英语翻译《A》旁边发呆的那一个快放下沉默有什么好难过所谓天造地设只是桃红柳绿的猜测just let it go扔掉所有自卑闪躲还有那些往事啰嗦别疑惑去接手放在眼前的快乐惊心才动魄浓妆要艳

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 12:35:03
英语翻译《A》旁边发呆的那一个快放下沉默有什么好难过所谓天造地设只是桃红柳绿的猜测just let it go扔掉所有自卑闪躲还有那些往事啰嗦别疑惑去接手放在眼前的快乐惊心才动魄浓妆要艳
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英语翻译《A》旁边发呆的那一个快放下沉默有什么好难过所谓天造地设只是桃红柳绿的猜测just let it go扔掉所有自卑闪躲还有那些往事啰嗦别疑惑去接手放在眼前的快乐惊心才动魄浓妆要艳
just let it go
Just let it go
Just let it go
Come on
Come on
Come on
Just let it go
Just let it go
Come on
Come on
Come on \x05《Bridge》
Wo Yeah
Come down
Come down
Come see everything
时光绚丽不屈let it go
《HOOK Solo》
I think that it's time to let it go
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
you know what I'm saying
  (看 碧波高壮)
卧似一张弓   站似一棵松   不动不摇坐如钟   走路一阵风   南拳和北腿   少林武当功   太极八卦连环掌   中华有神功   棍扫一大片枪挑一条线   身轻好似云中燕豪气冲云天   外练筋骨皮内练一口气   刚柔并济不低头我们心中有天地   清风剑在手双刀就看走   行家功夫一出手那就知道有没有   手是两扇门脚下是一条根   四方水土养育了中华武术魂   东方一条龙儿女似英雄   天高地远八面风中华有神功   中华有神功   中华有神功

英语翻译《A》旁边发呆的那一个快放下沉默有什么好难过所谓天造地设只是桃红柳绿的猜测just let it go扔掉所有自卑闪躲还有那些往事啰嗦别疑惑去接手放在眼前的快乐惊心才动魄浓妆要艳
Next to the one that stunned
Quickly put down the silent
What good sad
The so-called made in heaven TaoGongLiuLu just speculation
Just let it go
Throw out all inferiority dodge
And those events windbag
Don't doubt
To take over in front of happiness
Barely moved more than upset
Thick makeup to colourful wipe
Light love part
Brightly colored
Just let it go
Surrounded by my good mood
Anything not instead
Just let it go
Come on
Come on
Come on
Just let it go
Despite all not equal to idea
High heels child desires
Just let it go
Come on
Come on
Come on the Bridge"
Wo Yeah
Come down
Come down
Come see everything
Mind figure
Confused the world of mortals
Time beautiful let it go unyielding
The HOOK Solo"
I think that it 's time to let it go
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
You know what I 'm saying
The top of the dark forest demon fades
Twinkle MiMi voa
Idle away time the world of mortals gorgeous
Proud amorous feelings is fan
Pride face all heavy waves
Blood as the red sun
Bravery like iron bone such as fine steel
Mind 0.1 million zhang WanLiChang eye
I work hard to do warrior
Be a good man and a day
Heart han more light than the sun
Let the Haitian for I gather energy
To visit for my ideal to cross
(see blue waves high strong)
And see the blue sky wide HaoQi Yang
I am man be to self-improvement
The steps you do beams do hold true man
With all my something hot "produce thousands beams
Be a good man
Blood im hot for hot
More light than the sun
Lying like a bow stood like a pine tree still don't shake sit as the clock to walk a gust of wind nan quan and north leg shaolin kung fu tai chi gossip serial palm the reactive power are fascinating skills around a large gun pick stick and a line of light like YunZhongYan heroism and up into the sky the bones in a practice skin practice do not bow our heart to have rigid-flexible economic sword in hand double wind and go see a shot that expert kung fu hand is know to have two doors feet is a root four side water and soil raises the soul of Chinese wushu a hero day like east children far eight sides of highland wind have the fascinating skills around the Chinese are fascinating skills around fascinating skills around

1\MetaCafe;2\Kung fu2009
The one next to a daze
Let go of silence
The so-called created by nature is colorful forecast
Just let it go
Throw away all the inferiorit...


1\MetaCafe;2\Kung fu2009
The one next to a daze
Let go of silence
The so-called created by nature is colorful forecast
Just let it go
Throw away all the inferiority Dodge
There are stories about
Don't doubt
Take on the present happiness.
To move the soul.
Heavy makeup to colourful wipe
Bright loves Leila
Resplendent with variegated coloration
Just let it go
Surrounded by my good mood
Anything can not be replaced
Just let it go
Come on
Come on
Come on
Just let it go
Put aside all the disappointments
The seven emotions and six sensory pleasures of high-heeled shoes
Just let it go
Come on
Come on
Come on" Bridge"
Wo Yeah
Come down
Come down
Come see everything
My shadow
Red passion
Let it go time brilliant unyielding
" HOOK Solo"
I think that it ' s time to let it go
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
You know what I m saying
A dark fairy forest with
Sparkling demoralizing tune
A beautiful time.
Proud style provoking fans
Pride in the face of Wan Zhonglang
Blood like the red sun
Bile like iron bone such as steel
Hundreds of miles of his mind eye
Make efforts to do my hero
Do a good man to himself every day
Warm blood man brighter than the sun
Let the Haitian as I gather energy
To the creation of the world is my ideal to break through
( see the blue water high. )
Also see azure vast upright Yang
I fight Revver
Ang step chest you do a pillar
Use 100 points with my heat Yao out of thousands of light
To be a good man
Blood hot hot
Brighter than the sun
Lie like a bow station like a tree not moving not shake sit like a clock walk a gust of wind 's North leg Shaolin Wudang power Tai Chi nosy serial palm Chinese have magic stick and a large gun pick out a line of light is red cloud cloud Zhong Yan heroic practice practice within the bones skin breath hard and soft not to give in our hearts world wind sword in hand double knife can take a shot that knew kung fu experts have hand is two door is at the foot of a square water raising of the Chinese martial arts soul Eastern Dragon children like hero high enough of the wind directions have magic have magic Chinese have magic


A man should be self-reliant
Chinese kung fu