(case A.ZT when 1 then 's318' else null end)SELECT A.*,CONVERT(NVARCHAR(50),B.JJRQ,23) AS JJRQ FROM BXX A,JJD B where A.JJDBH=B.JJDBH and A.BZBH='YZ1-81-01' and A.SMARBH = (case A.ZT when 1 then 's318' else null end) ORDER BY B.JJRQ,A.BZBHA.SMARBH =

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 23:50:32
(case A.ZT when 1 then 's318' else null end)SELECT A.*,CONVERT(NVARCHAR(50),B.JJRQ,23) AS JJRQ FROM BXX A,JJD B where A.JJDBH=B.JJDBH and A.BZBH='YZ1-81-01' and A.SMARBH = (case A.ZT when 1 then 's318' else null end) ORDER BY B.JJRQ,A.BZBHA.SMARBH =
x)HN,NUpԋ Q(HS0T(QƆ 9@ɼҜԼ`WWb-g0נ 0 g SM'=/@#cM`[-W)"BQE dI> B+$ŜBQP`_ [Rܪuxi6IE$ab{_b}6wݓ͛i{O|:a9ҧ˚Jl jy6}ӆ .|{ۓs2lvC+5ӠY Ffb &qCҹ~qAb(,UP

(case A.ZT when 1 then 's318' else null end)SELECT A.*,CONVERT(NVARCHAR(50),B.JJRQ,23) AS JJRQ FROM BXX A,JJD B where A.JJDBH=B.JJDBH and A.BZBH='YZ1-81-01' and A.SMARBH = (case A.ZT when 1 then 's318' else null end) ORDER BY B.JJRQ,A.BZBHA.SMARBH =
(case A.ZT when 1 then 's318' else null end)
SELECT A.*,CONVERT(NVARCHAR(50),B.JJRQ,23) AS JJRQ FROM BXX A,JJD B where A.JJDBH=B.JJDBH and A.BZBH='YZ1-81-01' and A.SMARBH = (case A.ZT when 1 then 's318' else null end) ORDER BY B.JJRQ,A.BZBH
A.SMARBH = (case A.ZT when 1 then 's318' else null end) 这种查询出不来结果 else null 这可能不对吧
如果a.zt=1的时候 条件为 a.smarbh='s318' 如果 a.zt=0的时候 条件为 a.smarbh is null

(case A.ZT when 1 then 's318' else null end)SELECT A.*,CONVERT(NVARCHAR(50),B.JJRQ,23) AS JJRQ FROM BXX A,JJD B where A.JJDBH=B.JJDBH and A.BZBH='YZ1-81-01' and A.SMARBH = (case A.ZT when 1 then 's318' else null end) ORDER BY B.JJRQ,A.BZBHA.SMARBH =
isnull(A.SMARBH,'') = (case A.ZT when 1 then 's318' else '' end)

(case A.ZT when 1 then 's318' else null end)SELECT A.*,CONVERT(NVARCHAR(50),B.JJRQ,23) AS JJRQ FROM BXX A,JJD B where A.JJDBH=B.JJDBH and A.BZBH='YZ1-81-01' and A.SMARBH = (case A.ZT when 1 then 's318' else null end) ORDER BY B.JJRQ,A.BZBHA.SMARBH = CASE a WHEN 1 THEN b ELSE NULL END do{ switch case‘a':case'A':case'e':case'E':case'i':case'I':case'o':case'O':case’u‘:case'U':v1+=1#includevoid main(){char c;int v0=0,v1=0;do{switch(c=getchar()){case'a':case'A':case'e':case'E':case'i':case'I':case'o':case'O':case'u':case'U':v1++ case when then else end 能用在条件判断上么比如select * from app a where --在这加case when 可以么?select * from app a where case when a.id = 1 then a.name = '22' else a.name = '33' SUM(CASE WHEN ISNULL(A.ReceiveQty,0)>0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS SumReceiveRolls是什么意思?在储存过程中,这句是什么意思SUM(CASE WHEN ISNULL(A.ReceiveQty,0)>0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS SumReceiveRolls, case when.then.else.endSQL实现如下功能用case when...then...else.end 实现当A=1时,那么B=1,否则B=0;C=0,否则C=1 ZT是什么意思? zt是什么意思 ZT是什么意思 When is the school trip?October 26th Have a school day at your school?Yes.When?April 20th case when then else end SELECT CASE ABC.A WHEN'否' THEN'1' WHEN'是' THEN'-1' END AS 出入标识,ABC.B AS 数量,这两个字段相乘?SELECT CASE ABC.A WHEN'否' THEN'1' WHEN'是' THEN'-1' END AS 出入标识,ABC.B AS 数量,我想让这个两个相乘,即出入标识* 请用中文解释update a set a.in_time=CASE when a.in_time --简单Case函数 CASE sex WHEN '1' THEN '男' WHEN '2' THEN '女' ELSE '其他' END --Case搜索函数 CASE请问这两种用法有什么区别,分别在什么情况下使用?--简单Case函数 CASE sex WHEN '1' THEN '男' WHEN '2' THEN '女' ELSE 请问case后面的数字0,switch(a==1){case 0:a=b;break;case 1:a++;} switch(a+b) { case 1 : case 3 : y = a + b ; break ; case 0 : case 5 : y = a - b ; break; } 有道 C语言的题 有不理解处,希望高手解释下#includestdio.hvoid main(){char i;printf( please input 0~A);scanf(%c,&i);switch(i){case '0':case '1':case '2':case'3':case '4':case '5':case '6':case '7':case '8':case '9':printf( %d 英语翻译police stumbled across a drug ring when they investigated the case.