
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 09:57:20
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Since we placed the sample and the suitcase on the same order and the invoice and delivery bill are generated by computer system automatically,we cannot separate them into 2 sets of documents.If you must have the invoice and delivery bill separately,we may give you a list,but the format is different from the previous ones.Can you accept them?

Because we are doing the sample and bags with a single, invoice and delivery by the system automatically generated full content, I can is divided into 2 sets of documents, if you must separate cases o...


Because we are doing the sample and bags with a single, invoice and delivery by the system automatically generated full content, I can is divided into 2 sets of documents, if you must separate cases of invoices and delivery, I can give you a table columns, but just before the format and provide is not the same, if you can accept?


As we are doing the sample and bags with a single, invoice and delivery by the system automatically produced all of the content, I can is divided into 2 sets of documents, if you must separate cases o...


As we are doing the sample and bags with a single, invoice and delivery by the system automatically produced all of the content, I can is divided into 2 sets of documents, if you must separate cases of invoices and delivery, I can give you a table columns, but just before the format and provide is not the same, so can you accept?


For both sample and package were included within a single indent,I can't manage to divide the single set of invoice and delivery receipt into two which was generated automatically by the system
I can offer you some sheet,if you persist.but the format will be different from the previous one. Will you accept that?

英语翻译由于我们把样品和箱包都做在同一张订单里,发票和送货单由系统自动生成的全部内容,我没法分成2套单据,如果你必须要单独箱包的发票和送货单,我可以列份表格给你,但格式就和之 英语翻译:我们还要继续做样品么? 英语翻译昨天晚上,我和我同学谁在同一张床上,我们都没有穿衣服,当我睡着的时候,我的手不小心碰到了我同学的背,很光滑,我还以为是你 英语翻译流道有断裂的痕迹,但是生产过程中不会堵位进胶口;流道在样品袋内,请注意查收;Base产品,由于解决毛边问题,我们新做了镶件,样品表面会出现一些EDM痕迹;由于外观还需要改善产 英语翻译由于上次你们寄来的样品我们在选择材料的时候被剪裁掉了,如果可以的话希望能在寄一只样品给我们.这样我们能更好的和半成品场进行材料上的对比. 英语翻译箱包类的。 英语翻译tom 我想告诉你个事情,之前我们公司制作的箱包是用胶水封好的,但是考虑到夏天气温高,胶水也许会融化的原因,我们工人在箱包每个边缘裁缝了线,保证箱包的完整. 成语出错的类型有哪些我们在做一张试卷 要求把成语出错的类型写上去请问都有什么类型呢 英语翻译非常抱歉,是我工作上的疏忽.您寄过来的画册已经收到.我之前也把它交给我的上司.由于他工作调动的原因,一段时间内都不在北京.如果您想和我们做进一步的交流,可以和我们负责展 英语翻译我想申请了一个品牌”奈帆仕“箱包,请帮忙把“奈帆仕”用英文翻译下 我需要做英文logo,请帮下忙需要单个的 不是一句 英语翻译昨天已经有发邮件给你了,我们非常高兴告诉你,这个样品做出来了,你先看一下附件的图片,有什么想法?我们将把样品放在你新的定单的集装箱里给你.新定单完成日期6.20,我们会尽快 英语翻译请把你或你客户的要求用文字和简单的图示告诉我们,我们会在最快的时间内给你提供方案,图纸和样品. origin 如何做一个X和左右两个Y变量在同一张图 英语翻译我们会对此问题负责,我很理解你的处境,但是我觉得这种处理的方法不是很合理,首先,在确认样品时,由于蝴蝶与蜻蜓的配件你们说太薄了,于是我们最后的解决方案是把两个重叠在一 `又是一大 `以前他还经常给我打电话 我们只见2次面 不在同一 个地区 做公交车2个小时 几乎每天晚上都通话 自从我去他家后 见了他家人 在他家住了2晚 和他同睡 一张床 他只是吻我罢了 还 怎么把很多小照片拼在同一张图上像这样.是用什么软件做的. 小凡对同学说‘‘我们现在应该享受父母的爱,在家里什么都不必做.’’ 分析下观点,运用权力和义务方面的实. 英语翻译我的样品已经做出来,客户说下周要过来我们公司,现在我想把样品拍照给客户,告诉他样品做好了,问他是现在寄给他还是等他到我们公司再拿走.俺是外贸新人,英文很烂,语法错误的话