
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 23:01:35
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As a result of the early settlers (Pilgrims and the American pioneer) the impact, a traditional American dishes like traditional Americans, it is characterized by "crazy rough it", consumption of fresh raw materials, do not rely on additives, flavorings, food to keep authentic, the process of cooking is not dragging its feet, whether it is baking, frying, deep-fried are not very complicated to work, do not pay attention to the fire to simmer fine (except for a small part of the local cuisine), not too many fancy embellishments, put plate of food in the stomach can eat, frankly, literally Bon appetit. The main structure of the U.S. food system is two three four, as the triangular shape, the most important one is beef, two chicken, fish, three pigs, sheep, shrimp, fourth, bread, potatoes, corn, vegetables.
Day Americans like many meals, meal amount. Americans tend to buy one week's food stored in the refrigerator, the daily consumption of frozen foods. China cuisine especially when many families on holidays and more entertainment is also particularly high. The American banquet or feast, never extravagant, even the President hosted a foreign head of state is five vegetables soup, but do not urge somebody to drink. Chinese people like to use cooking oil, Americans like to use animal fat with high cholesterol. Americans favor the production of refined white flour pasta. Actually contained in brown rice and plain flour than refined white flour nutrients, which is growing love eating refined white flour products, the Chinese people is a useful reminder. Chinese, especially the Pearl River Delta area and the Americans have a love of the people eat five or six mature sashimi or fried steak habit, but Americans pay great attention to seafood and beef sashimi quality and sanitary conditions, selected for the deep clean necessary conditions. Americans are used to add a dessert after dinner.
Typical traditional Japanese diet:
Raw fish: eaten raw fish, shellfish retain the original flavor of fresh fish, usually dipped mustard sauce, and eat raw, but raw fish does not need a good ritual use any spices, very delicious.
Sushi: with hard and soft white rice and the right mix of sugar and vinegar, clutching the right balls into the elastic, raw fish and shellfish with food, but also fresh to win.
Tempura: fish, shrimp, vegetables, wrapped in batter out to a mixture of cottonseed oil and vegetable oil into food fried, dipped sauce consumption.
Eel with rice: rice eel. This particular method to add specific eel sauce roasted, known as "Po burning", the Japanese pay attention to the "Earth Day with the ugly" to eat eel.
Ramen: hot soup, soup mix, which can put eggs, meat, bamboo shoots, seaweed, spring onion, will sell very well.
Soba: buckwheat noodles and fried buckwheat noodles with cold, cold buckwheat noodles dipped cold juice consumption, light and refreshing, fried buckwheat noodles are hot food, vegetables and seafood (shrimp, squid, etc.) or Rouchao from the system.
Udon: white flour noodles made from the crude spirit come, hot food, soup clear.
Wine: sake, shochu in Japan

英语翻译由于受到早期移民(英国清教徒及美国拓荒者)的影响,传统的美国菜就如同传统的美国佬,它的特色是“粗狂实在”,食用新鲜的原材料,不靠添加剂,调味剂,食物保持原汁原味,烹调的 清教徒只有美国才有吗?只知道美国是清教徒建立的 英语翻译美甲打印机配件必须带回英国 关于北美独立战争米国大多数都是英国的移民及其后代,就算很多是因为忍受不了英国教会排挤迫害的清教徒,但毕竟也都是是同胞,为什么当时英国不干脆把北美地区划为自己的领土呢,而是作 英语翻译1776年,移民武装占领了波士顿,英国殖民政府撤退. 求Robert Burns简介求英国早期作家Robert Burns的简介及主要作品 早期英国殖民扩张动力? 早期英、法、美资产阶级革命的主要任务是什么?说出英国、法国、美国资产阶级革命的主要任务分别是什么?就可以 美国清教徒的历史文化及对美国发展的影响 在中国移民方便吗?比如说移民到美国、英国 美国是一个移民国家,移民大多来自哪里? 欧洲早期移民开辟北美殖民地的原因 英语翻译清教徒(Puritan),是指要求清除英国国教中天主教残余的改革派.其字词于16世纪60年代开始使用,源于拉丁文 的Purus,意为清洁.清教徒信奉加尔文主义,认为《圣经》才是唯一最高权威, 移民英国,美国,澳洲,哪个更好? 英语翻译您好.我是A的女儿,由于我父亲不会英文,所以有我代为联系.对不起,我的英语也不是很好.我父亲已在2012年4月1日回到中国境内.希望与英国国际移民组织取得联系,商量关于援助资金问 英语翻译精英流失 移民热潮 英国早期贵族是怎么形成的 什么是“清教徒”