只要说明理由就行了1 Look at those nice toys .Could you help me send them to her中 send them to her为什么不能换成send her them 2 We have no other food in the fridge now 中no other 为什么不能换成no any not 或not a not a 不是

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:04:42
只要说明理由就行了1 Look at those nice toys .Could you help me send them to her中 send them to her为什么不能换成send her them 2 We have no other food in the fridge now 中no other 为什么不能换成no any not 或not a not a 不是
xTRAsCehf1PM@yT( S<Ò)t BNw$>W,BQ t{= ^< ^ob~UfmHR1;i5̤$=7{bLfMJV8s,&i5uYf |M,A |@OME^&;%קl;JӖTb:\ ȍ#MXG/PbLU _Bq 1T/]".:;[kGJcObrLN}ҐK~wS씘"OiU`zO׃V^/\>p|\+2-kf^q cX6 ?oۗe!<ƛė=QaY,NV^܇,R>ng_9Ć =RA+Wv!:yY^lrR`(.r]SuEͫmg-{\B 9ivӗԢ?b^M5u4X) p]?e%!L$g$r7,^6}]7Z@2@U|7FA; ǗNXda@MV 7 /BM}32d"w?NuPۤn]&y!?*?&RM~Q % =

只要说明理由就行了1 Look at those nice toys .Could you help me send them to her中 send them to her为什么不能换成send her them 2 We have no other food in the fridge now 中no other 为什么不能换成no any not 或not a not a 不是
1 Look at those nice toys .Could you help me send them to her中 send them to her为什么不能换成send her them
2 We have no other food in the fridge now 中no other 为什么不能换成no any not 或not a
not a 不是=no 那We have no food in the fridge now 不也是对的吗?

只要说明理由就行了1 Look at those nice toys .Could you help me send them to her中 send them to her为什么不能换成send her them 2 We have no other food in the fridge now 中no other 为什么不能换成no any not 或not a not a 不是
1.send sth.to sb.=send sb.sth.给某人寄某物
2.no在此是修饰other food的,是形容词,没有的意思
但可改成:We dont have any other food in the fridge now.
not a =no的用法可在下面情况中体现:
There are no flowers here.
可改为:There aren't any flowers here.
There aren't a flower here.
所以不能机械地记忆no=not a ,这不适用于任何情况,只是断章取义罢了.

them是人称代词 可以说send her toys 或 send toys to her 但是人称代词只能是 send them to her
We have no food in the fridge now 是对的 但是这个句子强调没有其他的食物了 用 other 还有 ——能说 We don't have any 不能说 We have not any......

them 代指 那个 toys her 是人称代词 。send sth to sb
We have no food in the fridge now 是对的

只要说明理由就行了1 Look at those nice toys .Could you help me send them to her中 send them to her为什么不能换成send her them 2 We have no other food in the fridge now 中no other 为什么不能换成no any not 或not a not a 不是 look at me angrily 还是angry? look angry?请说明一下理由,谢谢 有人说维护国家统一是大人的事,我们中学生只要搞好学习就行了,你同意这一观点么?请简要说明理由.请给出简要的理由~请给出简要理由~但不要就一句话,好么? Look at the photo ____ ,(仔细地)and you will find our teacher 说明理由 ________(look) at zhe picture,please!该填什么?请说明理由. 英语选择,说明理由Please ( ) the picture.What can you ( ) in the picture?A.look at,look at B.see,see C.see,look at D.look at,see 【英语】—The dress is perfect on you.—The dress is perfect on you.—Thank you.You know,I'm already in my late thirties.—Really?You don't _______ at all!A.look like soB.look like yourselfC.likeD.look it说明理由.look like so中的so为 look at the clouds.it looks like___(rain),isn't it?最好说明为什么 谢谢谢谢 适当形式填空 is he __(like) his brother?单选can you__me clearly?a.look b.look at c.see d.see at说明理由 “早穿皮袄午穿纱”说明气温与人类生活息息相关,你能再举几个实例吗只要例子只要1~3个例子就行了, 什么是所有格,主格,宾格,现在分词只要说明是什么就行了麻烦大家了 most people here ___ like his new look a don't b does't c do d doing说明理由 求助:四年级上科学题目!打开装雪碧的易拉罐拉环,会发现冒出许多气泡,这个现象说明了什么? 急需!说明下,只要说出理由和现象就行了.小小犁牛,可是我也不想啊! 辨析题 上册 配人教小康同学认为自己是未成年人,面对有可能发生的种种侵害,只要依靠家庭、学校、社会等方面的保护就行了.你同意他的观点吗?请说明理由. 判断 三位小数化成百分数,只要把小数点向左移动两位,在后面添上百分号就可以了.对还是错,说明理由. 由反比例函数的定义知,只要确定____,就确定了反比例函数.填什么呢?请记得说明理由~ 指出下面这句话中的错误,并说明理由Three hours are enough to look at the pictures carefully. 只要标题就行了!