上海中级口译口试热点话题2010年5月将参加中口口试 大家觉得会考哪些热点话题呢?畅所欲言啊

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 06:45:34
上海中级口译口试热点话题2010年5月将参加中口口试 大家觉得会考哪些热点话题呢?畅所欲言啊
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上海中级口译口试热点话题2010年5月将参加中口口试 大家觉得会考哪些热点话题呢?畅所欲言啊
2010年5月将参加中口口试 大家觉得会考哪些热点话题呢?畅所欲言啊

上海中级口译口试热点话题2010年5月将参加中口口试 大家觉得会考哪些热点话题呢?畅所欲言啊

上海世博会 全球气候变暖

60 Years of Cultural Development in the People's Republic of China
In the last 60 years since the founding ...


60 Years of Cultural Development in the People's Republic of China
In the last 60 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Chinese culture has been exploring its way through twists and turns.
In line with the direction of "serving the people and serving socialism" and the principle of "letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thoughts contend", great efforts have been made to inherit and promote the good traditional cultures of China and actively absorb the outstanding cultural achievements of the world,
resulting in great prosperity and progress in both public cultural undertakings and cultural industries.
Thanks to the trials and developments of the last 60 years and in particular the last 30 years of reform. and opening-up, Chinese culture has witnessed brilliant progress in all aspects, entering one of the best periods of growth in Chinese history.
1. Cultural and artistic creations have been thriving.
2. A nationwide network of public cultural services has taken shape.
3. Cultural market and cultural industries have boomed.
4. Protection of cultural heritage has yielded remarkable results.
5. International cultural exchanges have made far-reaching impacts.
6. Reform. on the administrative system of culture has been deepened.
7. Supporting mechanism for cultural development has been strengthened.
On the new starting point of history, China will hold high the great banner of building socialism with Chinese characteristics and follow the scientific outlook on development, earnestly enhance the quality of cultural products and services to fulfill the diversified cultural needs of the people.
It will further deepen reforms on the cultural administrative and management system, further emancipate and develop cultural productivity as part of the soft power of China.
It shall increase the cohesive power, influence and attractiveness of Chinese culture,
to strengthen human resources and legislative development and shift the functions of the government for the purpose of providing intellectual support and policy guarantee for cultural development. In so doing, it is expected that a new surge of cultural booming and prosperity will be achieved all around China.



上海中级口译口试热点话题2010年5月将参加中口口试 大家觉得会考哪些热点话题呢?畅所欲言啊 上海中级口译成绩什么时候出来?5月13号参加口试,成绩什么时候出来? 谁知道2009年秋季上海中级口译口试什么时候进行? 上海中级口译2010年5月口试口译考了什么请考了的大虾们透露一些信息,本人30号考.给些建议和指导, 怎么准备上海中级口译口试 08年3月上海中级口译成绩什么时候出来?如果过了那口试怎么报名~ 2010年12月5号英语中级口译口试查分的时间大概是几号? 2011上海的英语中级口译秋季口试时间 求历年上海中级口译口试真题~ 2006年,5月的上海外语口译证书口试成绩查询2006年,5月的上海外语口译证书口试成绩什么时候查询呀,有那位朋友知道呀 上海英语中级口译口试结果什么时候能知道?我是5.30考的口试哈.. 中级口译口试分值分配 上海中级口译口试几时考我报了今年3月的中级,现在只有说一个笔试的时间是3月14日下午,如果笔试过了,请问口试是什么时候,会不会两者差很远 07年11月的上海高级口译口试成绩什么时候可以查询?怎样查询 2014年上海中级口译口试时间是哪天?我是2013年三月参加笔试的,我还想知道我还有几次口试的机会? 2010秋季英语中级口译口试什么时候可以查分? 2006年3月到2008年9月上海中级口译听力MP3 5月24日考的上海英语中级口译的口试部分的分数何时可以查?我去了http://www.shwyky.net/manage/mide.asp,貌似查不到.