
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/20 04:26:35
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Everyone has his/her own idea of what happiness is.It varies
by age,class and time.I believe that we all long for happiness and joy,which also is our ultimate goal.The meaning of happiness is very broad,as it can be found in every single part of our lives.There's no standard to it.It's a deep sense of joy and contentment that everyone has to live through to be able to grasp its true meaning.For me,living a healthy and happy life is good enough.
We should all appreciate what we have.Being safe and healthy is a blessing that we should not take for granted.

In this world, everybody holds a different understanding towards what is happiness. People from different decades, of different ages, at different levels are giving various answers. I believe that hap...


In this world, everybody holds a different understanding towards what is happiness. People from different decades, of different ages, at different levels are giving various answers. I believe that happiness is people's pursuit and desire. It should be defined in a broad way, covering every detail in our life. Don't expect some absolute criterion for being happy, there is none. It is just a feeling, a mood. I'm not greedy for too much. For me, living with joy is happiness. People who ask for less are more prone to feel happy. Being safe is happiness!


In this world, people may have different definitions of what is happiness. The answers vary from different decades,ages and levels.
I believe happiness is the one that everyone desires and goes a...


In this world, people may have different definitions of what is happiness. The answers vary from different decades,ages and levels.
I believe happiness is the one that everyone desires and goes after.
Happiness have a wide range of meanings, they cover every single details in our life. There's no only-one standard, it's just a kind of feeling. I never expect too much about happiness, it is happiness for me to live cheerfully.
The best way to be Happy is to enjoy what you have. To live safely and healthly is happiness.


In this world, every one's perception of happiness can not be the same.
People from different times, different ages, and different levels would have different answers.
I believe that happiness...


In this world, every one's perception of happiness can not be the same.
People from different times, different ages, and different levels would have different answers.
I believe that happiness is every one's pursuit and aspiration.
The meaning of happiness is very board, extending all over every detial in our lives.
There is no criterion for happiness. It's just a sort of feeling.
I don't have too much expectation towards happiness.
Living itself ,for me, is a kind of happiness.
Happiness lies in contentment and safty.


Each person in the world has his unique understanding of happiness. People of different times, ages and classes will have their different answers. I believe that happiness is what one is after, what h...


Each person in the world has his unique understanding of happiness. People of different times, ages and classes will have their different answers. I believe that happiness is what one is after, what he hopes for. Happiness can have a broad range of meaning, down to every single detail of our lives. There's no such thing as "the sole standard of happiness." It's just a kind of feeling. I have no over-high expectation for happiness; I believe being able to live happily is enough. Contentment brings happiness; living in peace itself is happiness!


In this world, each person's understanding of happiness can not be the same, different age, different
Age, different levels of people have different answers. I believe that; happiness is everyone...


In this world, each person's understanding of happiness can not be the same, different age, different
Age, different levels of people have different answers. I believe that; happiness is everyone's pursuit
Sum desire. The meaning of happiness is very broad, covering our lives every detail. Fortunately
Not the only criterion for Fu. He was just a feeling. I am happy not expect too much
Able to live happy and that is happiness. Contentment, peace is a blessing!


英语翻译在这个世界上,每个人对幸福的理解不可能相同,不同年代、不同年龄、不同层次的人有不同的答案.我相信;幸福是每一个人的追求和渴望.幸福的含义很广泛,遍及到我们生活中的每 我知道每个人对幸福的理解都不同,我想知道你认为的幸福是什么 英语翻译在这个世界上,你没法做到让每个人满意. 每个人对幸福的体会不同,你对幸福的理解是什么?请结合生活实际写写. “幸福”怎么用符号表示.这个问题可以抽象理解!因为每个人对幸福理解不同,所以用的符可能也不一样! 世界上对每个人都是公平的吗 我决不期望有谁来代替,因为在这个世界上,每个人都有一块必得由自己来耕种的地,.理解句子 幸福为何总在遥远的山那边谈谈对幸福的理解 这个世界上最让人幸福的事情是什么? 在这个世界上,每个人都有一块得由他自己耕种的土地 每个人都希望自己快乐的活在这个世界上,可怎样才算快乐呢? 人的一生只是弹指一挥间,每个人在这个世界上生存能有多少年呢? 对幸福的理解和感受1.在你心目中什么是幸福 2.拥有大量财富对你来说幸福吗?3.你经常感到幸福吗?何时? 英语翻译每个人都有幸福的权利...错了错了~是每个人都有追求幸福的权利~ 幸福对每个人来说都有不同的意义,那么在你的字典里是什么含义呢? 幸福是什么?你对幸福是怎么理解的? 谈谈你对幸福的理解 对幸福的理解,200字左右.