
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/08/01 03:57:39
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Let me show you with truth:Tibet was,is,and will always be part of China.
Those who talk about freedom and democracy all day but support the most notorious slave owner in history named Dalai,stop splitting up our country!
Fact 1:
China is not a single-ethic-group country,but consists of 56 ethnic groups,apart from Tibetans,we have Hans,Mongols,Koreans,.But we call ourselves Chinese when standing together,just as what you Canadians called 'cultural diversity',and you have French descendants,English descendants,native Indians,and Eskimos,.
Fact 2:
Truth is Tibet is part of China for thousands of years.
Yuan Dynasty 1271-1368
Ming Dynasty 1368-1644
Qing Dynasty 1644-1911
Republic of China 1911-1949
Peple's Republic of China 1949-now
Now have an idea about the justified soveignty of China over Tibet?
Tibet has become part of China long before USA,Canada,Australia and NZland were established by Europeans!Unimaginable,huh?cauz you couldn't even find your country on the map then!
Speaking about "orthodoxity" or "justified rights",we will "free" Tibet if you guys get out from America or Oceania and "free" the native aborigines there!
Fact 3:
The so-called "civilized" Britain invaded,colonized Tibet in 1904 when the local Qing Dynasty was weak,and kept the slavery there.(what the hell is this civilized thing?)
Fact 4:
When the Chinese PLA liberated Tibet in 1951,it was still in slavery under Dalai's rule.Would you be happy to lose all kinds of privileges if you were Dalai?
Obvious ignorance to truth.
Fact 5:
CIA has been supporting Dalai's split up effort.Since 1950s CIA and British government had to adopt the exiled Dalai Lama and funded its government in exile.
And to the contrary,truth is the Chinese government invests 2 billion Yuan annually in Tibet for public infrastructures like schools and hospitals.
We solemnly announce here:China is not Yugoslavia!
And we urge:
Britain:Free Scotland and N.Ireland!
USA:Free Texas Republic!or go home to Europe!
Canada:Public vote for Quebec's independence!Get the hell out of the natives' land!
Japan:Free Hokkaido!Free Okinawa!Free Ryukyu!
Australia:Stop acting trash to the aborigines!Go back to Europe long with americans!
Can you meet these rightful demands?NO?Then do not simply impose what you don't want on others."Fr--Tibet"?Ridiculous enough!
Look at this:
100 dead
Look at whom they were attacking!
Dalai Lama and his western bosses must be proud for these MOBS!
Thank you,you "fair" & "righteous" western media,never tired of criticising others' sovereignty,but your own governments are constantly getting involved in splitting other countries!Mind your own business first OK?
You ignore the harm to the native people by your existence in your own country.
Don't imagine China to be another Yugoslavia
We shall never allow her-our home to be split by anyone.