英语翻译1、要是有更多的钱,我就能在市区买一套公寓了.( with)2、我希望有朝一日能够再见到你.(sometime)3、他是唯一穿着正装出席晚会的人,这使他感到很不自在.( out of place)4、我以前从未听

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 05:14:48
英语翻译1、要是有更多的钱,我就能在市区买一套公寓了.( with)2、我希望有朝一日能够再见到你.(sometime)3、他是唯一穿着正装出席晚会的人,这使他感到很不自在.( out of place)4、我以前从未听
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英语翻译1、要是有更多的钱,我就能在市区买一套公寓了.( with)2、我希望有朝一日能够再见到你.(sometime)3、他是唯一穿着正装出席晚会的人,这使他感到很不自在.( out of place)4、我以前从未听
1、要是有更多的钱,我就能在市区买一套公寓了.( with)
3、他是唯一穿着正装出席晚会的人,这使他感到很不自在.( out of place)
4、我以前从未听说过那个名字,他一定是新记者.( hear of )
以 Love 为题,写一篇100词左右的作文.

英语翻译1、要是有更多的钱,我就能在市区买一套公寓了.( with)2、我希望有朝一日能够再见到你.(sometime)3、他是唯一穿着正装出席晚会的人,这使他感到很不自在.( out of place)4、我以前从未听
1.With more money,I can buy a flat in downtown.
2.I hope to see you sometime
3.He was the only person who wore the uniform and this made him out of place
4.I never hear of this name.He must be a new reporter
5.The postman himself delivered the old lady an express

1、I can buy an apartment with more money.
2、I hope I can meet you again sometime.
3、He is the only person who wore so formal to attend the party, which made him feel out of place.
4、I have...


1、I can buy an apartment with more money.
2、I hope I can meet you again sometime.
3、He is the only person who wore so formal to attend the party, which made him feel out of place.
4、I have never heared of the name before,he must be a newcomer of reporter.
5、The postman delivered the express mail by himself.


with more money, I can afford an apartment in the downtown.
I hope that we can meet each other sometime.
He was the only one who dressed in formal,which made him out of place.
He must be a new journanlist because I have never heard of his name.
The post man delivered mails to the old lady in person.

With more money, we can buy an apartment.
I hope that i can see you again sometime.
He's the only one who presented the evening party in a formal dress, which make him feel out of place.
I've never heard of that name before. He must be a journalist.
The postman himself delivered the express to the old lady .

I1.f with more money i will buy a apartment in the urban areas
2. I hope to see you again sometine in the future
3.he is the only one who wear formal suit,that makes him feel out of place
4.i have never hearded of that name,he must be a journalist
5.the postman delivered the letter to the old woman himself

1. I would be able to buy an apartment in the downtown with more money.
2. I hope to see you again sometime.
3. As the only one wearing a suit in the party, he felt himself completely out of p...


1. I would be able to buy an apartment in the downtown with more money.
2. I hope to see you again sometime.
3. As the only one wearing a suit in the party, he felt himself completely out of place.
4. He must be a new journalist, for I have never heard of his name before.
5. The mailman delivered the parcel to the old lady by himself.


1 I could buy an apartment in the center of the city with more money.
2.I hope that I could meet you again sometime in the future,
3 He was the only person attending the party in formal clothe...


1 I could buy an apartment in the center of the city with more money.
2.I hope that I could meet you again sometime in the future,
3 He was the only person attending the party in formal clothes, which made him out of place.
4 He must be a new reporter, because I've never heard ofthis name before.
5 The deliver sent the express mail to the old lady in person.


英语翻译1、要是有更多的钱,我就能在市区买一套公寓了.( with)2、我希望有朝一日能够再见到你.(sometime)3、他是唯一穿着正装出席晚会的人,这使他感到很不自在.( out of place)4、我以前从未听 这样我就可以做更多的事 英语翻译下 英语翻译 在我过去的旅行中 我发现我更喜欢一个安静的环境而不是繁华的市区 意思差不多就行 烟台龙口市区有哪几个医院呀?希望能给出全称,因为我刚来,不熟悉.西城和东城的都算上吧,城区的就行了. “我希望将来有更多的中国人能获得更多的诺贝尔奖”用英语怎么说? 英语翻译我居住在顺德大良市区的一座住宅公寓里,我的房间在18楼,房间里有一间卧室和一个洗手间,一进门就能看见我的卧室,视野开阔,阳光更没有任何遮挡,南北朝向,通风很好.我经常打扫的 英语翻译在这场英语演讲比赛中有非常公正的评委 ,他们时刻关注着每位选手的表现情况 并且给予非常精彩的评语(我能想出的台词就只有这些 如果你们能想出更多更好的台词 就请加进来 英语翻译我对每份工作都很有兴趣,但我最想从事的工作是那种能有更多的机会与更多的人交流的工作,如果可以的话我希望能在游乐园里工作,另外我不介意加班,我也愿意服从分配并且会很好 英语翻译 我要是考前就知道这些题目的答案该有多好啊 我喜欢J开头的英语名字,要是能有“芳”字发音就更好了 英语翻译1、罗伯特与很多新同学交了朋友.2、李华7岁就开始学英语.3、他们正在考虑制定一项新的学习计划.4、我真的很想知道如何改进我的英语听力.5、你要是记住更多的单词,你就得大量 “我长大以后想赚更多的钱.”的英语翻译? 英语翻译 在市区的繁华地段 例如 离家近 在上海市区和郊区有什么区别?是不是市区的人看不起郊区的?为什么?我是上海郊区的,但是我没觉得! 灰色在英语中更多的含义(一定要是英文哦)在英语中,grey有什么更多的含义,一定是英文的内容哦! 英语翻译我在太平洋网站有更多的手机评测文章,欢迎访问.嗯,就是上面那句话, 英语翻译1.我宁愿并不认识他2.如果地震发生在夜间,将会有更多的人丧生 英语翻译我是某某,来自某某某,今天,我步入了大学的校门,希望在这里学到更多的知识,交到更多的朋友,大学是一个新的开始,希望能在这里活出自己的精彩.另外,我喜欢英雄联盟,有喜欢的同学