
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 11:04:47
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Learning English requires action.You may know all the learning tips,but if you don't start doing things,you will achieve nothing.The fact is,if you want to learn to speak English well,you must change your life.Here are some examples of things you will have to do:
1.Read a book in English for an hour every day,analyzing the grammar in sentences and looking up words in an English dictionary
2.Listen to an audio book or other recording in English,stopping it frequently,trying to understand what is being said,and trying to imitate the speaker's pronunciation
3.Spend your afternoon practicing the pronunciation of the English "r" sound
4.Carefully write an e-mail message in English,using a dictionary or a Web search every 20 seconds to make sure every word is correct,and taking 5 minutes to write one sentence
5.Think about an English sentence you've read,wondering if it could say "a" instead of "the" in the sentence,and trying to find similar sentences on the Web to find out the answer
6.Walk down the street and build simple English sentences in your head (talking to yourself in English about the things you see around you)
what kind of person would do all these crazy things?Only one kind.The kind of person who enjoys doing them.If you want to learn to speak English well,you're going to have to become that person.You cannot hate doing these things.Have you ever heard of a person who became successful by doing something he hated?
The problem with learning and teaching English as a foreign language is that all English learners want to speak English well; however,most learners don't want to spend time on learning English on their own.(Which is probably why they sign up for English classes and hope their teacher will force knowledge into their heads?)
This lack of motivation means that learners basically don't spend their own time on learning English,and if they do,they don't do it regularly.For example,a typical learner might study English phrasal verbs for 12 hours before an English exam.However,he will not read a book in English for 30 minutes every day.He just doesn't feel that learning English is pleasant enough,so he will only do it if he has to.The problem is that a huge one-time effort gives you nothing,while small,everyday activities will give you a lot.
If you are one of those learners and don't feel like practicing the pronunciation of the "r" sound or thinking about English sentences every day,we have news for you:You're going to have to make yourself want to do these things.In other words,you'll have to work on your motivation.Fortunately,there are proven techniques to help you with that.
怎样喜爱学习英语 IV

我想学英语.但是我不知道从哪里开始? 我想学英语但是我不知道从什么开始学``我没有读高中但我想英语 我想学英语但是我连音标都不认识.不知道从哪里开始好啊. 我想学英语但是不知道从哪里开始? 我想买书自己学英语,考个证.但是我不知道怎么开始学,考个什么证书. 我英语一窍不通但是我想学英语我不知道从哪学 我想学英语啊,但是我不知道怎么学. 我想知道学英语要从何开始我可以说一点基础都没有,但心里是真的想学,我学东西蛮快的,但是不知道从何开始学. 我想要学英语,但是我不知道从那里开始学,我没有基础,能学得会吗? 请问学英语从那里开始做起好呢?我从没有学过英语;就是想学一点但是不知道从那里开始的好! 我想学英语,可是不知道从哪里开始,我只有一点点英语基础 我想学越南语但是不知道从什么开始学,还有发音也很难,好人们 我什么都不懂·但是我想学英语从哪点开始学呢 字母我认识 我想去新东方学英语,但是我什么都不会,应该从哪里开始学? 我想从零开始学英语,但是不知道怎么开始,请教一下有经验的朋友.我该怎么开始. 我想学英语但是不知道从哪里开始,以前上班都没时间,我很喜欢英语 我想学英语,应该怎么开始呢?我好象学英语,但是不知道从哪里开始下手,就想一大池塘的鱼等我去捉一样,我不知道那么大的池塘要从那里下去.那我需要找些什么工具吗?比如书籍之类的,自学 我想考托福但是语法知识很模糊,不知道是不是要从最基础的语法开始学?该怎么学请各位大神给点经验.我愿意学,但是但是就是不知道怎么学