
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/26 10:58:45
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This short essay might be nothing to do with this topic. But still I want to write it up.
It's about my love story.
Not long ago I broke up with my girlfriend. We have been in love for 4 years. The love between us is exists all the way even now.
I couldn't sleep all night and I don't how long this will be. Past momeries has been illuminate by the moon. Represented by the dark nights. So i started suffering from this.
I have a lot of words to tell her, a lot of things to do. A lot of sights we havn't seen together. We broke up.
Sometimes, lots of things that we have to do to each other, the only thing left now is the habit. I cannot get her out of my mind. Later on I have realised that she is gone. So I serious realised that the feeling between us is not only a feeling.
All right then. Let those words out makes me feel better now. I don't care how many marks I am going to get. I am going to hand in this paper now .
~, 看到你的求助我没睡觉都帮你答啦嘿, 明天还有考试, 别不开心啦, ^^过去的总会过去的, have a nice day ~ x


it's has nothing to do with the exam, but i still want to write it down!
This is about my love.
I was after her for 2 years then we finally dated for a year.. and now she's gone. I haven't sl...


it's has nothing to do with the exam, but i still want to write it down!
This is about my love.
I was after her for 2 years then we finally dated for a year.. and now she's gone. I haven't slept or ate in 2 days. My head is killing me and my stomach hurts but I can't do it. My chest literally aches so bad I feel sick and can't eat, and when I try to sleep I just lie awake all night.
But there's nothing i can do.. she got this attitude of 'I'll do what makes me happy' a few months ago and I was scared this would happen..
I don't really have any friends I can turn to because I live in VA and they are all back in WA. I don't have a job because I quit the last one and no one's hiring anymore.
I literally have nothing to live for anymore. Nothing at all. Stuff I used to care about I really don't. All I want to do is put a bullet in my head. But I promised her I wouldn't. She's locked me in a painful bind and I can't get out.
I've tried to be mad at her but I can't. I just love her so much but she doesn't seem to care about me. Please help m


Maybe this composition I'm writing has little connection with the title, however, I still want to write it down.
It's about my love.
Few days ago, I said goodbye to my girlfrie...


Maybe this composition I'm writing has little connection with the title, however, I still want to write it down.
It's about my love.
Few days ago, I said goodbye to my girlfriend, whom I had been in love with for four years. Our affection still exists even at this moment.
Now I stayed up all night long, and I don't know how long this fucking situation would last. What had passed was lit up by the moonlight and acted by the dark, and this is how I started my painful struggle.
I always felt that we've got seprated without too many words to say, and too many things to do, as well as too much scenery to see.
Most time, what we did together is now only a habit. I often think of her, after which I find that I had lost her. Then I realise that our affection is just more than what it seems.
Well, I feel much better now. It doesn't matter how many scores this composition will get. Now I can hand it in.



英语翻译也许这篇作文和题目毫无关系.但是我还是想把它写出来.这是关于我的爱情的.就在前不久.我和我相恋四年的女朋友分手了.我们的感情一直存在着.包括现在.现在的我整夜无法入睡. 价值规律和 价格围绕价值上下波动 是什么关系这两个我经常听到,但是价值规律好像并不是后面这个定义,那两者毫无关系吗 长度单位、面积单位和体积单位这三个关系是不是毫无关系的概念? 教我几句英文但是只会说一点,也许无法帮助你没关系以上这两句话.请告诉我应该怎么写和怎么读.由于本人基本上可以算是毫无英语基础.音标什么的完全不认识.所以发音最好用中文写出来. 事实上,他和这件事毫无关系(in fact) 翻译 但是学不精,就是只要题目一变形,就不懂了.这是否和做题的多少有关系? 要写一篇作文,题目是强者与弱者,毫无头绪,要怎么写啊 英语翻译1他和他哥哥毫无不同之处2和其他许多男孩一样,他喜欢足球3这个蛋糕被妈妈分成了4份4这对我们没什么影响1错了 是毫无共同之处..... 作文题目和话题有什么关系一篇文章的题目和话题有什么区别? 同学关系的作文题目 英语翻译就像失去的美味不能回头,我们的感情再也回不去从前,或许我们之间有太多不适合和太多也许,别人说我爱你的必然,你爱我是偶然,但是亲爱的,我们别玩了,不要再这样若即若离的关系 英语翻译1.也许关系紧张的职员应该向不同的上司汇报,这样就不会出现他们争取同一个上司的时间和注意力的状况.2.但是却需要有工具把食物从碗里送到嘴里.于是筷子就应运而生了. 英语翻译请帮忙把On Second-hand Mobile-phone Message翻译一下,并且这是个作文题目,具体要求只有“作文没有图表,但是有数字和百分比,好像属于现象解释型”能不能帮忙给想想这是让写什么的题目~ 唯心和唯物,哪个更重要?中国有句古话,一山不能容二虎.这两者矛盾吗?还是毫无关系? 翻译:我和他毫无任何关系 I have nothing to__him. 也许你的想法和我们不一样.英语翻译 旅鼠之谜课后第二题人类也许应该从旅鼠身上学点什么.例如.如果 人类毫无节制的 繁衍下去,也许有一天不得不走旅鼠的道路··· 写一个400字的作文 就写人类毫无限制的繁衍下去会有什麽后 我的家乡变化老师今天交代我写一篇作文代表学校参加比赛(虽然知道这样啊是不对的,但是我却对这篇作文毫无头绪,后天要交.主要写家乡的卫生环境变化:家乡卫生环境以前是恶劣的,经过后