15个英语问题,希望能给出解析!1.----How unhappy your roommate looks!----Yes,but he’s not willing to tell me what it is ______ is troubling him.A.what B.which C.as D.that 2.In order to improve English,______.A.Jenny’s father bougth her a

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 12:17:37
15个英语问题,希望能给出解析!1.----How unhappy your roommate looks!----Yes,but he’s not willing to tell me what it is ______ is troubling him.A.what B.which C.as D.that 2.In order to improve English,______.A.Jenny’s father bougth her a
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15个英语问题,希望能给出解析!1.----How unhappy your roommate looks!----Yes,but he’s not willing to tell me what it is ______ is troubling him.A.what B.which C.as D.that 2.In order to improve English,______.A.Jenny’s father bougth her a
1.----How unhappy your roommate looks!----Yes,but he’s not willing to tell me what it is ______ is troubling him.A.what B.which C.as D.that 2.In order to improve English,______.A.Jenny’s father bougth her a lot of tapesB.Jenny bought a lot of tapes for herselfC.a lot of tapes were bought by JennyD.a lot of tapes were bought by Jenny’s father 3.----I think it’s going to be a big problem.----Yes,it could be.----I wonder _______ we can do about it.A.if B.how C.what D.that 4.Only when your identitu has been checked ______.A.you are allowed inB.you will be allowed in C.will you allow in D.will you be allowed in 5.________ our mother will allow _______to see a film after supper?A.Who do you think;leavingB.Who do you think;to leaveC.Do you think who;leavingD.Do you think who;to leave 6.----Do you think that the Party’s 17th National Congress was a success?----Yes,______!It couldn’t be ______.A.relatively;betterB.absolutely;betterC.Since;interestedD.Fortunately;more excellent 7.______ you put your heart into your study,you’ll feel _______in it.A.If ;interestB.Once;interestedC.Since;interestedD.When;interesting 8.I got caught in the storm;______ I would have been here sooner.A.however B.anyway C.otherwise D.although 9._______ hearing the teacher she looked _______ on the phone,she was too happy to say a word.A.At;to B.On;up to C.At; up to D.On;to 10.Don’t turn round.Go ______ this street till you see the school.A.down B.to C.straightly D.straight 11.Give them a hand this time and I an sure they will offer theirs ______ in the future.A.by turns B.in turn C.at turn D.in return 12.----Could I borrow that newspaper for a few moments?----______.A.No way B.Yes.You could C.No chance D.By all means 13.Xi’an is ______ most beautiful tourist city and I believe I’ll come for ______second time.A.the;a B.a;a C.the;the D.a;the 14.Shall we ______ our discussion and have some tea or coffee?A.break down B.break off C.break into D.break out 15.The happy children were making ______the coast,where they would see the sea for the first time in their lives.A.their ways in B.their ways to C.their way in D.their way in

15个英语问题,希望能给出解析!1.----How unhappy your roommate looks!----Yes,but he’s not willing to tell me what it is ______ is troubling him.A.what B.which C.as D.that 2.In order to improve English,______.A.Jenny’s father bougth her a
1. 选D .that.it is + 强调部分+ that 结构 ,这是一个强调句型的考察哦.省去 it is that的强调结构后,句子意思结构就出来 了, what (it is that )is troubling him.
2. 选B.In order to improve English, 是句子的目的状语,所以主句的主语应该是和状语的逻辑主语一致的,简单的说就是主语发出的to improve English 这个动作,由此排除ACD.
3. 选A. if “是否”,典型的宾语从句考察.
4. 选D .only+状语/状语从句置于句首,引起句子的部分倒装.“只有当你的身份确定后,你才能被允许进入.”
5. 选A.. Who + do you think +.? allow doing sth
特殊疑问词 插入语 + 陈述句?
6. 选B. absolutely; "绝对是,It couldn’t be better. 没有比这更好的 了
7. 选B..feel interested in .
8. 选C. .otherwise I would have been here sooner. 虚拟语气
9. 选B..On hearing the teacher (she looked up to )on the phone,.
定语从句look up to .尊敬
10. 选D Go straight .直走.
11. 选D.D.in return 回报
12. 选B. A.No way 绝不
13. 选B. a most beautiful tourist city 一个极其漂亮的旅游城市
for a second time 再去一次
14. B.break off 停止
15. 你是不是把making 打错了 哦, 去.的路上 walking .their ways to the coast


1.你的室友看上去很不开心---是的,但是她不告诉我们是什么事让她烦恼 D
2.为了提高英语,杰妮买了一些磁带 B
3.这是个大问题,---是的,我感觉我们做不了什么,无能为力 C
4.只有当你的证件被检查后,你才能够允许进入 B
5.你认为母亲会允许谁在吃完晚饭后出去看一声电影 B
6.你认为党的第十七次全国代表大会取得了圆满成功吗? 是的,...


1.你的室友看上去很不开心---是的,但是她不告诉我们是什么事让她烦恼 D
2.为了提高英语,杰妮买了一些磁带 B
3.这是个大问题,---是的,我感觉我们做不了什么,无能为力 C
4.只有当你的证件被检查后,你才能够允许进入 B
5.你认为母亲会允许谁在吃完晚饭后出去看一声电影 B
6.你认为党的第十七次全国代表大会取得了圆满成功吗? 是的,已经很成功了。 B
7.当你把你的心思放在学习上,你会对学习产生兴趣的 B
8.我遇上了暴风,要不然我会来得更早 C
9.听着他崇敬的老师的电话,他激动的一句话也说不出来 B
10.不要转弯,一直沿着这条路走直到你看到一所学校 D
11.现在你帮助他们,他们将来一定也会帮助你的。 D
12.可不可把报纸借我看一会-----当然可以 B
13.西安是最美丽的旅游城市之一,我相信我还会来的 B
14.我们可不可暂停下我们的讨论然后来杯咖啡或者茶之类的 B
15.开心的孩子们正在去海岸的路上,在那里他们将第一次看到大海 B
