用英文解释几个英文单词revolution amazingly equivalent divide section headlinehighlight summarize skim principle apply nonfiction 这些单词我知道中文意思,但需要用一句英文阐述单词意思,让别人听了你所说的那一

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 22:47:42
用英文解释几个英文单词revolution amazingly equivalent divide section headlinehighlight summarize skim principle apply nonfiction 这些单词我知道中文意思,但需要用一句英文阐述单词意思,让别人听了你所说的那一
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用英文解释几个英文单词revolution amazingly equivalent divide section headlinehighlight summarize skim principle apply nonfiction 这些单词我知道中文意思,但需要用一句英文阐述单词意思,让别人听了你所说的那一
revolution amazingly equivalent divide section headline
highlight summarize skim principle apply nonfiction
例如:skim是阅读,浏览的意思,用英文解释就是“A form of reading”(阅读的一种形式)

用英文解释几个英文单词revolution amazingly equivalent divide section headlinehighlight summarize skim principle apply nonfiction 这些单词我知道中文意思,但需要用一句英文阐述单词意思,让别人听了你所说的那一
Revolution:a complete change in ways of thinking,methods of working etc.
Amazingly:so surprising that it is hard to believe.
Equivalent:having the same value,purpose,job etc as a person or thing of a different.
Divide:to separate something such as an area,group or object into two or more parts.
Section:one of the parts that something such as an object or place is divided into.
Headline:the title of a newspaper report,which is printed in large letters above the report.
Highlight:to make a problem or subject easy to notice so that people pay attention to it.
Summarize:to make short statement giving only the main information and not the details of a plan,event or report.
Skim:to read something quickly to find the main facts or ideas in it.
Principle:a moral rule or set of ideas which makes you behave in a particular way.
Apply:to make a formal,usually written request for something such as a job,place in university,or permission to do something.
Nonfiction:books,articles etc about real facts or events,not imaged ones.

to make change of the old form
incredibly, very surprising
in an equal percentage
seperate to a few parts
a unit


to make change of the old form
incredibly, very surprising
in an equal percentage
seperate to a few parts
a unit
the most important thing that tops a day or a category
the best part of a group of things
to report in whole
principle(有两个意思, 原则和校长)
a. the master of the school
b. a moral mind
submit to an specified activity
a true story or biography
个人见解, 希望有帮助


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