
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:04:42
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Human is a kind of creature.It has been bound with environment since the day it was born.In primitive society,human shared a friendly relationship with environment,the nature supplied food to human ,and human is a component element of the nature.This kind of relationship lasted for a long time before 15th century,following the industrial development,the nature turned into a new terrorist that human planned to exploit.Human cut down the trees,destroied the forests and grasslands,reclaimed the lands and constructed factories.Gradually,the friendly relationship was broken,and hodiernal human are facing to rigorous environmental problems.Environmental damages leads to the instability of environment,kinds of animals are endangered,resources on which human relies to live are about to run out caused by over-exploitation,on the other hand,the nature is taking its revenge to human with the power it always has.
Everyone should take the lead in protecting environment for a better future.The principle was of pro-environment are saving water and oil,recycling,reducing tail gas of automobile and planting trees.The nature needs everyone to cherish,and this is the only way to minimize tragedies,and the only way to create a splendid future.

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