根据汉语意思完成各句,每空只填一词请你把音乐调低些,Would you ______ turning _____ the music 我们常常步行上学,而不是乘公共汽车.We often go to school on foot _____ ______ by bus.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 12:58:21
根据汉语意思完成各句,每空只填一词请你把音乐调低些,Would you ______ turning _____ the music 我们常常步行上学,而不是乘公共汽车.We often go to school on foot _____ ______ by bus.
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根据汉语意思完成各句,每空只填一词请你把音乐调低些,Would you ______ turning _____ the music 我们常常步行上学,而不是乘公共汽车.We often go to school on foot _____ ______ by bus.
Would you ______ turning _____ the music
We often go to school on foot _____ ______ by bus.

根据汉语意思完成各句,每空只填一词请你把音乐调低些,Would you ______ turning _____ the music 我们常常步行上学,而不是乘公共汽车.We often go to school on foot _____ ______ by bus.
instead of

please......down ....
instead of / rather than

like down
instead of