
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 05:12:57
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The sea-wolf is jack London's masterpieces.A ship in decimal describes called "the devil" in hunting seals on a sailing in a touching a painstaking struggle and the deep-rooted love story.In the novel "the Wolf" is not only the captain has name of authors,a study is synonymous with superman,the author works lead readers into the wilderness,straightforward bold and unconstrained life experience of wild ruthless and feel the dark side of the ruthless people born with primitive life brilliance,Also exposes the capitalist society,the client to glance at the toughness of labor personnel suffering and sympathy.In addition,the author by Nietzsche's influence,and also have fully in the performance.
  The famous American novelist jack London's writings,the sea-wolf is recognized as the sea is subject to write in one of the best war novels.This story written and have not only in the literature flavor,epic won great success,but also on the screen is a welcome.Stories in London in the north Pacific hunting seal experience:he ministered ship is in London a seal hunting ship,homework route is also from San Francisco bay into Japanese waters.The sea-wolf about "the devil",sailing boat,the seal hunting activities,Marine mysterious landscape climate and Marine life many sailors are described as jack London's experience,and experience to engage.Novels focuses on the sea Wolf "shape" larson and heng just lai,who put two characters,through the conflict between the different ideas,encourage the writer for fusion of the philosophy of life,as some critics say,this works reflect London heart "the idealism and the materialism and conflict,the conflict" fraud.
  原文:《海狼》是杰克·伦敦的长篇名著之一.小数描写了在一艘名为“魔鬼号” 的以捕猎海豹为生的帆船上发生的一场动人心弦的生一煞费苦心搏斗和刻骨铭心的爱情故事.小说中的“狼”不仅是船长莱森的名字,对作者而言,一学是超人的代名词,作者通过作品带领读者进入豪放粗犷荒野,体验蛮荒生活的冷酷无情,感受人民生凶残的黑暗面和原始生命的光辉;同时也揭露了资本主义社会的瞥端,表现了对劳动人员顽强意志的歌颂和苦难生活的同情.此外,作者所受尼采和斯宾赛的影响在作品中也有充分的表现.