英语翻译Under the new protocol,the term "homeport boat" is defined as that,which despite not having the record in one of the regions affected by the agreement,permanently and from the ports of these regions,develops its fishing activity from the

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 09:58:36
英语翻译Under the new protocol,the term
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英语翻译Under the new protocol,the term "homeport boat" is defined as that,which despite not having the record in one of the regions affected by the agreement,permanently and from the ports of these regions,develops its fishing activity from the
Under the new protocol,the term "homeport boat" is defined as that,which despite not having the record in one of the regions affected by the agreement,permanently and from the ports of these regions,develops its fishing activity from the moment it sets sail to fish until its catches are unloaded and the crew members go onboard and disembark.
In addition,the parties have set a fair exchange of fishing opportunities in insular waters belonging to each of them for vessels catching tuna with pole and black scabbardfish (Aphanopus carbo) with mid-water longlines,which are registered or have homeport in Madeira and Canary Islands.

英语翻译Under the new protocol,the term "homeport boat" is defined as that,which despite not having the record in one of the regions affected by the agreement,permanently and from the ports of these regions,develops its fishing activity from the
根据新的议定书(或者译成条约),所谓“本港船舶”(homeport boat)是指在本条约有约束力的地区中,即使没有备案,但是长期地从事捕鱼活动,且来自于该受到条约约束的地区,其活动是从启航捕鱼为开始至其将所捕获物卸载为止,并且需将所有船员们都已经登船和登陆包含在内.
另,条约国约定,只要是在马德拉和加拉利群岛,登记或者是“本港船舶”,均获得其所归属的近岛海域( insular waters)用竿钓金枪鱼(tuna)和用中水层的延绳钓黑带鱼(即黑等鳍叉尾带鱼)的公平捕鱼机会.





在新协议下,术语“鸿宝船”是指,尽管不会 有在⼀个受影响的B y协议的地区的永久记 录,从这些地区的P运动,发展渔业活动从 它起航直到抓到鱼卸载和船员去上下的那 ⼀刻。 此外,双⽅建⽴⼀个公平的交换在岛的⽔ 域捕鱼的机会美声持续每个⼈⾎管捕捉涂 NA极和⿊叉尾带鱼(apha...


在新协议下,术语“鸿宝船”是指,尽管不会 有在⼀个受影响的B y协议的地区的永久记 录,从这些地区的P运动,发展渔业活动从 它起航直到抓到鱼卸载和船员去上下的那 ⼀刻。 此外,双⽅建⽴⼀个公平的交换在岛的⽔ 域捕鱼的机会美声持续每个⼈⾎管捕捉涂 NA极和⿊叉尾带鱼(aphanop我们碳)中 的⽔延绳钓,注册,或在马德拉岛⺟港和C ⽣⽓。


The bike under the tree is nice and new.under the tree划线部分提问 英语翻译The Raw Material Crushing process shall be fully automated under central processcontrol.Thefollowing functions shall be provided as a minimum:earlywarning of hot-spot developmentdegreeof lining weargeometryof ring formationuniformityof pr 英语翻译PR dissemination of the report 是否准确 There is a new t------ ------under the desk There is no new thing under the sun. 英语翻译Last week,Mexico became the first nation to borrow from the I.M.F.under a new program to provide emergency credit to nations with strong economies. 英语翻译Under the new system,the company will be eligible for a deduction of 17 percent VAT in our material costs,mainly reagent in our case 英语翻译pr ice 英语翻译look some boys -------under the tree 英语翻译Some fear,however,that he is increasingly under the influence of Christian Republicans,particularly as a new war looms over Iraq. 英语翻译一则英语广告中的(一部分)indoor可以理解,可outdoor呢?原文如下:Welcome to the New COOL Fleaworld!America's largest flea market,AIR-CONDITIONED OUTDOOR & INDOOR -ALL under one roof.我觉得all under one roof 英语翻译Colonization involves one country (historically called the mother country) bringing another separate region under its direct control.This was often accomplished by establishing permanent settlements in the new region.These new settlements under the new law the state shall encourage the active_____(adop)of the international standards. 英语翻译Burma's state media are hailing the capture of a rare,white elephant as a sign the country will enjoy peace,stability and prosperity under a new,elected government,as the media say it does under present military rule.The official New Ligh the bike under the tree is as new as ()by the carAthoseBitCthatDone 英语翻译Recently,there were discussions and rumors of xxx.abc.com disabling public access by the end of 2013.Since the site is now under the new management,this is no longer the case.请不要机翻, 英语翻译The second is the move toward democratization,which likewise requires a new regime of domestic laws.So legislative drafting personnel -- the people who actually write the acts that are considered by legislative bodies -- have been under t There is nothing new under the sun.It has all been done before.There is nothing new under the sun.It has all been done before.