Gone with the wind 英文评价急需gwtw 的英文评价···哪位朋友给用英文评论下··

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Gone with the wind 英文评价急需gwtw 的英文评价···哪位朋友给用英文评论下··
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Gone with the wind 英文评价急需gwtw 的英文评价···哪位朋友给用英文评论下··
Gone with the wind 英文评价
急需gwtw 的英文评价···哪位朋友给用英文评论下··

Gone with the wind 英文评价急需gwtw 的英文评价···哪位朋友给用英文评论下··
The novel is set in North Georgia at the time of the American Civil War,from 1861 to 1865 and beyond when the Southern plantation owners fought the northern Yankees for the right to own slaves.They lost the war,suffered innumerable losses of life in the process,and the romantic plantation life depicted in the early chapters of the novel is utterly destroyed.During this period the characters in the novel undergo the transition from a carefree playful life of picnics and parties (underlain by the hard graft of their slaves) to one of hand-to-mouth living and hard physical labour,and finally,back to prosperity.
I started reading with some trepidation.I鈥檝e never been one for historical novels and especially not those concerning wartime.Too much blood and guts tends to spoil my dinner.However,knowing that it was my duty as a fully rounded woman to read this classic novel,I got stuck into the first of many pages.Besides,there鈥檚 nothing I like better than a nice long novel to get your teeth into.
There are four main characters in the novel,all introduced very early on of whom.Scarlett O鈥橦ara is a spoilt society beauty with 鈥渂ristling black eyelashes鈥 鈥 I love this description!鈥 which she uses to charm men.She lives with her sisters and parents on their plantation estate with dozens of slaves,including Mammy,their black housekeeper who is regarded (as much as was possible at that time) part of the family and plays an important role in Scarlett鈥檚 life.The storyline centres around Scarlett鈥檚 life at the time of the civil war and the other characters which interact with her.
Rhett Butler is a dashing renegade,the man who is rumoured to have ruined a woman (whispered in shocked tones among Scarlett鈥檚 companions).He is described as having 鈥渁bsurdly tiny feet鈥 which Scarlett admires 鈥 an interestingly dated concept - certainly I don鈥檛 look for my men to have SMALL feet鈥?
Melanie Hamilton is a fellow society girl,generous,well respected and sensible.Scarlett despises her for being wishy washy and pathetically feminine.
Ashley Wilkes is the good guy,respected throughout the neighbourhood,the Luke Skywalker to Rhett鈥檚 Han Solo.He鈥檚 the object of Scarlett鈥檚 affections,yet engaged to be married to Melanie.When Scarlett discovers this fact she throws a vase across a library,nearly decapitating Rhett in the process.
The book starts with the heroine of the piece,17 year old Miss Scarlett O鈥橦ara flirting to the best of her capacity with the handsome Tarleton twins on the porch of Tara,her plantation house home,and berating the seriousness of the impending war because it ruins her capacity to have fun,attend parties and have beaux.I mention this first page because it encapsulates the very nature of the entire novel.Scarlett O鈥橦ara is a spoilt,selfish beauty with enormous power to manipulate men and a desire for the good things in life.Knowing this,you can see why she makes some of her seemingly ridiculous choices throughout the novel.
Throughout the novel Scarlett makes some appalling decisions,such as marrying the shy,nervous Charles Hamilton (Melanie鈥檚 brother) for spite because Ashley dared to marry Melanie.She quickly finds that married life isn鈥檛 what it鈥檚 cracked up to be,and that she can no-longer flirt to her heart鈥檚 content.Matters are made even worse when Charles dies while at war,and Scarlett is doomed to years of widowhood,wearing black and no dancing.Worse than this even,she is pregnant with her first child,a fact she despises.However,Scarlett is not one to be held down for long and she quickly rebels against the constraints the society imposes by both dancing and wearing brightly coloured clothing (at Rhett鈥檚 impetus) while still in mourning.
Later on when the guns of war come close around Scarlett and her comrades she shows surprising resilience and strength,delivering Melanie鈥檚 baby single-handed amid the sacking of Atlanta,and taking on the responsibility of managing Tara.She proves to be a sound and resourceful businesswoman,who can make difficult decisions when they are needed.
You can鈥檛 help but like Scarlett.She鈥檚 hopelessly selfish,vain,manipulative,deluded and foolish,but she鈥檚 also an extremely vivacious,loyal and strong character who can be relied upon to say and do just exactly what she thinks,regardless of the impact on other people.Again and again through the novel you find yourself thinking 鈥渘oooooo don鈥檛 do that鈥 but you know she鈥檚 going to do it anyway.Rhett Butler is the perfect foil to her exuberance and wilfulness,and though immensely frustrating to Scarlett,proves to be the only man who can help her at certain points through the novel.
The book is very dramatic,and very much of the era,though written 60 years after the events it describes.For example,racism and snobbery is blatant and frustrating to a modern reader,but this just serves to evoke the period more accurately.The strictures imposed on the life which Scarlett and her companions live in is a key feature of the novel,and the gathering rebellion against these constraints a parallel with the emancipation of the slaves.