavin, vitamin B12 vitamin K and so on many kinds of vitamins and amino acids for the body to absorb use.
There are many food (such as 1.4 soy sauce, vinegar, monosodium glutamate, wine, yogurt and cheese, mushrooms), industrial goods (such as leather, textile, petrochemical), drugs (such as antibiotics and vaccines, vitamin, ecological pesticide) is dependent on microbial manufacturing; Microorganisms in mineral exploration and mining, waste disposal (water purification, biogas fermentation) in various fields such as also play an important role. Microbes are only the nature of cognitive nitrogen-fixing (such as rhizobium fredii) of plants and animals residues of people (such as cellulose degradation in common, and degradation) at the end of the chain, thus finish first ends carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur and phosphorus in the cohesion theory of biomass. If there is no microbes, many biological lose the necessary nutrients to source, plant fiber residues cannot decompose and the infinite accumulation, there is no nature current prosperity and order or human generation and dimension renewal.
1.5 microorganism and closely related to human health. Most microbes to the human body is harmless. In fact, the human body outer surfaces (such as skin) and the inner surface (such as bowel) live many normal, beneficial bacterium group. They hold these surface and produce natural antibiotic, restrain harmful bacterium landing and growth; They also assist absorption or personally manufacturing some human body essential nutrients, such as vitamins and amino acids. The flora of disorders (such as antibiotic abuse) can lead to infection or nutritional deficiencies. But on the other hand, human and animal and plant diseases and many are caused by microorganisms, these microbes pathogenic microorganism called pathogenic microorganism (or pathogen (pathogen)

英语翻译各种细菌在不同的环境里生存,并通过不同的途径传播.有资料统计,在人的上半身每平方公分的皮肤上有50一5000个微生物,它们从汗水和分泌物中获取营养进行着生长,繁殖,死亡的新陈 绿硫细菌的生存环境?自养厌氧并能进行光合作用的绿硫菌在哪些环境里生存?它接触氧气会不会死亡?一个有光的环境且没有氧气,充满二氧化碳和硫化氢的环境到底是什么环境? 细菌为什么能在恶劣的环境中生存 细菌为什么能在很恶劣的环境中生存? 细菌在什么环境下能够生存 细菌能在多少酸度的环境下生存,一般的食用醋里有细菌吗? 真菌为什么喜欢在酸性环境中生存?为什么细菌喜欢在碱性的环境中生存? 生物生存的环境多种多样.理论上讲,地球上各种不同的环境中都存在这千姿百态的生 蛇喜欢生存在什么样的环境里 蚯蚓适宜在怎样的环境里生存 海豚适合生存在生么样的环境里 为什么细菌在中性偏碱的环境中生存(高中生物) 试分析细菌为什么能在很恶劣的环境中生存? 什么细菌能在无氧环境下生存? 桃花水母在什么环境下才能生存?也就是说在什么样的水域里才能生存. 在适应环境的过程中,动物形成了不同的生存习性和形态,请你举出三种,并结合不同的动物说一说每种含义 各种生物能在一定的环境中生存,这是什么的结果 [紧急求助]哪些地方环境生存较多的氢细菌?