
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 19:51:48
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Complications of hypertension 【】
  Patients with essential hypertension as a result of sustained increased arterial pressure,lead to systemic small artery,thus affecting the blood supply to tissues and organs,resulting in a variety of serious consequences,as a complication of hypertension.Common complication of high blood pressure have coronary heart disease,diabetes,heart failure,high blood lipids,kidney disease,peripheral arterial disease,stroke,such as left ventricular hypertrophy.In the various complications of high blood pressure to heart,brain and kidney damage to the most significant.
  Heart failure.Heart (mainly the left ventricle) to overcome the body due to small artery caused by increased peripheral resistance and strengthen the work,the occurrence of compensatory myocardial hypertrophy.Progressive left ventricular wall muscle hypertrophy,the heart cavity is also a significant expansion,increase in heart weight,when the lack of compensatory function,they become hypertensive heart disease,myocardial contractility of heart failure caused a serious decline.Often accompanied by hypertensive patients due to have coronary atherosclerosis,so that increasing the burden on the heart in ischemia,hypoxia,and thus more susceptible to heart failure.
  Cerebral hemorrhage.Myometrial small arteries of the brain and the outer membrane are developed,the wall is weak,hardening of the brain occur if accompanied by a small artery spasm,it will be the occurrence of bleeding or rupture of hemorrhage (ie,cerebral hemorrhage).Cerebral hemorrhage is the most serious late complications of hypertension.Bleeding,including multi-site near the capsule and basal ganglia,clinically manifested as hemiplegia,aphasia,etc..
  Renal insufficiency.Since the goal of small renal arteries hardening,so that a large number of renal units (that is,glomerular and tubular),due to chronic ischemia and atrophy,and followed by fibrous tissue hyperplasia (such as high blood pressure and kidney disease hardening).Remnant nephron compensatory hypertrophy occurred,expansion.Sclerosis in the kidney,the urine can occur in patients with more protein and more red blood cells.Late in the disease,due to the destruction of a large number of renal units,resulting in excretion of renal dysfunction,metabolic end products,such as non-protein nitrogen and so on,not all discharges and retention in the body,water and salt metabolism and acid-base balance disorder also occurred,caused by self-poisoning,there uremia.
  Diagnosis of hypertension
  Hypertensive patients should be the initial physical examination include the following:
  1,blood pressure.Comparison of blood pressure on both sides of the verification,
  Check the value the higher side.If both sides of the blood pressure difference greater than 20 mm Hg,the lower side of the brachial artery may be more than the great vessels especially the subclavian artery occurred in a narrow,narrow is the most common cause of atherosclerosis,obstruction.
  2,height,weight and waist circumference.Obesity,obesity in particular to mind is the importance of hypertension risk factors,as the saying goes,the longer the belt,the shorter life expectancy.
  3,observed by ophthalmoscopy retinopathy.Changes in retinal arterial blood pressure may reflect the small peripheral artery disease,peripheral artery small extent the more serious,more serious heart load.
  4,whether or not the neck vascular murmur,jugular vein or goiter怒张,abdominal vascular murmur and mass,such as peripheral arterial pulse in order to exclude secondary hypertension.
  5,cardiopulmonary examination and inspection of the nervous system to understand whether the hypertension caused by cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications.
  Routine examination of hypertensive patients include the following:
  1,conventional hematuria.If there is anemia,hematuria,protein,etc.,should be considered for the renal hypertension,or hypertension has led to serious kidney damage.
  2,blood biochemistry.Such as potassium,sodium,liver and kidney function,blood glucose,blood lipids,such as.Low serum potassium have the possibility of secondary hypertension.Check liver and kidney function in patients with help doctors choose based on antihypertensive drugs,blood glucose test lipid can understand there is no cardio-cerebral vascular diseases other risk factors.
  3,electrocardiogram.Will help to understand whether patients with essential hypertension hypertension-induced cardiac hypertrophy,arrhythmia,or myocardial ischemia.

英语翻译【高血压的并发症】高血压病患者由于动脉压持续性升高,引发全身小动脉硬化,从而影响组织器官的血液供应,造成各种严重的后果,成为高血压病的并发症.高血压常见的并发症有冠 高血压的人应吃什么? 控制高血压的最终目标是什么 高血压定义的依据是什么 既有高血压又有糖尿病的患者吃什么食物有好处 减盐防控高血压,有没有知道减盐防控高血压是怎么回事吗?能不能预防高血压的上升啊? 高血压能吃祥康酒吗? 英语翻译高血压病的注意事项 高血压病的注意事项包括以下几点(一)合理膳食;(二)适量运动;(三)戒烟限酒;(四)心理平衡;(五)自我管理;(六)按时就医.一、 合理膳食 1. 辅酶a与三磷酸腺苷二钠的临床使用高血压头晕的患者用是不是正确的啊? 24小时动态血压监测的意义是什么?可以诊断高血压吗?患者信息:男 57岁 上海 杨浦区 英语翻译患有高血压的人,心脏会比健康的人工作起来更吃力.而体重越重的人,越容易患高血压. 高血压会影响人的寿命吗 高血压的定义是什么,请回答 英语翻译阿昔莫司可使老年高血压患者的宽PP缩小,经统计学发现有显著意义.本研究提示,阿昔莫司是一种多效性调脂药物,可作为老年高血压及动脉粥样硬化PP患者的治疗药物.将上面的中文翻 高血压病人饮食要注意什么患者信息:女 53岁 新疆 乌鲁木齐 病情描述(发病时间、主要症状等):高血压控制不好想得到怎样的帮助:饮食怎么控制曾经治疗情况及是否有过敏、遗传病史: 英语翻译第一句:这事对我们关系极大.第二句:就我个人来说,第三局:病人人很痛苦,他患有高血压. 英语翻译第一句:这事对我们关系极大.第二句:就我个人来说,第三局:病人人很痛苦,他患有高血压. 英语翻译那就翻译成高血压饮食吗?