featival and celebrations of all kinds have been held everywhere since ancient time 这个句子不懂不是应该用 have been holding 为什么用have been held

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:09:03
featival and celebrations of all kinds have been held everywhere since ancient time 这个句子不懂不是应该用 have been holding   为什么用have been held
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featival and celebrations of all kinds have been held everywhere since ancient time 这个句子不懂不是应该用 have been holding 为什么用have been held
featival and celebrations of all kinds have been held everywhere since ancient time 这个句子不懂
不是应该用 have been holding 为什么用have been held

featival and celebrations of all kinds have been held everywhere since ancient time 这个句子不懂不是应该用 have been holding 为什么用have been held
have been held 是现在完成时,里面带着一个被动语态,活动是被举行的.
而have been doing是主动形式的,现在完成进行时.

feaStival 现在也不一定正在进行 所以应该用现在完成时的被动语态

应该是过去的过去,就是用过去完成式—have be done
而have be doing为过去进行时

There are many h___ in China.Such as Spring Festival,the Dragon-Boat Featival and so on. featival and celebrations of all kinds have been held everywhere since ancient time 这个句子不懂不是应该用 have been holding 为什么用have been held b不知道是否需要冠词1.stay in __bed and you'll be better soom2.he started__school when he was seven3.__monday before__spring featival was very cold拜托你们能不能说的详细点,我比较笨 We are _____(real) looking forward to the Water Featival People eat rice dumplings to celebrate the Dragon Boat Featival.划线部分提问to celebrate the Dragon Boat Featival划线 英语保持句意不变What is the food like at the internatianal food featival?_ _the food at the internatianal food featival? 谷歌在线英译汉Traditional New Year Foods Probably more food is consumed during the New Year celebra Do people eat dumplings at midnight of the eve of the featival?why? 急求一篇关于my spring featival 或者man vs nature 的英语作文,120字左右 请问是on the door还是at the door?还有“在春节”是in the Spring Featival还是at the Spring Festival或是其它? 关于西班牙语小品词SE的一个句子Es cierto que en España el sorteo navideño se celebra el veintidos de dicimbre.这问这句话的SE是自复被动句吧? 提问英语几个问题!急!一.用所给词适当形式填空. 1:Tom was the first one____(come) to school this morning. 2: When____you____(start) cleaning the room yesterday? 3:In____(west) countries, the most important featival is Christmas May 11th is Mother's Day of this year.The Youth League committee of No.17 Middle School will holdMay 11th is Mother's Day of this year.The Youth League committee of No.17 Middle School will hold a handicraft making contest for the students to celebra 请用正确的特殊疑问词填空(英语)1.A:____ are you going at the weekend?B:I am going to the Pelple's Park.2.A:____ is Mid-Autumn Festival?B:It usually comes in October or September.3.A:____ do children celebrate Halloween?B:They celebra And and and How are we gooing to prepare for featival?(保持愿意不变)how are we going to___ ___ ___featival?A:What are you going to do this sunday shall we go to the park?B:I'd ____do sth ____.let's go swimming!