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B10期末复习试题--- 风光 董春英
第一部分 听力
Ⅰ 听音,选择听到的内容,将标号填入题前括号内.
( ) 1 A . Last night. B . Last year
( ) 2 A .I met her.
B . I will meet her.
()3 A.Here’s a letter for Daming. B.Here’s a letter from Daming.
( )4 A . I went to the Great Wall. B . I will go to the Great Wall .
( )5 A.I go there to buy sheep. B.I go there by ship.

Ⅱ 听音,选择正确的答案.
( )1 A. Yes, it is B. No, it isn’t.
( )2A.He is going to the park. B.He is going to the zoo.
( ) 3A.Yes, she can. B.No, she can’t.
( ) 4A. Three pencils. B.Five pencils.
( ) 5A. It’s blue. B.It’s red.
Ⅲ 听音, 填入所缺单词.
1. My grandma was a ________ before.
2. What ____ you put in your bag?
3. He is reading a _____ .
4. The men wore women’s _________ .
5. I _____ the mountain last summer.
第二部分 笔试
Ⅳ 英汉互译.
1. 爬山 2.去年春天
3. by plane 4.交一个朋友
5.还书 6.an E-mail from China
7. a dragon kite 8. last night
9. 野餐 10. 售货员
Ⅴ 单项选择.
( )1. I went there _____ bus.
A.in B.by C.at
( ) 2.Tell me something _____ your sister.
A.about B.for C.at
( ) 3.Sam ____Daming a present last week.
A.gave B.giving C.gives
( ) 4.___ you ready for your trip?
A.Are B.Do C.Will
( ) 5.We go to school ____ 7 :50.
A.in B.for C.at
Ⅵ 连词成句.
1 put, in, bag, your, What, did, you,
2 The, women’s, men, wore, clothes,
3 I,got, have , in, English, letters, two,
4 sent, you, I, a, game, Maths
5 use, You, can, a computer.
Ⅶ 回答下列问题:
1 When do you usually go to bed?
2 What did you do last summer ?
3 What was your grandma/ grandpa?
4 Are there lots of trees in your school?
5 How do you go to school?
Ⅷ 阅读短文,根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F).
Mary went to the park yesterday. On the way, she saw an old woman who wanted to cross the road. Mary went to her and helped her go cross the road. The old women said,“Thank you!”Mary smiled and said,“You are welcome.”In the park, Mary met her old friend Betty. They haven’t seen each other for one year. They came out the park together and went to the coffee shop. They talked for the whole afternoon. They Talked about the time when they were in the primary school. They were happy. They decided to meet each other once a week. Then Mary said goodbye to Betty. She went home at 5 o’clock.“It was a happy day,”Mary wrote on her dairy book.
( ) 1.Mary is a policewoman.
( ) 2.Her old friend is an old woman.
( ) 3.Mary went home alone.
( ) 4.Betty helped the old woman crossing road.
( ) 5. Mary and Betty were in the same school before.
( ) 6. Mary and Betty are going to see each other next week.
Ⅸ 给你的朋友写一封信.不少于50 个单词.
Book10 M 1-----M 5练习题
一.用in ,on, at ,off, of, with, for, from填空
1.Please return the books two weeks.
2.We like Harry Potter China,too.
3.They ‘re Shelf C.
4. You can do lots things in English libraries.
5. the library, there is so much for you to see.
6.Books stories, new and old.
7.I can play the snow.
8.The sun is the sky.
9. The leaves fall the trees.
10.I carry it my hand.
11.It sees with my eyes.
12.I carry it my shoulder.
13.It walks its legs.
14.I carry it my back.
15.It will be easy her.
16.you can’t take it China.
17.I ‘ll look computer.
18.It hears its ears.
19.You can borrow books library.
20.Dinner is usually half past six.
二. 把下列句子变成一般疑问句
1. It’s cold.
2. There are flowers on the tree.
3. She was a driver before.
4. We have got the books.
5. You can do lots of things in English libraries.
6. My grandpa worked in a factory.
7. I work in a school.
8. she works in a hospital.
9. They are swimming.
10. They were workers before.
三. 就画线部分提问
1.My grandpa was a car driver.
2.My mother works in a school.
3.my grandma worked on a farm.
4.Lingling had eggs and sausages for breakfast.
5.She has breakfast at seven.
四. 读一读,选一选
Xiaoyong’s grandfather was a policeman before. His grandmother was a doctor. Xiaoyong’s father is an English teacher. He works in Yucai School. Xiaoyong’s mother is a worker . She works in a big factory.
( )1.What was Xiaoyong’s grandfather?
A.He was a farmer. B. He was a policeman .
( ) 2. What was Xiaoyong’s grandmother?
A.She was a doctor. B. She was an English teacher.
( )3.Where does Xiaoyong’s father work?
A. In a school. B. In a factory.
( )4.Where does Xiaoyong’s mother work?
A.In a factory. B. In a hospital.
You can do lots of things in this library. You can borrow books about England, America, food, animals and so on. You can borrow videos and CDs. You can use the computers. You can do your homework. But you can’t talk to your friends.
1. What can you borrow in this library?

2.What can you use in the library?

3.what can’t you do in the library?

六. 读一读,选一选
Dongdong’s bag is broken. He can’t take it to travel. His mother will buy him a new one. Dongdong likes a blue bag, because it’s small and light. But his mother likes the black one, because it’s big and it has got wheels. It’ll be very easy for him. So Dongdong takes the black bag with wheels. He and his mother are very glad.
( )1. What will Dongdong’s mother buy?
A. A new bag. B. A small bag. C. A blue bag.
( )2. Which bag does Dongdong like?
A. The black one. B. The blue one. C. The red one.
( )3. Why does he like it?
A. Because it’s big and heavy.
B. Because it’s small and light.
C. Because it has got wheels.
( )4.Which bag does Dongdong ‘s mother like?
A. The black one with wheels.
B. The blue one with no wheels.
C. The yellow one with wheels.
七. 填一填
heavy take broken light black wheels new
Ms Smart: Lingling,your bag is !You can’t take it to China. I’ll buy you a
Lingling: Thank you .
Lingling:This bag is nice. It’s big.
Ms Smart:But it’s very . Look at this green one. It’s .
Lingling: But it’s very small, Ms Smart. I really like the black one.
Sales assistant: This black bag has got . It will be easy for her.
Ms Smart:Great! We ‘ll it, please.
Lingling:Thank you very much.
1.What colour is your school bag?
2.Is it heavy?
3.Is it new?
4. Do you carry it over your shoulder?
5.What colour is your mum’s bag?
6.Does she carry it with her hand?
7.What’s your favourite season?
8.Why do you like it?
9.What’s your mother’s favourite season?
10.Why does she like it?

谁有小学五年级上英语复习题人教版,期末的!不需要关于听音的,完全笔试急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急 哪里有小学五年级上英语(人教版)复习题? 小学科学复习题湖南少儿出版社版本的.谁有湖南版本小学科学三、四、五年级上册的期末复习题,急求.速发! 小学五年级期末复习题下册语文 五年级上册英语期末复习题哪有? 求北师大版(崇文区小学)五年级英语第一学期期末复习题求北师大版(崇文区小学)五年级英语第一学期 期末复习题 就是有猴子MOKEY那个好象不是人教版的好像是北师大版的 没有人知道 急需湘教版小学五年级科学期末复习题.在线等. 小学五年级下册数学北师大版期末复习题小学五年级下册数学北师大版期末复习题 小学五年级(上)科学复习题 谁有初一上学期新目标板英语期末复习题? 谁有小学二年级数学上册期末复习题【北师大版】?小学二年级数学上册期末复习题【北师大版】试卷也可以 小学五年级上册人教版的数学复习题 谁有小学五年级品德与社会的复习题?要北师大版的.急求 例如一大串一大串的词语有哪些小学二年级下册的期末复习题 求小学二年级语文数学下册人教版期末复习题. PEP 人教版小学五年级英语下册期末测试题 小学五年级英语上册期末试题 谁有初一上册英语的期末复习题?要题哦,、