英语智力测试!暑假作业里的~我会追加,谢谢各位了1.There are sixty students in our class.Two-thirds of them are boys,and a quarter of them come to school by bike .Then how many boys in our class come to school by bike? A.10 B.20 C.30

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 08:51:41
英语智力测试!暑假作业里的~我会追加,谢谢各位了1.There are sixty students in our class.Two-thirds of them are boys,and a quarter of them come to school by bike .Then how many boys in our class come to school by bike? A.10 B.20 C.30
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英语智力测试!暑假作业里的~我会追加,谢谢各位了1.There are sixty students in our class.Two-thirds of them are boys,and a quarter of them come to school by bike .Then how many boys in our class come to school by bike? A.10 B.20 C.30
1.There are sixty students in our class.Two-thirds of them are boys,and a quarter of them come to school by bike .Then how many boys in our class come to school by bike?
A.10 B.20 C.30 D.40
2.If▲+□=10 ▲-□=4,what is ▲X□?
A.6 B.14 C.20 D.21
3.A cow walks towards the west,and then it turns to the north at 90 degress.Do you know in which direction the cow's tail is now?
A.west B.south C.east D.down
4.There are 49 birds and hares.A bird was two legs and a hare has four.There are 100 legs in all.So there are( )bieds and ( )hare(s).
A.45,4 B.48,1 C.42,7 D.23,26
5.An old woman took some chickens to the market.By rule,she had to give half of her chickens to the checkpoint, and they gave one of them back ti her.When she lelf the fifith checkpoint,she had only two chickens left.How many chickens did she have when she started?
A.2 chickens B.4 chickens C.16 chickens D.32 chickens
1.(1)Grandpa:You give me three bottles,and I give you a bottle of juice.All right?
Tom:All right.
(2)Dad: Here are 21 bottles of orange juice.Tom.
Tom:Thank you, dad.
(3)Tom:I will drink up all thess bottles of orange juice,and will give the bottles to Grandpa.Then he will give me some bottles of orange juice.
Dad:You are clever.
Tom:How many bottles of orange juice will I drink in all?_____
2.Dr Watson had planted a rather strange-looking plant in the center of the garden at 211 Baker Street.The plant grew rapidly,doubling in size every day.If it took the plant 50 days to cover the whole garden,how long would it take to cover half the garden?________
3.Here are seventeen apples and three boys-Lin Tao,Dave and Tom.Now Lin Tao wants one half;Dave wants one third and Tom wants one ninth.How to divide the apples among them?Please think carefully and help them out,will you?_____

英语智力测试!暑假作业里的~我会追加,谢谢各位了1.There are sixty students in our class.Two-thirds of them are boys,and a quarter of them come to school by bike .Then how many boys in our class come to school by bike? A.10 B.20 C.30

l dou ' kwno !!。。。。



3.D(一个牛向着西走,然后它转了90°朝向北,你知道它现在尾巴朝向哪个方向吗?)无论牛怎么走,尾巴总朝下,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……


3.D(一个牛向着西走,然后它转了90°朝向北,你知道它现在尾巴朝向哪个方向吗?)无论牛怎么走,尾巴总朝下,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……


1/2+1/3+1/9=17/18 Lin Tao9 Dave6 Tom2

英语智力测试!暑假作业里的~我会追加,谢谢各位了1.There are sixty students in our class.Two-thirds of them are boys,and a quarter of them come to school by bike .Then how many boys in our class come to school by bike? A.10 B.20 C.30 智力测试英语的 征兵心理测试.我怕自己的智力测试过不了,我数学不好,希望哪位能给往年征兵智力测试题我看看.在下谢过 山东教育出版社2010年初一暑假作业英语全部答案好的追加50分 初一暑假作业(愉快的暑假)P16~17智力冲浪答案 08年五年级暑假作业数学智力测试将1~10十个数分别填入下式括号里使算式成立!(超郁闷!)()+()+()=()+()______________________()+()+()=()+()跪求! 英语的暑假作业帮下忙. 英语的暑假作业帮下忙. cctv10希望英语观后感暑假作业我要初中版的. 谁叫我做暑假作业英语的. 五年级暑假作业第三十页的智力测试是为什么?阿维森纳问题某日,饭店里来了三对客人:一对父子,一对母子,还有一对夫妇。他们开了三个标准间,门口分别挂上了带有00,+ +,0+标记的 奥英题,智力测试,(很难的英语) 英语智力测试题,我把原题抄上:Ⅲ.智力小测试What's the next?(下一个是什么?)HelloOverRead( ) 作业里有一项:英语动画片对白模仿,哪位大侠有好一点的对白,最好简单又短又好记,最好还有英文对白,我会给追加分的千万要简单一点,拜托了 有没有会写数学作业的教我写暑假作业 怎样测试10岁以上孩子的智力我想测测我的智力 请帮忙把深圳市暑假作业七年级的 英语(全部) 答案告诉我,有好的话,我会追加悬赏!我可以提供科学与语科学篇专题一 声音的世界二、1.耳廓;外耳道;鼓膜;听小骨;咽鼓管;耳蜗;前 欣喜的近义词暑假作业里的