
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 16:13:20
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In the future, Jake, a paraplegic war veteran, is brought to another planet, Pandora, which is inhabited by the Na'vi, a humanoid race with their own language and culture. Those from Earth find themselves at odds with each other and the local culture.

The story complies with terrestrial beginning , Jack & # 8226; Sali (Jake Sully , Sam & # 8226; Woxindun plays the role of) the veteran who is that two one leg breaks down , he feels any is not worthy...


The story complies with terrestrial beginning , Jack & # 8226; Sali (Jake Sully , Sam & # 8226; Woxindun plays the role of) the veteran who is that two one leg breaks down , he feels any is not worthy for him to get rid of battle from east to west , he accepts with pleasure therefore to the mining company job getting rid of the Pandora celestial body being dispatched. There are the sources of energy estate being that its "unobtanium" will change human being completely as soon as the mineral element "unobtanium" growing other place not having, is able to attract not far ten thousands li of human being arriving in the cause opening up virgin soil here on this celestial body. Problem is that the Pandora celestial body abound in natural resources is not suitable to human being life but, here air checks human being fatal, native country animal and plant all is that ferocious brushing past eats person , exceeding dangerous. Here environment has also brought up the race different from human being: 10 feet high blue is similar to the person living things "Na " vi race ". Arrival of discontented Na "vi human being of race pioneer, be fond of the scar full of spots that human being's machine leaves on this the celestial body land because high and low digs an ore neither. Because the Pandora celestial body environment is grim, human being tradition astronavigation is convinced, machine A has all been not enough to protect a miner , scientists have changed to the clone technology thereupon: They are in the human being DNA DNA union with Na "vi people having made one together, cloning Na "vi human being , this clones Na "vi human being able to let human being's consciousness enter and be stationed in the "incarnation" among them , becoming human being to use personal influence freely on this celestial body. But be really not that anybody all can control this cloning Na "vi human being, equal talented person has such capability only when human being DNA matches type on DNA and him. Jack & # 8226; Sali's elder brother has been that this clone Na "vi human being DNA contributes person , he has been cloned Na "vi human being with regard to being able to control this , he has been killed but, Qian Bai that the company who mines pounds down for not dodging has squashed (clone Na "vi people price is not humble), DNA must find a person , this person being able to replace him to control clone Na "vi must match type equal with the person , they have found Jack & # thereupon at ease right away 8226; Sali , Jack & # 8226; Sali is face to face here very happy , should can have walked in order that implies him. A few annual queen , Jack & # 8226; Sali has arrived at the Pandora celestial body , his beautiful scenery discovering here has had no way to use language to come to be described simply , height has amounted to 900 feet of huge towering tree , showy dense rain forest , various animal and plant in the evening being full of peculiar plant in aerial hills , a riot of colour as numerous as stars and checkers on the chessboard has returned an effluence back to a meeting up, ... Move towards queer garden in dream similar to. He experiences the danger having arrived at here however very quickly right away , a poisonous wolf (Pandora celestial body one kind of local territory living things) and he are squeezed into an evershrinking domain , watch helplessly being going to be eaten up, one arrow has shot a wolf on dead poison , Jack has been saved. Rescue his girl (Zoe & # who is a Na "vi race 8226; Saar Basin Dana adorns) , Jack is hit by from her mouth an acquaintance to have arrived at more the Duopanduola celestial body knowledge. Be the species is other harmonious always since Na "vi clansman all with the Pandora celestial body to get along with, live one kind of natural life simple and unadorned, Jack has changed the view coming to here to mine to human being gradually in the process of getting along with composing in reply this Na "vi girl , he has realized that he has already found the battle thing of being worth being. Do not go over Jack & # 8226; Sali resists war of human being invader if needing to join the Na "vi clansman , needs to pay very big price: He can not stay in "incarnation" middle forever , he only is capable to do the human being body middle returning to self hemiplegia while "incarnation" clones Na "vi human being going to bed,in only passing special connection equipment , can return to "incarnation" again. Once the fellow countryman with self is an enemy, he has lost the possibility combining with "incarnation" right away , has lost and that his more and more delighted Na "vi girl in being able to only besiege the body being in deformity, ... ... ... 中文意思: 阿凡达,化身(梵文:अवतार,拉丁写法:Avatar)在印度哲学中,最普遍被认为和众神在地面上的肉体表现形式有关。在梵文中,化身一词具有透过深思熟虑,并且由于特殊目的而从较高境界“下降”、“转世”的涵义。通俗的说,就是天神降临,或者说是天神附体。是毁灭之神湿婆凡身的化身。或者可以理解成神下降到人世用人的肉体施展神的力量,降世神通、天神下凡等词比较接近这个单词的含义。
阿凡达美国海报故事从地球开始,杰克·萨利(Jake Sully,萨姆•沃辛顿 饰)是一个双腿瘫痪的老兵,他觉得没有任何东西值得他去战斗,因此他对被派遣去潘多拉星球的采矿公司工作欣然接受。
几年后,杰克•萨利到了潘多拉星球,他发现这里的美景简直无法用语言来形容,高达900英尺的参天巨树、星罗棋布飘浮在空中的群山、色彩斑斓充满奇特植物的茂密雨林、晚上各种动植物还会发出光……就如同梦中的奇幻花园。不过很快他就体验到了这里的危险,一头毒狼(潘多拉星球一种本土生物)与他狭路相逢,眼看就要被吃掉,一支箭射死了毒狼,杰克得救了。救他的是Na"vi族的一个女孩(佐伊•萨尔达娜 饰),杰克从她口中了解到了更多潘多拉星球的知识。
