
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/31 11:01:53
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U.S. Travel
The American people is a brave and freedom-loving nation. They had come from all over the world, many different cultures, race and religion, after a long period of coexistence with the formation, and gradually they are proud of being Americans.
17 centuries ago, the majority of North American Indians and Eskimos just plain living, but after a hundred years of immigration, where people have become the new home of European countries, of which the most important for the establishment of the British colony of the 13 states, the 13 states the colonies declared their independence from Britain. After a consultation and reform, the U.S. federal system, the eve of the French Revolution, the official on the world stage. The early immigrants from outside the United States is very welcome, these immigrants made her grow up quickly. U.S. population in 1776 only 300 million years, and now more than 200 million. In the process of rapid population increase, the new living space, also followed constantly open, while the direction from east to west, the extension of the pioneers not only in Xinjiang, livestock farming, but also looking for mineral and other resources. to the 20th century, the United States not only has become a world power, and is the scientific, technical, medical and military power of advanced countries.
Before the colonial period (before 1607)
In twenty thousand years ago, a group of vagrants from Asia through North America to Central and South America, the ancestors of these people are Indians. When Columbus discovered the New World, the Indians living in America, about 2,000 million, of which about 100 million people are living in what is now north-central Canada and the United States, most of the rest of Mexico and now living in the southern United States. about 1 million years ago, there is another group of Asians, moved to northern North America, which is the later Eskimo people. The first white people to the Americas is probably the Vikings, they are people who like fishing adventure, it was that they at 1,000 years ago, visited the east coast of North America. colonial period (1607 ~ 1753) 1607 A group of about a hundred colonial, built in Chesapeake Beach Jamestown, which is built by the British in North America, the first permanent colony. 150 years later, many of the colonists gradually coming , settled in the coastal areas, mostly from Britain, some from France, Germany, the Netherlands, Ireland and other countries. 18th century, the gradual formation of the 13 British colonies, the highest in the UK have their own government under the sovereignty of and Parliament. The 13 colonies due to differences in climate and geographical environment, resulting in a form of local economic and political system and the conceptual difference.
Independence Movement (1754 ~ 1783)
Mid-18th century, the British colonies in the Americas and the United Kingdom, has been a rift. Colonial expansion, so they have some kind of conscious and conscious of the British persecution, and initiation of independent thought. 1774, from 12 states representatives, gathered in Philadelphia, called the first Continental Congress was held, hoping to find out a reasonable way to solve the problem of peace with Britain, but the king insisted on unconditional surrender to the British colony to the king, and accept the punishment. 1775, in Ma State flames of war, in May, held the Second Continental Congress, firm determination and independence war, and made the famous declaration of independence, to make a case to fight this battle, this is the last winning factor. In 1781, the United States Army won a decisive victory in 1783, the United States and Britain signed the Treaty of Paris ended the Revolutionary War.
Form a new government (1784 ~ 1819)
The success of the revolution, the American people have to legislate the opportunity to express their political ideas. In 1787, the Federal Assembly was held in Philadelphia, will be pushed in Washington for the President, they adopt a principle that the central authority of a general nature , but there must be rules and instructions carefully, but they also accept the fact that national government must have a tax, coin money, to adjust their business, war and conclude treaties. In addition, in order to prevent the central power is too large, were taken to the right of the political theory of Montesquieu, that the Government set up equal cooperation with the checks and balances of three departments, namely the legislative, executive and judicial powers to reconcile the three, without checks and balances so that the right to share control of any one position.
Westward expansion (1820 ~ 1849)
Early 19th century, thousands of people, across the Appalachian Mountains, moved west, some pioneers, moved to the U.S. border, and even in-depth territory belongs to Mexico, and California between Alaska and Oregon. Portland courage, hard to the west seeking a better life.
North-South conflict (1850 ~ 1869)
Lead to civil war because, not only economic, political and military issues, including the ideological conflict. Civil war exposed the weakness of the United States. The existence of this country, made some tests. After this test The United States was moving towards a centralization of the modern state of the smooth. North and South, between the rough spots for the slavery issue, the South in national politics on the main approach to the protection and expansion of "cotton and slavery" system represents the interests of the ; the northern states, mainly manufacturing, commercial and financial center, the production without relying on the slave, this economic and political conflicts are long-standing. the early 1860s, the 11 southern states from the federal, Another group of government, the North said that reunification will not hesitate to pay any price. In 1861, civil war broke out, Americans face in this bloody war, playing for four years, the South has been severely damaged, and left deep injuries. 1865, the North defeated, the victory not only that the United States replies unity, and, from all over the country are no longer implemented slavery.
Industrialization and Reform (1870 ~ 1916)
Early 19th century, the United States began industrialization, civil war, then into the mature stage. In the First World War from the Civil War to less than 50 years, she from a village into a city of the Republic of the country. Machine instead of the manual, the product has increased substantially. national railway network, to enhance the flow of goods. should be the public's needs, many new inventions to market the. banks to provide loans to facilitate the expansion of business operations. Therefore, from 1890 to nearly 1917 30 years is known as the so-called "progressive period", 1914, World War, 1917, the United States was finally involved in the vortex of war, and in the world, trying to play new roles.
The new status of the world (1917 ~ 1929)
10 years after the war, American society and culture can be said to be a lifeless, no feelings, belonging to the merchant class in 10 years. According to 1929 statistics, ranking the ratio of city and rural living is 56%: 44%, then the modern Jufan life characteristics, such as cars, telephones, radios, washing machines, has become a necessity of life. the post-war economy has shown great prosperity, for two reasons, one for government interference in private enterprise and there is no legislative protection, two new technologies driven. Although economic growth quickly, but the underlying instability.
Depression era and World War II (1930 ~ 1959)
Great Depression, affecting not just the United States, all countries are hit by it, the Great Depression, so that millions of workers unemployed, a large number of farmers forced to give up land, factory shops closed, a depressed bank failures ... . 1932 , Roosevelt was elected president, he advocated that the Government should take action to end the Great Depression, the new Government has to solve many difficulties, but the U.S. economy is going to World War II, before waking up. After World War II U.S. and the USSR, the deterioration of relations, respectively, in the military, political, economic, propaganda aspects, step up preparations, as war, this state, known as the "Cold War."
Since 1960
American history since 1960, is still in many ways a continuation of the post-war development. Economy, in addition to the cyclical downturn, is still swelling; moved to the suburbs from the city's population continues to increase, in 1970, ranking the rural population of more than Home city's population. Early in 1960, The Negro Problem The main problem within the United States.
The mid-1960s, many Americans dissatisfied with the Government's foreign policy. Moreover, as industrial development, population concentrations, the late 60s, extensive pollution of the environment by the attention. The early 70s, because of the energy crisis caused by the recession, Since the Great Depression is the most serious one.
The mid-70s, the economy was recovering, but not the age of 70, but also inflation. In 1976, the 200th anniversary of the founding of the United States, the country holding various celebrations. April 12, 1981, the United States successfully launched the "Columbia" space shuttle, the space will be brought in another new era in human beings. In 1985, Ronald Reagan's re-election in the history of human development advances, the United States will start a new page.

英文我不要中文的,我要英文的,就是关于美国历史的.在下面标一下中文嘛、.、、、 求英文美句 不要谚语.要中文的. design英文意思我要的是英文的解释,不要翻译成中文的. 求Rabbit Run中文正解歌词要中文歌词,不要英文的,英文的我有 美国的国徽介绍中文英文都要啊!不要只是中文或只是英文的!我的是指有英文 那个中文和英文要对应,只是英文我怎么看得懂! 我急需一个关于新年的由来的故事(英文)不要很长,不要很短,要用英文哦中文是从前有一个叫年的怪物。。。要它的英文版 不要向我借的英文“不要向我借”的英文怎么说就是不要向我借东西的意思,英文英文怎么说 关于美的英文名言 中文和英文的小品,关于圣诞节的,不要太长.十分急!要搞笑的!英文 发现美 翻译我要英文的发现美创造美 就这两个词 请帮我把中文翻成英文 不要google 翻译 英文厉害的请帮忙 > 有励志的英文签名吗?附上中文!不要太长,我要能够作为座右铭的 关于“我理想的家”的英文作文,不要太长! 关于英语爱情诗句不要中文,只要英文的就好了.我要长篇的,我要有名的,我喷血,我不要《世界上最遥远的距离》!我要得心脏病了~ 英文see-saw的中文是什么?我不要日本的那个see-saw,我要英文see-saw的中文是什么!是作业上的, 关于“美”的英文诗句或名言(要英文) 关于冬天的英文小诗不要太长,美一点,帮我写一首.不要名人的诗,我们是让自己写, 求:《omg》音译歌词,不要发中文翻译和英文,我要的是中文念出英文!