
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/07 18:03:50
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Nowadays, as one of the main transportations, the airplane provides us great convenience and advantage. Because of more and more air lines, people can get to their destinations by air directly instead of transfering for several times by train or bus.
People only make sure which flight they are taking, when they should board the plane and where their destination is. Other things are no need for them to consider but now the business of the airline companies and staff, who are supposed to provide consumers comfortable environment, convenient procedures, etc. Then what should be the considerations for the maintenance personnel? They are supposed to look after a great deal of details such as the undercariiage, the fuselage, the wings, the hydraulic system, the air conditioning system, the anti-tice system, and so on. Even the smallest problem will become an invocatable and great accident after the plane taking off. So the maintenance personnel is ought to keep highly attention all the time to observe and to notice every problem.
Airplanes will go through some changes when flying in the air. Vapour freezes on the fuselage and wings because of the low temperature. We are familiar with snow and frozen of the river in the winter, but few of us can explain clearly why it is freezing. As we all know, freeze does harm to machines, let alone the planes flying in the air. As freeze greatly endangers flights, the AI anti-tice system plays a role. It melts the ice on the fuselage by different ways and ensures the flight working well.
Key words: the harm of freeze, the reasons of freeze, ways to anti-ice and deicing

Nowadays aircraft, as one of the main means of transportation, to our daily life to provide a great convenience and benefits. The aircraft's flight path is becoming more and more people can fly direct...


Nowadays aircraft, as one of the main means of transportation, to our daily life to provide a great convenience and benefits. The aircraft's flight path is becoming more and more people can fly directly to want to place, no longer after the train or the bus many times.
People just need to understand what they want to take what plane flew to where, when to use the computer, and they don't need to care about other problems, because airlines, airport personnel will be very good deal with other issues, to the customer are taking to the air in a comfortable environment, convenient procedure. As the crew that need to worry about, care about what respect? Many, such as the gear, the fuselage surface, wing, hydraulic system, air conditioning system, anti-icing system, etc., quite a lot of small problems are air crew to care and treatment. Because even a small small problem, when the plane fly to heaven after all turn into a big accident



RT: now the plane as one of the main transportation tool, provides great convenience and benefits to our daily...


RT: now the plane as one of the main transportation tool, provides great convenience and benefits to our daily life. The flight path of more and more aircraft, people can take the plane directly where you want to place, no longer travel times train or bus.
People only need to know they will sit what plane, what time machine, to which place,they don't need other issues concerning the plane, because the airlines, the airport staffwill deal with, to a comfortable environment, convenient procedures will take the aircraftcustomers. The maintenance personnel need to worry, concern is what? Many, such aslanding gear, the fuselage, wing, hydraulic system, air conditioning system, anti icesystem and so on, small problems very much all maintenance personnel to care,treatment. Because even a small problem, when aircraft fly will evolve into an irreparableaccidents. So the crew must always remain highly attention, observation and found thateach question.
The plane will have some changes in the air, the body, the wing will meet the water vapor in the air cooling and freezing in the winter, people more or less have seen snow, ice,river ice we are not unfamiliar, but why would freeze how many people may not be carefulto explain, we all know that ice on machinery objects according to hurt, not to mention theaircraft flying in the sky. Freeze the harm could have a big impact on the aircraft flight.This time is the aircraft anti ice system show power, anti icing system will use different ways to make the ice melt, and ensure the normal flight aircraft.
Keywords: freezing harm, cause of formation, anti icing and deicing method


英语翻译RT:现如今飞机作为主要的交通工具之一,给我们的日常生活提供了很大的便捷和益处.飞机的飞行路线越来越多,人们可以乘坐飞机直接到达想要到的地方,不用再辗转多次的火车或公 英语翻译rt交通方式翻译成英语 英语翻译关于交通的! 冰岛主要的交通方式 英语翻译本文就现如今电视广告出现的新趋势——商业广告公益化进行了浅层次的分析,由中国电视广告的发展及现状作为背景,从而得出中国的公益性商业广告的形成原因、定义、特点、优 英语翻译相关性与可靠性作为会计信息的两大主要特征,有着举足轻重的同等重要的作用,然而,会计使用者们的天平却在逐渐的倾斜.现如今会计信息失真问题也日益严峻,必须重新认识相关性 现如今核电站所产生的能量主要来自核燃料内部的什么反应 英语翻译秋天来了,那曾经染绿我一片夏的微笑,现如今该何去何从 英语翻译国际静态交通委员会ISTC,是致力于执行联合国系统、国际金融机构、各国政府和援助世界中的其他合作伙伴的静态交通发展.作为联合国系统静态交通发展任务的执行机构,属联合国非 唐朝主要交通路线图的特点? 控制交通噪声的主要方法是什么 英语翻译城市轨道交通作为城市公共交通的主要发展方向已被广泛地认同.城市轨道交通费用由建设费、车辆购置费、运营费等组成,其中车辆的购置费和运营费占据着较大比例,因此,在满足客 一段汉翻英,求助英语翻译达人公交卫士- 智能超声波车窗破碎器作为人员密集型的交通运输工具——公交车,近年来频发交通安全事故导致众多人员伤忙暴露其存在很大安全隐患.事故发生时, 英语翻译交通不方便的这句话英文翻译 你觉得那里的交通怎样?英语翻译 南北方传统的交通运输工具分别是rt 英语翻译 作为展望公司的销售,我主要负责汽车零件厂的销售工作 英语翻译我做喜欢的交通方式世界上有很多种交通方式,比如:火车,汽车,飞机,船.这些都很方便而且不贵但我最喜欢骑自行车.自行车是世界上常见的交通方式,自行车可以锻炼身体,每周骑3到4