帮忙写个英语写作写作(1)、My Opinion on Cell Phones 1.使用手机的好处;2.使用手机的弊端;3.我的看法.写作Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 20:54:42
帮忙写个英语写作写作(1)、My Opinion on Cell Phones 1.使用手机的好处;2.使用手机的弊端;3.我的看法.写作Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文.
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帮忙写个英语写作写作(1)、My Opinion on Cell Phones 1.使用手机的好处;2.使用手机的弊端;3.我的看法.写作Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文.
(1)、My Opinion on Cell Phones
内容提示:假如你叫张琳,你昨天(4月7日)在放学回家的路上发生了交通事故,你从自行车上摔了下来,被好心人及时送到了医院,医生叫你卧床休息三天,特此请假(ask for a sick leave)

帮忙写个英语写作写作(1)、My Opinion on Cell Phones 1.使用手机的好处;2.使用手机的弊端;3.我的看法.写作Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文.
Nowadays, People can't live without cell phones.As we all know, cell phones add fun to our life and make us live more comvenient.But coin has two sides, there're also unavoidable problems caused by cell phones.
Cell phones are convenient tools to contact with each other, we use cell phones to send massages, call our friends or clients and play games or surf the internet in our spare time. It make us live more happier and also more comforable, as you won't have to run here and there just to inform other people some news .There is no doubt that cell phones absolutely help us a lot in our daily life.
In another hand, cell phones can also cause problems in some aspects. As a electronic appliance , it will let out radioactivity which is not good for our health or body. Using it is harmful to our eyes,too. And cell phones can make us stuck in big trouble when we lost our own cell phones.
All in all , I firmly recommend that, while we are using the cell phones we should never forget to give ourselves a break.Don't be the servant of the cell phones!
2.Dear teacher,
I am a student named Zhanglin, and i want to ask for a sick leave as I had an traffic accident on my way home yesterday(April the 7th).
The accident happend so suddenly that I fell down from my bike , and it hurt so much that I couldn't even move at that time. Fortunately , a kind person sent me to the hospital in time. After checking , the doctor suggest me to stay in bed for three days at home. That's why I'm asking for a sick leave.
I will study at home and spare every effort to catch up my classmates after I returned school.And I'm sorry that I have to stay at home. Hope you can accepted.

(1) My opinion on Cell Phones
Everyone knows that the use of cell phone is absolutely necessary in our daily life, because it provides us great advantages in contacting our friends and famili...


(1) My opinion on Cell Phones
Everyone knows that the use of cell phone is absolutely necessary in our daily life, because it provides us great advantages in contacting our friends and families,and also, our businesses.However, in the meantime, it is giving bad effects to us as well. For example, prelonged exposure in radiation makes our health going down.
Well, in my opinion, either cell phone is good or bad to us, we should always be alert to use it for the sake of our own.
(2) Sick leave request
Dear xx, I am zhang ling. I am asking for a leave under your kind behalf. Because i had an accident yesterday on my way home after school. I fell down from the bicycle and got badly injured. Fortunatly, i had been immidiately sent to hospital by a good man. The doctor told me that i must rest for 3 days. So, i'm requsting to have a leave.


帮忙写个英语写作写作(1)、My Opinion on Cell Phones 1.使用手机的好处;2.使用手机的弊端;3.我的看法.写作Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文. 英语写作my father 帮写一篇英语写作:My Dream Vacation 怎样写英语明信片写作 写作''my favorite festival''写作文 英文 同志们,帮忙写一篇英语作文.good teacher in my eyes初中水平的,不少于80字,写作提纲也行. my english study求英语写作My English Study写一篇不少于80字的短文 有谁英语写作厉害点的?我这有5个英语写作的,本人才疏学浅,这星期天要用的,如果谁可以帮忙解决,能附上范文,不甚感激!1、I Love My job(我的工作是面向社会,服务群众的)2、The advantange of home (四级作文要求)写关于“校园安全”的.帮忙列个中文写作提纲,具体到某些点的,有些英语佳句进去更好!谢多多益善哈 托福写作一定要写个例子吗 写作. 写几个英语写作的高级句型, 不太懂英语写作,怎么写更生动 英语应用文写作一般写多少词 my plan for the may 1st holiday英语写作!80 公文写作写个通知、请示、函该怎么写 求救,帮忙写一篇关于“土地资源利用”的英语文章要求:以“土地资源利用”为题材,写作一篇介绍土地资源利用的英语短文,要求在1000个单词左右,内容包括什么是土地资源利用?它研究的主 如何写新闻写作