
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 19:31:56
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追问:只要是有关于未来的畅想,都可以,字数嘛,一百字左右.要快…… 回答:Ok.今天帮你搞掂!追问:难度别太大的哦.回答:放心喔!只得100字左右的作文写不得太深.差不多写完了.给多点点耐性.补充:IMAGINE THE FUTURE COMPOSITION I have a dream from last night.The dream was a increditable journey of electronic toilet experience.Don't worry I am not talk about the yackety-yack thing.I just want to distribution my amazing dream with anyone.In my dream,I was in a place which was I never been there before.I was looking for a toilet for sort my personal things out that time.When I was arrived to toilet,it not looks like our today used style.It looks like a big box,seems our the public telephone box.I was shocking in there.Suddenly one very soft male's voice talk to me.Ask me want to use a toilet or not?I answered the voice said yes.Then the voice guided me to press the green buttom and the door slowly to open.As the door open I can heard a very nice music and can smell a very fresh air from inside the box.In this time the voice started to talk to me again.He introducted himself who was this toilet's manager to help anyone to use this electronic toilet.He was a very good guider.When I went in this electronic toilet he was very quick and simple and clear to let me know how to use this toilet and the rule to used.I followed his guiding start my this special electronic toilet experience journey.Firstly when I got in the toilet,the toilet door will automatically closed and the toilet music started to run.While you start to use their service,the option panel will start work,people can use their interesting to choice what kind of the personal activity service during your toilet used time.There have games,maganine,TV,Radio...facility service were provided.Never let you feel boring while you were in there.Its a amazing new knowledge facility service.It lets you forgot where were you?Not feel you were in the toilet and was in somewhere else.When i was intoxicated with their success,the voice started to notice me that I only have 5 mins used time left.I have to start to finish all I have to do in the toilet.Finally after finish my last activity - wash my hand,the door slowly open again.at the same time I can heard the voice say good bye to me and some greetings.I was holding my exciting walk out this box - electronic toilet.I just feel this experience was amazing and a increditable.At this time I was woke up from my dream by my mum.She was woke me up for my school day.附言:对不起!文章可能会长了点.你修改一下.追问:Oh no太长了,我要内容精简的小短文就可以,拜托… 回答:你给我你的期限?让我心有数帮你改快点.追问:高二的作文可水平就可以了,短短的.可不可以加你Q?以后遇到难题可以请教你了 回答:答案 IMAGINE THE FUTURE COMPOSITION As our country's progress and social development.More and more new technologies and applications are showed on front of us.I can imagine how the future of China how is look like?The future of China is standing in the forefront of advanced countries in the world.At that time China is in the air transport development.It brings together the world's most advanced design technology,the suspension is based on the train increased its stability.Therefore,it is very easy to go anywhere while the people to get to where they want to go at the future.Take this train while to get to where you want to go is very quickly.It saves people’s time and destinations differences.This new technology has brought us to solve the problem of the use of space savings.China in that era,it does not only have this technology,and also have the air housing,air supermarket such and such there are many air traffic facilities.Prosperity of the motherland,we are proud of this charming!(中文翻译):随着我们国家的进步,社会的发展.越来越多新型的技术和应用程现在我们的面前.我可以想像出中国未来的蓝图是怎么样的?未来中国是站在世界先进国家的前列.在那时候中国的交通是在空中发展.它集合了世界上最先进的设计技术,把悬浮火车在现在的基礎上提高了它的稳定性.所以以后人们想去那都很方便.乘搭这趟火车,一会儿就可以到达你想要去的地方.这种新的技术给我们带来解决节省空间使用的难题.在那个年代的中国,不但有这样技术,而且还有空中住房,空中超市,还有很多的空中交通设施.祖国的繁荣昌盛,我们为此娇傲!(附言:对不起!昨天不知怎的网落不稳一直不让我提交.搞了大半天都不成功.今天才可以.你看一下行不行.我是帮你重写了一编.字数在140左右.我想应该可以.我附了中文翻译解释 给你,让你容易看懂.我已加你了.你核实.)