
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/09 12:21:28
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The battery in the remote control is dying,you need to change it.
The water supply for 8th to 14th floors will be temperarily cut off during 1:30 to 3:00pm.
Room 202 is checking out now,we need to read electricity meter.
Technicians for reparing water purifier,I will meet you at where you punch/swipe in for work.
换电池:change battery 停水:cut off water 抄电表:read/copy off electricity meter

一、DVD machine is power off, the remote control to change battery.
二、8 to 14 floor, water will be cuted off 1 PM to 3 PM in the afternoon.
三、Room 202, check out now, will copy meter.
四、Maintenance staff of water purifiers, break the card (work) place waiting for you.

1Remote control of DVD machine has no electricity, to replace the battery.
2The 8 floor to the 14 floor, at one thirty to three thirty without water.
3Room 202, checking out now, want to read the meter.
4Repair the water purifier staff, in (work) on cards and so you.

  1. The remote control i out of battery, it needs new battery.

  2. from floor 8 to floor 14, there's no water supply from 1.30 to 3.30.

  3. room 202 is checking out, t...


    1. The remote control i out of battery, it needs new battery.

    2. from floor 8 to floor 14, there's no water supply from 1.30 to 3.30.

    3. room 202 is checking out, the room needs to check its meter.

    4. Maintenance staff water purifier is waiting for you at the clock in area.


    1. The battery in the remote control is dying, you need to change it.

    2. The water supply for 8th to 14th floors will be temperarily cut off during 1:30 to 3:00pm.

    3. R...


      1. The battery in the remote control is dying, you need to change it.

      2. The water supply for 8th to 14th floors will be temperarily cut off during 1:30 to 3:00pm.

      3. Room 202 is checking out now, we need to read electricity meter.

      4. Technicians for reparing water purifier, I will meet you at where you punch/swipe in for work.

        换电池:change battery 停水: cut off water 抄电表: read/copy off electricity meter


英语翻译一,DVD机器的遥控器没电了,要换电池.二,8楼到14楼,下午1点半到3点半停水.三,202室,现在退房,要抄电表.四,维修净水器的工作人员,在(上班)敲卡处等你. DVD遥控器 英语是什么? 请教电器故障单词,用英语怎说?谢谢1.DVD机故障,无法使用了.2.客厅里插饮水机的插座没电.3.饮水机插上没电,饮水机故障了,无法使用了.4.短路.断路. 如何用英语翻译“遥控器中,电怎么转换成红外线的” 干电池没电后是多少伏如果电视遥控器里电池(1.5V)没有电了,那么电压是0伏吗?万用表里的9V电池没电了,请问电压是多少伏? 玩具汽车遥控器有两台遥控汽车,有一台车坏了,另一台遥控器坏了,现在想把剩下的配在一起用,需要怎么调?直接用没反应. 怎样调整电视机的声音我们家的电视有一个频道没有声音,用电视遥控器和机顶盒遥控机都没有用;我只是觉得在没声音之前我是在看那个频道,后来我爷爷来了,直接在电视闭路上接上了DVD播 求DVD切换声道的英文 因为我家用的是英文遥控器所以- -求解 RT 英语翻译帮个忙,词典没电了 请问一台机器的功率是30千瓦,工作一小时要多少度电? DVD遥控器 英文键(200分)想问下大家DVD按键上GOTOBALANCEDSETUPPROGZOOMREMEMBERECHO+(-)fiels/mode请问DVD上面这些英文按键都是什么功能还有DVD(播放CD)我选择一首歌曲,然后播放,为什么播放这首歌曲 电池中流出的水有毒吗?前几天姥姥家数字电视遥控器不好用了,我以为电池没电了,就把电池拿了出来,可是发现电池上有一些水,遥控器里面也有,看来一定是电池里流出的,我用手拿了,不过后 工厂一机器三相电接了3p漏宝,但空开一打开漏宝就跳闸了,望各位师傅解答,且漏电跟什么有关,把机器的线换掉会不会好或者会不会是机器本身有问题, 请问用三相电的机器,只接了两相电就被启动,会烧坏机器吗? 遥控车遥控问题我刚买的一个遥控车,遥控器开了没反应,用以前的遥控器(旧的)倒可以用,是不是电波, 不小心用了电视的遥控器,按了翻台键,电视机没节目了,按机顶盒的遥控器也没反映,怎么恢复到有节目没节目 显示无信号,按设置键没反应,怎么自动调节啊 英语翻译1 遥控器可以被用来打开或关掉电视.2 这个频道上的节目很无聊,我们换个台怎么样?3 文字处理软件最忌市场销路很好.4 你报名参加了那次作文竞赛了么?——我还没决定.5 当你输入一 如何使用遥控器,改变可调电阻的电阻值?