You don't study hard.You will not pass the exam合并为一句

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 04:45:57
You don't study hard.You will not pass the exam合并为一句
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You don't study hard.You will not pass the exam合并为一句
You don't study hard.You will not pass the exam合并为一句

You don't study hard.You will not pass the exam合并为一句
You will not pass the exam if you don't study hard.

If you don't study hard,you will not pass the exam

If you didn't study hard,you will not pass the eaxm. 用虚拟语气

If you don't study hard,you will____ other students. You don't study (hard) (enough).You need to study (harder).为什么这样填 同义句转换 .You must study hard.If you don't study hard,you will fail the exam.(otherwise) If you don't study hard,you will fail in the exam(同义句)If you don't study hard,you won't be () to () the exam. If you don't study hard ,you won't pass the exam.同义句转换 You don't study hard.You will not pass the exam合并为一句 if you don‘t study hard,you will not have a good job同义句 If you don't study hard,you will fail the exam.(改为同义句) If you don/t study hard,you will fall behind others同义句转换 if you don't study hard,you_fall__(落后于他人) You will fall behind of you don't study hard 同义句是什么? when i can go abroad?sorry,i don't know .maybe you must study hard. If you don't study hard,you won't get good grades.____you____(study)hard you____(not get) good grads改同义句 If you don't study hard,you won't catch up with the others.If you don't study hard,you wiil fall behind the others. 可不可以都翻译成如果你不努力学习,你就会落后于其他人? If you don't study hard,you will fall behind others的同义句If you don't study hard,you will fall behind others( )( ) ( )you will fall behind others If you don't study hard , you will not pass the exam.拜托各位大神< > you < > hard, you will not pass the exam. 改为同义句~~` You will fail the test again if you don't study hard.=You will fail the test again -you-hard. If you don't study hard ,you will fail _____(pass) the exam.有fail in doing