
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/30 15:19:38
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沙沙沙,沙沙沙…… 柔丽清新的旋律,温情脉脉的音乐语言,引入遐想的意境,犹如潺潺的清泉,融入大地,融入秋天,融入每个人的心灵.随着秋雨的来临,一幅满涂着喜悦、丰收的色彩斑斓的秋日风情画顿时展现在我们的眼前:
看,那迷蒙的烟雨抚摸着山顶,又像是一条条白龙盘绕着层峰叠峦 .在那白茫茫的烟雾中,偶尔可以看见金黄的稻谷,黄白交相辉映,构成一幅幅似乎是淡薄的但又非常绚丽的图画.图画中,走来一群群欢乐的人们,他们顶着各种各样的花伞,慢慢地在雨中散步,有白发苍苍的老人,有活泼乱跳的孩子,自然,更有许多朝气蓬勃的年轻人.他们到哪里去呢?噢,也许有些农民伯伯去看自己那满载着喜悦和丰收的金黄色稻田吧!那些孩子和老人或许是耐不住性子了,都要出来舒活舒活筋骨,抖擞抖擞精神,不约而同地来看秋雨姑娘的表演.他们的脚步是那样的缓慢,又是那样的匆忙,脸上充满兴奋和喜悦.他们和我一样喜爱故乡的金秋,为了饱览美丽的秋色,竟不忍浪费一点点时光!看!那秋雨姑娘调皮地游戏在枯黄的树叶上,和树叶一起打着旋儿飘落下来;秋雨姑娘落在苍绿的叶子上,使绿叶更显勃勃生机;秋雨姑娘滑落在快要成熟的果子上,欢快地荡着秋千,使那一个个快要成熟的果实更加光彩照人.那秋雨姑娘悄悄地来到了田野,落在了金黄的稻谷上,稻谷背着沉甸甸的谷子,重得被压弯了腰,就像驼背的老公公,累得汗流浃背,微风一吹,“汗水”慢慢地佛过脸颊.又一阵微风吹来,这位老公公在风中摇头晃脑,掀起一阵阵波浪,而那谷子就像快要从老公公的背上落下来似的.秋雨落在饱满的玉米上,饱满的玉米就像带着红樱枪的士兵,个个弹药充足,排着整齐的队伍,而秋雨姑娘却悄悄地把“士兵”的“红樱枪”擦得干干净净的,都闪耀着金黄色的亮光.玉米棒有的害羞地躲在直挺挺的绿叶下面,两片绿叶却像故意要避开玉米棒似的,直指蓝天;还有的玉米棒露出了金黄色的牙齿,贪婪地吮吸着甘甜的雨露,两片绿叶只好弯着腰躲在一旁.秋雨姑娘又悄悄地落在了金黄色的麦子上,麦子当然也不愿向谷子、玉米甘败下风,全身上下都结满了鼓鼓的麦穗,好象一只只小巧玲珑的铃铛,在微风细雨中欢快地翩翩起舞.秋雨全笼罩在一片金黄色当中,朦朦胧胧,若隐若现,美丽极了.
A sixth-grade graduation
During this period of time soon,very slow
People always ask me for primary school students,are you willing to do
I would tell him nothing
There is nothing I recall with nostalgia the
On the first day,and classmates very well
However,primary school students did not sincere
To ask ourselves:for primary school students,are you willing to do
At this time,in the minds of emerging
Unity and mutual assistance among the scenes
Primary school life,how beautiful
I would say
There is nothing I recall with nostalgia the
In contrast with the heart .

The former has mountains, the mountains are at the temple, the temple has a monk and an old Xiao Hushang, the old monk in the Xiaohe Shang story, the story is this: the former has mountains, the mount...


The former has mountains, the mountains are at the temple, the temple has a monk and an old Xiao Hushang, the old monk in the Xiaohe Shang story, the story is this: the former has mountains, the mountains are at the temple, the temple is an old Buddhist monks and a Xiaohe Shang, the old monk in the Xiaohe Shang told stories, the story is this: the former has mountains, the mountains are at the temple, the temple has a monk and an old Xiao Hushang, the old monk in the Xiaohe Shang storytelling, This is the story



A sudden, late winter, spring has quietly come to earth. Spring, are a better season, the season is full of poetry; spring, but also means that a vibrant start. Since ancient times, poets like spring,...


A sudden, late winter, spring has quietly come to earth. Spring, are a better season, the season is full of poetry; spring, but also means that a vibrant start. Since ancient times, poets like spring, praise spring, because spring scenic are everywhere in poetry can be. Ancient hundred stroll garden, see Yong Chun colorful poetry, flourish, dizzying randomly pick几朵slowly read Goods, one of unknowingly has intoxicated.
"Ray of light overnight drop ten thousand silk, floating瓦碧Jiguang vary. Paeoniflorin love with the spring of tears, unable to Rosa Xiao sticks lying." This is the Northern Song Dynasty poet Qin Guan's "Spring." Writing this poem spring after the rain. Look, after the rain garden, the morning mist the cage thin, green glazed tile Jingying, Chunguang beautiful; Paeoniflorin rain tears, tenderness Feelings, Rosaceae supine dendrite, beautiful charming. Here there is there is close-range vision, there is action there is quiet, affectionate attitude has randomly点染, irregular scattered. Thinking绵密poem, describe vivid, since with a fresh, Wanli charm, very open to love.
"North Korea has come to Chambers songbird tree, red and green春上Fu Yuan-lin. Suddenly there is好诗Health fundus, syntactic arrangements have been hard to find." This is the Song Dynasty poet, and Chen Yi's "spring." Writing this poem Zhijing spring morning. Ear surplus birds, head Manqing sticks, green red catching different Hanfu attractive. Poet, a few pens, a desire to drop the spring will be displayed at the screen readers, then, the poet simply ended pen, no longer describe spring, turn lyrical. Spring rich, inspiration suddenly Health, but they have made use of treacherous poet "has a rare find," subterfuge to lure readers to feel their own spring, the actual situation Aioi methods give the reader left a lot of imagination.
"As days go far Head, Shuming the setting sun. Dogs know where the dog? Person line at the Mid-Levels." This is the Southern Song Dynasty poet, Yang Wanli's "Spring." Writing this poem of King spring evening. Xieyang Phi Cong trees, green space and access day, dogs欢叫,晚归people. This poem naturally apt often see Qiao Medium, Medium-Ping, see Qi, will bring readers a panoramic view of the Spring atmosphere, where there is wonderful landscape of Spring, there is the gorgeous colors of Spring, there is the strong smell of Spring, there is春之声and Yuet , outside the meantime, open-minded people will enjoy singing.
"Chunshui newborn milk Yanfei, Hornets small tail to the flower head. Window with far almanac Heteropanax color, fish hook over Shannon near Rocky Stone." This is the Tang Dynasty poet Li He's "South Park." South Park's spring, vibrant and full of charm. Chunshui newborn, before乳燕fly, honey bee child flowers stuffed fish hook over feeding, which are highly characteristic features of the spring, and the vision straight through the window into the study, people Shuxin nice, very happy. This poem vivid vivid, fresh flow of God is read to gas Yat-ching.
