
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 07:51:43
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With the development of economy in China and the adjustment of the rural economic system and industrial structure,greatly reduced is the dependence of farmers / peasants on land.A great number of surplus rural workers have flooded into the city,thus becoming peasant-workers,who play a pivotal role in urban construction.However,the househood registration system that has long been followed in China brutally keeps the peasant-workers away from the urban social security and welfare system.To protect the peasant-workers' legal interest and help promote the substainable development of economy,the government should pay attention to their realistic conditions like work injuries ,medical welfare,aging and social assistance and set up a social security and welfare system complete and open to all peasant-workers.

With the development of Chinese economy, the rural economic system and the adjustment of industrial structure, farmers attachment on the land
Sex is abate, a large number of rural surplus labor in...


With the development of Chinese economy, the rural economic system and the adjustment of industrial structure, farmers attachment on the land
Sex is abate, a large number of rural surplus labor into cities and become migrant workers. Migrant workers in urban construction has played a key role, but China has been used by the household registration management system so that they are mercilessly shut out of the urban social security system, lack of social security. To protect their legitimate rights and interests, promote the sustainable economic and social development, from the reality of rural migrant workers, from to solve the urgent need of inductrial injury, medical treatment, endowment of rural migrant workers, family, social assistance and social security project, establish a sound system of social security system for migrant workers.


英语翻译随着中国经济的发展,农村经济体制和产业结构的调整,农民对土地的依附性减弱,大批的农村剩余劳动力涌进城市,成为农民工.农民工在城市建设中的发挥了关键作用,但是中国一直沿 随着中国经济的发展 英语怎么说 随着中国经济的发展,许多外国人定居中国.前半句怎么用英语翻译? 随着网络的发展 英语翻译 中国经济发展的趋势? 中国经济发展的成就 英语翻译随着我国市场经济的快速稳定增长,经济体制的逐步完善,中小企业的发展受到了越来越多的关注.虽然这些年中小企业在国民经济中的地位有了长足的发展,但是仍然存在着许多的问题 英语翻译我国事业单位成立之初对新中国的成长与发展起到了非常大的推动作用.随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立健全,从前适应计划经济体制的事业单位却陷入了困境.当前,我国的事业单位 英语翻译随着社会主义经济体制的建立和逐步完善,当代社会对涉外文秘职业道德的要求越来越高.对于涉外文秘职业道德的培养,是历史发展的趋势,也是人们不断向社会发展方向前进的要求. 英语翻译【摘要】随着我国经济建设的快速发展和农村城市化进程的加快,土地的需求量大量增加,农村集体土地被大量征用,失地的农民越来越多.他们流失的不仅仅是土地,随着土地的流失,他 英语翻译【摘要】随着我国经济建设的快速发展和农村城市化进程的加快,土地的需求量大量增加,农村集体土地被大量征用,失地的农民越来越多.他们流失的不仅仅是土地,随着土地的流失,他 英语翻译摘要:当前,随着中国经济的飞速发展和经济实力的日益增强,人民币在国际市场上面临严峻的升值压力,人民币升值必然对我国对外贸易的发展产生一定的影响.在了解人民币升值的背 英语翻译随着中国经济的发展,连锁经营在沿海地区和部分大中城市已取得良好的业绩,正日益显示出其经营优势.发展连锁经营有利于强化政府宏观调控的效力,有利于大型零售企业经济效益和 中国经济快速发展的原因 中国经济的发展英语范文 英语翻译我相信中国经济发展会越来越好 随着中国经济的发展,汽车越来越多进入家庭,给交通带来不少的压力.谈谈你的看法! 英语翻译随着中国经济的发展,中国城乡居民对玩具的支出越来越大,玩具市场需求旺盛.预计2010年中国玩具年消费额将超过1000亿元.中国的玩具蕴含着巨大的市场潜力.中国经济的快速发展,带