英语翻译heyy thereeee木下秀吉♥ 说:who ar hey,how are you?did you get my invite?木下秀吉♥ 说:yesok,i found your profile on MSN,decided to add you lol木下秀吉♥ 说:oh oh.where do u come from?,so you bored?wanna have

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:58:03
英语翻译heyy thereeee木下秀吉♥ 说:who ar hey,how are you?did you get my invite?木下秀吉♥ 说:yesok,i found your profile on MSN,decided to add you lol木下秀吉♥ 说:oh oh.where do u come from?,so you bored?wanna have
xTSFW^3Ec79kKMhk[Va286+fMN1ֱ/Z>_[PrZjd{}ޓ&KSpЏ:M>puvX~齉g2m\d%3wڠ,PZs@|ⰼF!\+>gCf9Z ,ꛯ5dA f$V ̔,+٬89,>a61=ݲt092Uo|dAse2xL&'Uq6\KhCrz ۵2)wbqNPk6 hs-8:"qZ$TnU"Obcu`>dt%U@5b;\Q81H|um,pгYRR1iVl3`r^N{`)t>e}fC +nf4':*AaS*]@j6ɢzP~э]XQ~:(z Ue*@r&`6xU T9ݣ%jJEL\kX'Re OjftZjΚWqnbqb٬zBi4'o>KϘq99G4~LpCklUn;ȭհ/~?DmOVÝ26';5.MM߿١&]\=7mE]w+\a78\[$uznmZӰ^ͪ ^{YnlkUt&Nvv{B45 ѨxAS*BFA=G-Y~VeEnE 5MV OuDF4⤮ VCU /b75A>_-p <9^(ԟ%Pj AءNtr.#/rMe!]qSh-^&޾]ߟWd_ le΄ɱ<;K%LOϿ?jbe1^-(d q6]Ni7eGrXn ׏j5 Q+Wb2tkJAa

英语翻译heyy thereeee木下秀吉♥ 说:who ar hey,how are you?did you get my invite?木下秀吉♥ 说:yesok,i found your profile on MSN,decided to add you lol木下秀吉♥ 说:oh oh.where do u come from?,so you bored?wanna have
heyy thereeee
木下秀吉♥ 说:
who ar
hey,how are you?did you get my invite?
木下秀吉♥ 说:
ok,i found your profile on MSN,decided to add you lol
木下秀吉♥ 说:
oh oh.where do u come from?
,so you bored?wanna have some fun lol,ima little drunk,and its no fun being drunk and bored at the same time...maybe we can cam2cam
木下秀吉♥ 说:
my english is very bad so i cant understand every words
ok here,just accept this invite on MWC http://www.freecamlink.net/kky its free and everything so don't worry,i just like using MWC instead of MSN because creeps can't record me..
木下秀吉♥ 说:
ar u the woman?
you see my invite on the left hand side or whatever?i think it expires in like 10mins or something so hurry!
木下秀吉♥ 说:
i dont have Credit Card
you might have to enter a cc to verify your age huh
木下秀吉♥ 说:
but i dont have Credit Card = =
cc is used to veriy age i think

英语翻译heyy thereeee木下秀吉♥ 说:who ar hey,how are you?did you get my invite?木下秀吉♥ 说:yesok,i found your profile on MSN,decided to add you lol木下秀吉♥ 说:oh oh.where do u come from?,so you bored?wanna have
囧,摸摸LZ~这不明人士心怀不轨啊……一开始是说他在MSN上看到了你的个人资料,然后决定加你为好友,后来又说什么他现在喝醉了而且还感觉很无聊,所以想和你视频……完了他给你发那个网址8成是某个adult视频交友的网址…… = = 最后不是让你输信用卡号么,他的意思就是你必须输入信用卡号才能验证你的年龄(估计是未满18不让注册什么的……|||),千万不要输啊啊啊——小心为上,小心为上.
希望LZ早日甩掉这个怪蜀黍…… = =