几道英语选择题,写原因哦,( A )When Bruce got up the next morning,there was only one sock and he could not find____anywhere. A.the other B.the others C.other D.another( C )You looked so_____just now,Jack.Oh,the movie made

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/30 05:07:03
几道英语选择题,写原因哦,(   A  )When Bruce got up the next morning,there was only one sock and he could not find____anywhere.   A.the other    B.the others    C.other        D.another(  C  )You looked so_____just now,Jack.Oh,the movie made
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几道英语选择题,写原因哦,( A )When Bruce got up the next morning,there was only one sock and he could not find____anywhere. A.the other B.the others C.other D.another( C )You looked so_____just now,Jack.Oh,the movie made
(   A  )When Bruce got up the next morning,there was only one sock and he could not find____anywhere.   A.the other    B.the others    C.other        D.another

(  C  )You looked so_____just now,Jack.Oh,the movie made me _____of my saddest days in the past.  A.sad,to think    B.sadly,think   C.sad,think    D.sadly,to think
(  B ) How many toys do you make_____?About 400 toys a day.But _____,we make more.A.everyday,sometimes  B.every day,sometimes   C.everyday,always   D.every day,always

几道英语选择题,写原因哦,( A )When Bruce got up the next morning,there was only one sock and he could not find____anywhere. A.the other B.the others C.other D.another( C )You looked so_____just now,Jack.Oh,the movie made

the other用于物品有两者时,指另一个.这里说的是袜子,袜子两只.找不到另一只了所以用the other.

B.选项的the others 表示另外的所有东西,范围要更广.       C,是任意另外一个.

D. another表示3者及以上的任意一个.

第一个需要一个形容词“难过的”,要写sad.sadly是副词.第二个空首made影响.make sb do sth.

第一个空.everyday是形容词,每天的,日常的.every day是副词,表示每天.在此做时间状语. 第二个空,根据意思是说,平时做400个,但是有时候会做的多.所以选sometimes 有时候. always是“总是”的意思, 与具不符

  1. 袜子是一双,一只是one,另一只是 the other (one)

  2. look + adj 表示显得... look sad 显得悲伤  make sb do sth 后面跟动词原形

  3. 你每天做多少玩具?400左右一天。但有时候做更多。 sometimes 有时 句子意思看懂了,这句其实没难度


    1. 袜子是一双,一只是one,另一只是 the other (one)

    2. look + adj 表示显得... look sad 显得悲伤  make sb do sth 后面跟动词原形

    3. 你每天做多少玩具?400左右一天。但有时候做更多。 sometimes 有时 句子意思看懂了,这句其实没难度


    1. 两者之中的“另一个”用the other; 三者之上则用 another,another 还可表示“再来一个”, the others 无此用法。

    2. sb. looked so + adj.表示某人看起来...;think of :想起,回忆起。

    3. every   day  每天 &nb...


      1. 两者之中的“另一个”用the other; 三者之上则用 another,another 还可表示“再来一个”, the others 无此用法。

      2. sb. looked so + adj.表示某人看起来...;think of :想起,回忆起。

      3. every   day  每天   作状语 ;everyday     形容词 ,每天的额,日常的 ;用作定语;sometimes有时,有时候。always总是,经常(在这不合语境)


      ( A )When Bruce got up the next morning,there was only one sock and he could not find____anywhere. A.the other 两者中另一个the other
      ( C )You looked so_____just now,Jack. Oh,the movie made me ...


      ( A )When Bruce got up the next morning,there was only one sock and he could not find____anywhere. A.the other 两者中另一个the other
      ( C )You looked so_____just now,Jack. Oh,the movie made me _____of my saddest days in the past. C.sad,think look sad联系动词+形容词 、名词 make sb do
      ( B ) How many toys do you make_____? About 400 toys a day.But _____,we make more. B.every day,sometimes every day每天 everyday合起来写是日常的 sometimes有时 always总是


      A C B

      1. A,one; the other, 一个另一个,固定搭配,袜子是一双的,一共2只

      2. C,看起来表情悲伤,用形容词即可,sadly是副词,一般形容动作之类的(如他悲伤地看着他过世的父亲,就用sadly)      后半空:make sb. do sth.固定搭配。

      3. ...


        1. A,one; the other, 一个另一个,固定搭配,袜子是一双的,一共2只

        2. C,看起来表情悲伤,用形容词即可,sadly是副词,一般形容动作之类的(如他悲伤地看着他过世的父亲,就用sadly)      后半空:make sb. do sth.固定搭配。

        3. B, everyday每天的,形容词,比如每天的生活:everyday life 

                    every day 每天,和后面的 a day 意思一样



        1.   The other代表的是已指定的另一个,,有s代表复数,没有the则不特定,选A;

           2. sad是形容词,表示人的状态,而sadly是副词,made是使役动词,后面的to要省略,选C;

           3.every day是做状语用,而everyday是形容词,always代表总...


        1.   The other代表的是已指定的另一个,,有s代表复数,没有the则不特定,选A;

           2. sad是形容词,表示人的状态,而sadly是副词,made是使役动词,后面的to要省略,选C;

           3.every day是做状语用,而everyday是形容词,always代表总是,不符合题意,而sometimes有时候则符合,选B。
