
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 20:57:50
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Although it doesn't always go home,but every time,walk in the silver necklace as embedded green fields,always can fly thoughts....
Remember that when my front door is narrow dirt.This is the main path of external connected several villages.Hermia hoe from children run and play folks followers and haste pedestrians and hordes of poultry...Every day in this way round about,and linger.Accustomed to such scenery,but also didn't feel any inconvenience,but if it meets the rainy days trouble.If rain,mud rotten as thin porridge,most feared nothing that is under continuous days of rain,the worse,to wear heavy boots on the steps,and not just to jilt to stop the mud,sometimes yu yu sink into mud,want to pull out all difficulties,sometimes an impatient feet and shoes,the dirty,the most unfortunate is accidentally slipped,the school also.At that time,the envy of most people's brother is rainy younger sister took home for lunch,is not very hard drive a back and forth his,and I don't have any brothers or sisters,only the home.
At that time,few of pedestrians,not to mention a car,rare open a car road,friends are running to see a strange,although also can eat to run past,but all the ash still,until it disappeared in the sight of all the blame ",when driving too fast,did not see." For a car,but also an accident.Once you see through,and have a look,run to go on a bridge,friends to squeeze into the river,the river is in winter,so that the person that small,water,all the seven hand eight pulled him up,not a disaster.
My junior high school,the road is widening,ShaShiLu instead.In the roadbed compaction,and after repair roller,folks really excited,young and old,all around to look like new.The range,and hardened,gradually becomes lively,motorcycle,tractor,big trucks from the road.However,with the passage of time,ShaShiLu gradually damaged,in the head and pour out the stones bare,go straight up on jumping.For a long time,some of the stones and bricks where all turned up,forming a small hole.
To me,because of the high school in the town every day,on the road cycling four times.The years of effort,riding a bad two new bicycle.Especially in the rainy day,simply martyrdom.In order to prevent the soil plugged the wheel of his bicycle,always carefully and slowly.If you go to the surface,where also seriously damaged will go bike upon the shoulder.If it meets the winds,each step is very difficult.Even after the water will wait days to dry.In the days after rain,a bike,will remain with the mud,splash is sometimes have to fold back to change clothes,no good mood all day.
And now my door of the road,and had become a cement road!On both sides of the former ShuiShaShu now has thrived,small cloud-kissing,they are the road.The best witness twists Policy.it is my door that way!As a famous people I have too many reasons for his hometown proud.A bridge from history,to two islands bridge China's wings,to lift the highway bridge construction,the only one of those from the sand TiaoJi meters wide roads to the driveway asphalt road until now every road perfect rural highway network.As the reform and opening up,I witnessed the age of highway from scratch,from weak to strong development.With the rapid development of highways,is the common days,I still remember clearly the cement road traffic,spacious level at the moment,the villagers open the door to the private cheerfully,triumphant!
In young people heart and has not only is used in traffic,but an extension of thoughts,is the ideal homeland to the future,is the only place.It is so simple,so strong too much,the achievement of sweat dreams!Walking in the familiar and unfamiliar road,remembering past dribs and drabs,everything is so clear lively,so memorable.I bless this record my feet,with the growing footprint of rich people to lift,show wider and stretch farther...

Although it doesn't always go home, but every time, walk in the silver necklace as embedded green fields, always can fly thoughts... .
Remember that when my front door is narrow dirt. This is the...


Although it doesn't always go home, but every time, walk in the silver necklace as embedded green fields, always can fly thoughts... .
Remember that when my front door is narrow dirt. This is the main path of external connected several villages. Hermia hoe from children run and play folks followers and haste pedestrians and hordes of poultry... Every day in this way round about, and linger. Accustomed to such scenery, but also didn't feel any inconvenience, but if it meets the rainy days trouble. If rain, mud rotten as thin porridge, most feared nothing that is under continuous days of rain, the worse, to wear heavy boots on the steps, and not just to jilt to stop the mud, sometimes yu yu sink into mud, want to pull out all difficulties, sometimes an impatient feet and shoes, the dirty, the most unfortunate is accidentally slipped, the school also. At that time, the envy of most people's brother is rainy younger sister took home for lunch, is not very hard drive a back and forth his, and I don't have any brothers or sisters, only the home.
At that time, few of pedestrians, not to mention a car, rare open a car road, friends are running to see a strange, although also can eat to run past, but all the ash still, until it disappeared in the sight of all the blame ", when driving too fast, did not see." For a car, but also an accident. Once you see through, and have a look, run to go on a bridge, friends to squeeze into the river, the river is in winter, so that the person that small, water, all the seven hand eight pulled him up, not a disaster.


英语翻译虽然现在不常回家,但每次回去,走在银色项链一样镶嵌于绿色田野的路上,总不禁思绪飞扬…….记得儿时我家门前那是条狭窄的泥土路.这是一条通往外界的主干道,连接着好几个村庄. 英语翻译以前每次回家都能感受到爸爸妈妈的爱!现在回去却总觉得有一道鸿沟在爸爸妈妈之间! 我们现在不常见面怎样用英语翻译 高中英语翻译:我宁愿走回家也不愿意坐公交车回去.(prefer to do rather than do sth) 英语翻译虽然现在我们不在同一班级但我们每天放学都会一起回家,我相信我们的友情会到永远 英语翻译虽然有点长.但现在有急用. 英语翻译:虽然我现在才大一,但也应当对自己严加要求,刻苦努力. 英语翻译 我虽然现在还是有点淘气,但更多的稳重. 英语高手进! 英语翻译虽然现在放暑假了,但我依然很忙碌 英语翻译我很喜欢唱歌 虽然唱得不怎么样.但常常唱到嗓子咳嗽甚至沙哑 我很疯狂的和朋友唱了七个小时 ,似乎我朋友比我更疯狂,后来我必须回家了,她不肯走 就自己还在那唱,后来我问她是 英语翻译1.他下班回家后想做的事就是睡觉When he gets home after work,( ) ( ) ( ) to do is to sleep.2.他们走的路线虽然不同,但却能到达同一个地方They could ( ) ( ) in the same place though they ( ) different ( ).3.昨 怎么写连笔字?我小学的时候出国,因为不常写中国字了,到现在都高中了还只会写一手小学生字,虽然写的不难看,但一笔一划觉得挺费劲的.到底怎么样才能写成连笔字啊...是不是多写就会连了 法律难题,急救!甲乙丙一起共三人,都喝了不少.酒后甲一人打车回家,于是乙送丙回家,到丙小区后,丙要自己走回去,于是乙就往回走了,但没走出200米丙就被车撞死了,后来乙就赶回现场,120、警 我们现在不常见面用英语怎么说 妈妈生病了,我打电话说回家看她,妈妈却说工作忙就好好上班,我心里很难受?每次回家其实不是不想回去,只是柑感到混的不好,无颜回去!我很虚伪! 英语翻译1、是谁不想回去?2、当然是Lily不想回去,除非你和我们一起走 郭敬明家住16楼,为什么他每次坐电梯只坐到10楼,就从楼梯走回家? 小红家住12楼 为什么她每次回家 坐电梯到6楼 然后 走楼梯呢