一定在今晚10点之前给答案啊 1.Jack,you play chess with Katewhat!___to play with her at chess?noA i B Me C Mine Dmy2.When___to our school ,the new study methods are popular with all the studentsA to introduce B introduce Cintroducing D to b

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 12:22:35
一定在今晚10点之前给答案啊 1.Jack,you play chess with Katewhat!___to play with her at chess?noA i B Me C Mine Dmy2.When___to our school ,the new study methods are popular with all the studentsA to introduce B introduce Cintroducing D to b
xU[SG+C*b(S\LR>`剚iؑafkfB\Z,*JH1}/;=rIU|J^`>_7o{YzA,BmMؗxx0na1;jdcgXzX2]u^y;yZ[[=;^ )0͋SFf&vfv۰8k칢Mq+gg&Sm2Kqfnzur/e.v:cjN\@3MF-md8ǰ<3IbOjg-hH8/ھ=s"db6d_T-:OsV0 6a>ؙUx(z*(FQhsC/mFO["ȩ+bk GxYg^N8{e4`O15\A~?ڢ}2(+bC+K͒Fm0mMJ4"<106p]po~r kޙR,cC ۮ~qT4?[M]xӋ]bj"~]@G0 w8^}G⓹(9 LSOH/Fť7bhSdPA eBˋ9DeEJljqMB$nпC*̓^Ie2f)g/ᶘW*,|1Q(;W4WV`iŴ J%k%8" EWI,?W |@|E%Бhs(1#DnZn,AU61vUma5 ^WGX}cYm c >sD{-Tum稰lGza5|a!\'LbόF\/YQOlpJWcǶcǧ>|yGپ/|WXx?8˭ 7T_:wNOנ~P@-&jp]H唗=wݏV.HL-

一定在今晚10点之前给答案啊 1.Jack,you play chess with Katewhat!___to play with her at chess?noA i B Me C Mine Dmy2.When___to our school ,the new study methods are popular with all the studentsA to introduce B introduce Cintroducing D to b
1.Jack,you play chess with Kate
what!___to play with her at chess?no
A i B Me C Mine Dmy
2.When___to our school ,the new study methods are popular with all the students
A to introduce B introduce Cintroducing D to be introduce
3.He startded to sail in 1045 to Western Seas .In the following 28 years he made ___successful travels
Aother six B more six C six other Danthor six
4.Have you ever heard of this new brand of computer,Mike
Yes of course and i have decided to buy____
A it B one C this D that
5 Having now__ 40,he feels that his footballing career is coming to an end
A gone B turned C become D enterd
6She was over the age and____,her application for the job was rejected
A as a result B in conclustion C worse still D what's more
7.She gave me a ___look,the kind that said she would not change her mind
A peaceful B frightened C generous D determined
8.What do you think ___an improtant part in their lives
A plays B takes C makes D acts
9When the baby was crying she started singing to him and was____with a smile
A rewardde B awarded C prized D valued

一定在今晚10点之前给答案啊 1.Jack,you play chess with Katewhat!___to play with her at chess?noA i B Me C Mine Dmy2.When___to our school ,the new study methods are popular with all the studentsA to introduce B introduce Cintroducing D to b
1)A,你要我跟她玩象棋,所以用宾格,前面省略了you ask,即:(you ask)me to play with her at chess?no!
2)你选项估计打错了,the new study methods 新的学习方法,他不能做introduce(引进)的主语,只能是被引进,所以用被动,如果b是introduced,就选b;如果d是to be introduced,就选d.如果两者都有,那么introduced更合适一点.
7)D,这道题考的是句意理解,她脸上显露出( )的表情,意味着她不会改变自己的看法,所以选determined坚定的
9)A,得到...的回报,固定短语be rewarded with

1.A 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.A 6. 7.D 8.A

1.B 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.A 6. 7.D 8.A
1)B,你要我跟她玩象棋,所以用宾格,前面省略了you ask,即:(you ask)me to play with her at chess?no!
2) the new study methods 新的学习方法,他不能做introduce(引进)的主语,只能是被引进,所以用被动,如果b是introd...


1.B 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.A 6. 7.D 8.A
1)B,你要我跟她玩象棋,所以用宾格,前面省略了you ask,即:(you ask)me to play with her at chess?no!
2) the new study methods 新的学习方法,他不能做introduce(引进)的主语,只能是被引进,所以用被动,如果b是introduced,就选b;如果d是to be introduced,就选d。如果两者都有,那么introduced更合适一点。
7)D,这道题考的是句意理解,她脸上显露出( )的表情,意味着她不会改变自己的看法,所以选determined坚定的
9)A,得到...的回报,固定短语be rewarded with


一定在今晚10点之前给答案啊 1.Jack,you play chess with Katewhat!___to play with her at chess?noA i B Me C Mine Dmy2.When___to our school ,the new study methods are popular with all the studentsA to introduce B introduce Cintroducing D to b 请告诉我些关于人民解放军的英勇的故事,急,在今晚10点之前,一定要有答案,好的话有高悬赏! 关於“幸福”的好词好句今晚10点之前要答案!1越多越好!要直接的答案!不要给我网站! 石棉绒化学成分?今晚之前给答案. 把四分之三比二的后项加上六,要是比值不变,前项应扩大( )倍.在今晚十点之前给我答案哦 需要关雎的主题,50-80字左右,多了白费.希望可以在今晚九点之前给我答案,我可以追加积分20-30. 扬汤止沸后半句是什么?要在今晚十点之前给答复,最好又解释意思! 200-300字《漫游语文世界》作文今晚要答案;9点之前给答案加50分, 我想做天空的风筝什么意思?女朋友给我的问题,今晚12点之前必需有答案 希望在9点之前给我答案 蜗牛在什么季节生蛋今晚7点之前要交!就是19日7点之前交啊! 3化成分数是几?要在今晚10点之前回答!有赏! 关于美景的四字词要在今晚9点之前啊! 问:为什么夕阳时太阳看起来大?求你们了~一定在今天晚上十点之前给我答案,记住一定要变大的原因! 甲乙两车同时从两地出发相向而行,6小时相遇,甲车行驶完全程要10小时.乙车行驶完全程要几小时今晚8点之前给我答案,不然关闭答案 14课:在今晚9点前要是没有好答案,9点后都不给加分! 古希腊人是影响西方哲学史的在今晚11点前给我答案好吗? 古希腊人是影响西方哲学史的在今晚11点前给我答案好吗?