一句话 汉译英我听说埃及最近正在经历一场可怕的动乱,这会对当地的贸易、投资、移民劳工及其经济发展产生怎样的影响?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 13:12:15
一句话 汉译英我听说埃及最近正在经历一场可怕的动乱,这会对当地的贸易、投资、移民劳工及其经济发展产生怎样的影响?
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一句话 汉译英我听说埃及最近正在经历一场可怕的动乱,这会对当地的贸易、投资、移民劳工及其经济发展产生怎样的影响?
一句话 汉译英

一句话 汉译英我听说埃及最近正在经历一场可怕的动乱,这会对当地的贸易、投资、移民劳工及其经济发展产生怎样的影响?
I heard that Egypt is going through a terrible turmoil recently and what the effects will be on the local trade,investment,immigrant Labour and economic?

1.  Ordinary people see groundless imagination abstract concepts as fanciful abstractions while the professional innovators see them as solid possibilities.Ordinary people: 主语 (谓语陈述的对象8指明说的是&quot;什么人&...


1.  Ordinary people see groundless imagination abstract concepts as fanciful abstractions while the professional innovators see them as solid possibilities.Ordinary people: 主语 (谓语陈述的对象8指明说的是&quot;什么人&quot;或&quot;什么事物&quot;)The professional innovators (主语)See grounless.....fanciful abstraction: 谓语 (句子陈述的内容,对主语加以陈述,说明主语是&quot;什么或&quot;怎么样&quot;....)See them as solid possibilities: 谓语Abstract concepts: 宾语 (又称受词)oswa是指一个动作(动词)的接受者2即受谓语动词(&#39;see&#39;) 的支配.第一句并没有错,只是读起来不很通顺吧了.**请别忘记,英文也同中文一样地重视音韵和节奏, 因此一个句是否能独立成句,我们就要参照这句话 &quot;说起来,看起来,写起来,和听起来&quot; 是否即有韵律,又达到平稳.


I heard that Egypt is currently experiencing a terrible violence,this will produce what kind of influence on the local trade,investment,migrant workers and economic development?

I've heard that terrible turmoil is happening in Egypt. What impacts will it have on the local trade, investment, immigrant workers and economy?

I have heard about the turmoil that is happening in Egypt, this will affect the trading, investing,immigration and economy in which ways?


I heard that Egypt is now experiencing a terrible unrest,what kinds of influences can it exert on the local trade, investment ,migrant workers and its economy?

I hear a great change is taking place in Egypt. What effect will it have on the nation's trade,investment, immigrant labour and economic development ?

一句话 汉译英我听说埃及最近正在经历一场可怕的动乱,这会对当地的贸易、投资、移民劳工及其经济发展产生怎样的影响? Lupita:最近我们听说墨西哥正在经历着一场严重的疾病困扰,我们都非常担心,不知道你和你的家人、朋友是否都好,V和她的家人是否一切都好?之前我曾经给你留言,想托你转交一份生日礼物给V 英语翻译小雨最近很忙,他正在找工作.刚才我去他那儿的时候,他正在给一家公司打电话.听说这家公司正在招聘职员,他打算去应聘. 我听说最近有些地方会地震, 我几个月前经历了一场小地震,为什么最近我总是感觉有地震发生,总是出现幻觉有时睡觉时都因为心脏跳动把自己震醒,这是为什么?是我有特异功能吗? 我最近很忙,正在计划周游世界的英语翻译 “我最近正在研究什么是健康食品”英语怎么说? 埃及一共经历过多少任法老 请翻译这样的一句话“I hear he is going on with his studies”我一开始翻译为“我听说他正在继续他的学习”后来疑惑为什么会有一个with. 然后我翻译为“我听说他正以他的学习继续”,觉得成分残 最近总听说LBS, 听说最近有雷阵雨 最近听说负电阻 以“我经历的一场战争”为话题 初中600字作文 rickety trolley是什么?我最近正在翻译一本书《雷蒙·斯尼奇的不幸历险》.第二页里有这么一句话:Occasionally their parents gave them permission to take a rickety trolley——the word “rickety,”you probably know,her 谁知道山东临沂最近会地震吗我听说最近会地震地震局怎么说的? 关于最近的日食听说最近有日食 具体是什么时候?今天天好亮~我在厦门 请给我几条最近的一句话新闻 最近很流行的一句话我也是醉了是什么意思