
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 22:41:44
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The development of liability insurance is the insurance industry to an advanced stage of an important symbol,Its appearance with the national economic strength,the constant improvement of the legal system,national factors such as the rule of law is closely related to awareness.Although the liability insurance in our country has achieved a certain degree of development,but there are still many factors that restrict liability insurance,In this paper,the concept of liability insurance and characteristics are analyzed the development of our liability insurance problems,And from the national economic environment,legal system,three aspects of insurance to analyze the reasons,and then put forward based on the above-mentioned three countermeasures

the development of Liability insurance indicates that the insurance industry has come to an advanced phase. it has close connection between its appearance and China's boosting economy, th...


the development of Liability insurance indicates that the insurance industry has come to an advanced phase. it has close connection between its appearance and China's boosting economy, the enhancement of the legal system and heightening consciousness of law among people.
Although we are making progress in liability insurance, there are still restrictive factors.
this text starts from definition and features of liability insurance and analyzes the existing problems in the development of liability insurance. hereof,it exposits root causes on 3 aspects of economic environment, legal system, people's consciousness of insurance and then puts forward the countermeasures。


Liability insurance is the development of the insurance industry to develop advanced stage, it is the important symbol of national economic strength and the enhancement of the legal system, perfecting...


Liability insurance is the development of the insurance industry to develop advanced stage, it is the important symbol of national economic strength and the enhancement of the legal system, perfecting the legal consciousness, improve etc. Factor. Although liability insurance in our country has obtained certain development, but still exist many restricting factors of liability insurance, liability insurance policy from the concept and features of our liability insurance, analyzes the problems existing in the development of national economy, and legal system, environment, national insurance consciousness from three aspects, and then analyzes its causes based on the above three aspects put forward the corresponding countermeasures。


Development of liability insurance is that factors such as important sign , its turn up that insurance develops to the senior stage and the rise that the national economic strength enhancing , unceasi...


Development of liability insurance is that factors such as important sign , its turn up that insurance develops to the senior stage and the rise that the national economic strength enhancing , unceasingly perfect , national legal system legal institutions are aware of is vitally interrelated. And a lot of restraint liability insurance factor although liability insurance has got certain development in our country , existence is burning at present still , the main body of a book have started with liability insurance concept and characteristic , have analysed our country liability insurance developing middle have problem, three aspect analyses whose cause from the country economy environment , legal system , national insurance consciousness, and then owing to that three aspect brings forward the corresponding countermeasure as said or narrated above


英语翻译责任保险的发展是保险业发展到高级阶段的重要标志,它的出现与国家经济实力的增强、法律制度的不断完善、国民法制意识的提高等因素息息相关.虽然责任保险在我国取得了一定 关于我国保险业发展特点的表述是甚么 英语翻译湖北南部保险市场发展状况及对策研究近年来,随着湖北南部经济的迅速发展,保险业获得了发展的良好外部条件. 英语翻译保险投资对保险业的长期、健康、稳定发展,保险公司经营管理和社会经济运行均有重大意义.所谓保险投资,是指在遵循投资原则的前提下,保险公司为补充保险补偿能力,分享社会平 下列关于我国保险业发展特征的表述,不正确的是( )a保险业发展与经济周期大体同步选项B:保险业起步晚、基数小,发展初期高速增长选项C:保险深度、保险密度高于世界平均水平选项D: 产品责任保险里面的 Occurrence 唯物主义认为物质是第一性的,精神只是物质发展到高级层次的产物,这样理解正确吗? 英语翻译保险作为经济发展的“助推器”和社会发展的“稳定器”,近年来得到了各级政府的高度重视,无论是保险主体还是保险业务都有了惊人的发展,但从整体情况看,国内保险业发展仍处于 关于我国保险业发展基本特征是什么 篆书如何发展到隶书篆书是瘦长的 为什么到了隶书发展为扁方 既然说帝国主义是资本主义发展的最高阶段,那现在资本主义发展到哪个阶段 英语翻译保险个人代理人对我国保险业的蓬勃发展起到了不可估量的作用,但有些保险代理人短期行为、误导行为严重,违规事件频频发生,在损毁代理人形象的同时,也给保险业带来了潜在的危 当前的保险业的我国保险业的发展前景的? 英语翻译原句在一篇关于环境污染责任保险的学术论文里,是这样的:environmental insurance markets experienced a profitable book of environmental insurance business.很显然不是一本书的意思,所以,请知道的大大 生物繁殖的发展是怎样的?(主要指动物)我看过一片文章记不清了.是说生物根据单细胞发展到多细胞,有无性繁殖发展到异性繁殖,最后可以发展到个体繁殖(说的不一定对,大概是这个意思 英语翻译浅议保险业市场中的信息不对称现象及其应对策略随着中国市场改革的不断深入,保险行业在我国已经成为人们普遍关注的焦点.随着我国保险业对外开放的程度加深,我国保险业正逐 人类为什么发展科技?科技发展为人类带来了便利,但是科技发展到什么程度是终结?人类发展科技的意义在哪里? 英语翻译ECFA的签署是两岸经济关系发展到和平发展阶段的生动体现,标志着两岸经贸关系正式步入制度化轨道,也意味着两岸关系和平发展的进一步深化,具有十分重要的意义.《海峡两岸经济