
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:46:54
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August 18,is a long time ago I remind myself to pay attention to a day that the Air China in Beijing these days in the nest off the game,so I always look forward to.
Several rounds of group matches in the past,Liu Xiang finally see the emergence of this so that we all so excited about it.But from the beginning of test run,and Liu Xiang are locking brow,the pace of walking can also see a clear heel pain and his pain.This makes our hearts are Jiujin,and since then we have the fear that his injury would not affect the game,he will not cause any injury,will not ......And when he was starting after Turn left,as if the world suddenly quiet,no one to speak,no one noise,we looked at him clutching his right foot,turned and looked at him to leave and eventually paralysis sitting in the 2008 Olympic Games signs,no one to disturb He just quietly sitting there.
At this time,our heart,for this young man."If it were not as a last resort,I will not make this decision,not the exit." A short word,so that we have fully realized that his time of the helpless,sad and painful.
As a player Van Guinness declined to provide the collection,let him give up the game,how cruel it?Just let the singer left the stage,so that the same actor to leave the screen.Living life,in order to get things better,it is necessary to fight,but we have to give up some left.But also to make the choice to give up,even more difficult than adhere to.
Liu Xiang,gold from Athens last year,has been living in under everyone's concern.Saddled with huge rings in full view of life but also in maintaining the normal state of mind is very hard.The reality is often cruel and helpless in the face and eyes to accept all those unnecessary commitment on the depths of the soul.Beyond that is to give up,give up the same as a step forward.
Give up the immediate interests may be more gains; to give up short-term failure to succeed.Life on the road,we have to give up as many of the important things in life in general.Liu Xiang to give up the motherland in his land for the Olympic gold medal dream may be a pity,but if he Renzheshangtong by strong physical harm,we will feel more and more harm than pity.
Life itself is a difficult process,one does not live easily.The key is to have a correct attitude.Xiao Ying of life to give their own fortune or misfortune,experience in strong,growing up in pain.
Liu Xiang as I think he's turned over the 10 hurdles in front of the more meaningful because he has overcome the most difficult in life to make their own choices.This is indeed a gold medal for his life in China are of great significance,but this gold medal is by no means the full significance of his life.He is beyond ourselves,let us see,to give up that go beyond the

英文爱国故事因为要口语比赛,我和同学组队,要那种对话形式的,是两个人的.内容要是爱国的(爱中国或者是家乡),适合初中生的. 求小学讲故事比赛稿 《我和同学的故事》 最好是反映同学之间要讲文明的故事 急求英语口语比赛小故事~要口语比赛了, 希望小学组织乒乓球混合双打比赛,六(1)班有5名男生和3名女生报名参加,可以有几种不同的组队方案?我有点搞不懂题目意思,组队是两队还是一队,每队几人 希望小学组织乒乓球混合双打比赛,六(1)班有5名男生和3名女生报名参加,可以有几种不同的组队方案?我有点搞不懂题目意思,组队是两队还是一队,每队几人 英语翻译我要参加口语比赛, 口语比赛自我介绍英文版 我要古今中外的名人爱国故事等等(概括)2 爱国名言3爱国诗句 求《陋室铭》仿写,要求积极向上,因为是组队比赛的,最好加入组队名---惜文,我们组八个人 我要平凡人的爱国故事我不是要那些英雄的爱国故事哦~ 爱国科学家的故事(简)我要2个爱国科学家的故事 爱国故事要简短 儿童英语小故事三年级口语比赛 想找练口语的方法最近和同学们在比赛练口语,我们约定下个月一决高低,我不想输,请问有什么快速练口语的方法吗? 怎么背好英文对话?(英文口试,在同学面前进行) 还有怎么克服紧张感?.我在进行口试时突然忘词,我觉得很丢脸,很对不起我的同伴.我很怕没人要与我组队了.事情是这样的,昨天,老师吩咐我 史记故事,要短如题,要一分钟的史记演讲稿不是比赛,没有评委,我是学生,在课前上台演讲,下面只有老师和同学,开头:今天我给大家讲的是xxx的故事 谁有关于12.9运动的故事我急求关于12.9的爱国故事,要求仔细,故事要长些.是用与讲故事比赛的 有趣的英语小故事 因为我要参加口语比赛,要一篇简单易懂的,一分钟到两分钟这样.最好多写几个,方便选材,一个也没关系.如果我满意的话再加一些分值吧!也不要太短,大约100个单词,那个