一道选择题could you tell me ____?A.where she's visited last summerB why she would leaveC when she has leftD.which one she has chosen宾语从句用陈述句语序,那么解释下ABC为何不选

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 15:44:58
一道选择题could you tell me ____?A.where she's visited last summerB why she would leaveC when she has leftD.which one she has chosen宾语从句用陈述句语序,那么解释下ABC为何不选
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一道选择题could you tell me ____?A.where she's visited last summerB why she would leaveC when she has leftD.which one she has chosen宾语从句用陈述句语序,那么解释下ABC为何不选
一道选择题could you tell me ____?
A.where she's visited last summer
B why she would leave
C when she has left
D.which one she has chosen

一道选择题could you tell me ____?A.where she's visited last summerB why she would leaveC when she has leftD.which one she has chosen宾语从句用陈述句语序,那么解释下ABC为何不选
A.where she's visited last summer ‘s只能理解为has缩写,现在完成时态不能出现明显表过去的时间状语last summer
B why she would leave would时态不对,主句的could仅表示委婉语气,没有过去含义,will就对了
C when she has left

A。现在完成时不能与特定过去时间点连用,像yesterday,last year;


一道选择题could you tell me ____? 检举 | 离问题结束还有 14 天 7 小时 提问者:橘子不要哭mm | 浏览次数:46次
A.where she's visited last summer
B why she would leave
C when she has left
D. which one she has chosen


一道选择题could you tell me ____? 检举 | 离问题结束还有 14 天 7 小时 提问者:橘子不要哭mm | 浏览次数:46次
A.where she's visited last summer
B why she would leave
C when she has left
D. which one she has chosen
析:ABD这三个宾语从句的时态都是现在完成时,我们知道现在完成时不能与过去的时间状语连用,而A中有last summer, 有when(何时),所以排除AC。
其实B不是不可以,只是不如D好。She would leave是过去将来时,也可能是虚拟语气的用法。意为:您能告诉我她为什么会离开吗?如果是虚拟语气,句子中缺乏一个假设条件,且加上也不合逻辑:如果。。。的话,她为什么会离开。如果是过去将来,则没有过去的时间作参考。
但这个选项恰恰是最大的干扰项,因为主句中是could you...., 以为主过从过,实际上这里的could并不表示过去,只是一种委婉的说法。


所以 正确的句子是 why she left , when she left, where she visited last summer,


A很明显last summer是过去的时间状语,所以应该用过去时,where she visited就对了。
Bcould是表示委婉的语气,而不是表示can的过去式,所以应该是will leave
C如果说她已经离开了是she left,when是问时间点不用于完成时态



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