for years and years什么意思及同义词求解答

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 00:47:11
for years and years什么意思及同义词求解答
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for years and years什么意思及同义词求解答
for years and years什么意思及同义词求解答

for years and years什么意思及同义词求解答
并非韶华二十便算年轻,一个人能为世上的不公平感到不平才是年轻 Yesterday a rag man Bought from a household a watch which was made about 60 years ago.
昨天一个收破烂的人从一户人家买了一块60年以前产的手表.The judge will put him behind Bars for at least two years
法官最低限度也会判他坐两年牢 In recent years those peasants who were often referred to as hayseeds become much richer than those citizens.近年来,有些被称为乡巴佬的农民们比城里的人都阔气.