英语作文 假如你同学想买一台苹果智能手机,请你给他写一封60左右的信,告诉他你的看法 内容包括英语作文 假如你同学想买一台苹果智能手机,请你给他写一封60左右的信,告诉他你的看法 内

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 23:54:25
英语作文 假如你同学想买一台苹果智能手机,请你给他写一封60左右的信,告诉他你的看法 内容包括英语作文 假如你同学想买一台苹果智能手机,请你给他写一封60左右的信,告诉他你的看法 内
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英语作文 假如你同学想买一台苹果智能手机,请你给他写一封60左右的信,告诉他你的看法 内容包括英语作文 假如你同学想买一台苹果智能手机,请你给他写一封60左右的信,告诉他你的看法 内
英语作文 假如你同学想买一台苹果智能手机,请你给他写一封60左右的信,告诉他你的看法 内容包括
英语作文 假如你同学想买一台苹果智能手机,请你给他写一封60左右的信,告诉他你的看法 内容包括 1.问候他现在的情况 2.告知你近期在学校的表现 3.说服她不买苹果手机 至少3点理由

英语作文 假如你同学想买一台苹果智能手机,请你给他写一封60左右的信,告诉他你的看法 内容包括英语作文 假如你同学想买一台苹果智能手机,请你给他写一封60左右的信,告诉他你的看法 内
When it comes to mobile phone, who also not unfamiliar, even three year old children know how to use. Now, with the progress of science and technology, mobile phone change is big, from a big brother, into a can carry, and many mobile phone. Mobile phone telephone exchanges, can also surf the Internet, moreover, is video chat, also can take, save trouble with camera, can also store information, listen to music, mobile phone is equivalent to a small portable computer. Mobile phone also has a special function, is in an emergency situation, the mobile phone can also save your life, at the crucial moment for example: in case of emergency worldwide mobile phone can dial the common emergency number 112; standby mobile phone invisible power shortage, in order that it can continue to use, according to *3370# keys, mobile phone will restart, after that, consumption increased by 5%; mobile phone was stolen? There are ways to make the thief can not use, see the serial number of the mobile phone, just type *#06#15 serial number, will appear on the mobile phone screen. Each mobile phone all over the world, the one and only has a sequence number, the sequence number is recorded and saved, if one day unfortunately mobile phone was stolen, call mobile phone provider, and provide the serial number of the mobile phone, they will help you put the mobile phone screen. So even if the thief changes the SIM card, still unable to use, then the mobile phone to become Nothing is right. the thief. No perfect thing in the world is not exceptional also, mobile phone, mobile phone is like poppy, bright and beautiful appearance, but inside it is poisonous. For example: mobile phone radiation on the human head is more harmful, it will be one of the central nervous system caused by the disorder caused by machine, head, dizziness, insomnia, dreaminess, hair loss and other symptoms, some people face stimuli are not rare. Many girls like to mobile phone hung on the chest. But research shows that, mobile phone hanging in the chest, will have a certain impact on the heart and endocrine system, even in smaller radiation standby, electromagnetic wave radiation around the mobile phone may cause harm to the human body. Put in the pocket of his trousers will kill sperm, according to the report, the scientists found, often carry and use mobile phone male sperm count can be reduced by as much as 30%, medical experts have pointed out, the mobile phone is often hung on the waist of a human body or the waist side, electromagnetic wave transceiving signal will be radiation to human sperm or the egg, which may affect the reproductive function of the user. The harm of smoking, that have no one knows, but if someone says to you, every year because of the number of mobile phone of death, the death toll more than cigarettes, whether you will be startled at? The statistics show, 3 times the world mobile phone users has exceeded the number of smokers, so experts believe that mobile phone will be more serious than smoking hazards. At present, the world every year about 5000000 people die from smoking related diseases. In 1977, reporter Lao De, first proposed the use of mobile phone may have adverse effects on the brain, because of the use of mobile phone number is very few, this article has not caused widespread concern, people in 1985, Lynn USA scientists speculate, long-term use of mobile phone may be evoked brain tumor. He also suggested: try to use mobile phone, and not to call. Department of Ophthalmology, Zhejiang University Research Institute Professor Yao Ke after one year experiment indicated: even in the international mobile phone radiation standards for safe use, long time use is still on the eyes from injury of human body parts. Electromagnetic microwave generation mobile phone calls in the eye lens damage, destroy cell communication function. Mobile phone electromagnetic field may reduce bone density Osteoporosis, long time using a mobile phone, the mobile phone surface nickel material contact for too long, may lead to skin allergies, produce a "mobile phone dermatitis" itchy rash. Susceptible to long time mobile phone call, this is caused by the arm pain long time call, because the arm elbow bend too much and waist long stretch, so the main nerve, obstruct blood flow to the nerve. Resulting from the elbow fingers tingling or numbness. Also have an impact on pregnant women, if the height of microwave radiation induced abortion of pregnant women, fetal malformation or stillbirth. Low intensity can have adverse effects on the offspring born after some behavior. Know so many mobile phone hazards, how to turn the harm to a minimum extent. We can do the following: 1, don't put it on the pillow; 2, not hanging in the chest; the 3, the mobile phone is put in the purse; 4, the use of Headset answering mobile phone, call to control in half an hour; 5, do not let the mobile phone contact with the skin, play mobile phone often change hands. For the safety of everyone, happiness, or less mobile phone is appropriate.

英语作文 假如你同学想买一台苹果智能手机,请你给他写一封60左右的信,告诉他你的看法 内容包括英语作文 假如你同学想买一台苹果智能手机,请你给他写一封60左右的信,告诉他你的看法 内 求下列的英语作文!英语作文:乔布斯发明了苹果手机,它有很多优点;但价格贵,维修不太方便,很多人都有.假如你同学想买一台苹果智能手机,请给你他写一封80词左右的信,告诉他(她)你的 智能手机好处坏处英语作文 关于智能手机的英语作文 智能手机的好处英语作文 英语作文《假如你的同学学习很差,叫你帮助他提一些建议》 英语作文怎样明智地用智能手机 英语作文 假如你是王飞、、、、、、 英语作文:假如你是李华给报社写信,反映同学使用手机的建议 英语作文 假如你的同学是外星人急.做人就是要有头有尾的啊. 英语作文:假如你是李华,最近你校同学就如何对待公共场合吸烟,吐痰等不文明行为展 为什么英语作文都说 假如你是李华... 假如你有很多钱 英语作文 假如你是环保局局长英语作文 假如你是卡罗纳的同学作文500字 英语作文,假如你是李华,你们班同学打算去西山公园爬山,请写一封信邀请...英语作文,假如你是李华,你们班同学打算去西山公园爬山,请写一封信邀请外教Mr Smith参加,爬山中有:赏花照相野餐, 假如你是班长,新学期开始了,向同学介绍本学期活动(英语作文)50字左右 英语作文假如你是班里的学习委员,看到班上有部分同学在完成作业时抄袭他人作业