
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:44:37
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Correct its own state of mind:blessing or disaster worth sometimes occur at the moment,it is important not just to reflect,self-blame,but rather:training to control their own emotions.Our defeat from the outside world has never been a setback,but setbacks in the shadow of the soul left us ......
After the illness for some time away from their families,which should be mentally prepared for that - ready to bear alone!Actively obtain information about the disease and treatment information,the right to assess the severity of their illnesses,neither exaggerated nor underestimated,in a timely manner to reflect the doctor.Learn to express their inner feelings and needs,not stuffy at the heart patients,doctors and patients,their loved ones among the exchanges will play a significant role in psychological support.According to the actual situation to determine the specific objectives of the limited life,such as:fully cooperate with the doctor as soon as possible to eliminate the symptoms and restore health.Do not consider too many things outside the hospital with the AIDS fight is a long-term and arduous task,let us join hands and work together to resist,to encourage common.
Saman in the world is willing to sunlight every inch of land,would like the entire universe is full of love!

Corrects own point of view: The luck is also good, sometimes the calamity, will occur in instantaneous, important will not be engages in introspection constantly, rebukes oneself, but will be: The tra...


Corrects own point of view: The luck is also good, sometimes the calamity, will occur in instantaneous, important will not be engages in introspection constantly, rebukes oneself, but will be: The training controls oneself mood ability. Strikes breaks down we is always not comes from the outside the setback, but after is the setback leaves our mind shadow ...... is sick, will have period of time to be far away from the family member, regarding this should have enough preparation - - preparation withstanding to be lonely! Gains the related disease and the treatment information positively, appraises own condition correctly, also did not underestimate that do not exaggerate, reported promptly to doctor. The academic society expresses oneself innermost feelings to need with the feeling, do not at heart, between the medical trouble, the family member between the patient, exchange stuffily, can play the obvious psychological support role. According to actual situation determination concrete limited life goal, for instance: Coordinates doctor to eliminate the symptom as soon as possible with all one's strength, recovers the health and so on. Excessively many do not consider that outside the hospital the matter, with AIDS's resistance is one item long-term and the arduous duty, lets us hand in hand, resist together, encourage together. is willing the sunlight to sprinkle the world each inch land, is willing to like filling the entire universe!


英语翻译端正自己的心态:福也好,祸也罢,有时会发生在瞬间,重要的不是一味反省,自责,而是:训练控制自己情绪的能力.击垮我们的从来不是来自外界的挫折,而是挫折留给我们心灵的阴影… 如何才能端正工作态度?端正工作的心态? 活也好,死也罢 请以 报答 为题写一篇记叙文太急了,请大家帮我找一篇以报答为题的记叙文,复制的也好,自己写的也罢, 犯错也好,失败也罢,其实两者并不可怕!可怕的是内心上了锁的“执着”! 这句话我自己说的,哪里犯错也好,失败也罢,其实两者并不可怕!可怕的是内心上了锁的“执着”! 这句话我自己说的, 友情也好,爱情也罢,我若离去,后会无期!我女朋友发的! 要几首表示青春的歌,最好是流行歌曲.中文也好,英文也罢、、、、、、、 英文翻译:这样也好,那样也罢,都不要紧. “你需要调整好自己的心态”英语翻译 求一道数独解法能给个方法也好.没的话也罢自己研究好的话加分 地球生物也好,外星生物也罢,都不过是一种病毒而已.它们的存在就是破坏周围的环境,化为己用强大自己,繁衍出更多更优秀的后代,扩大破坏的范围,周而复始直至自身灭亡. 英语翻译这三天你过得好吗?当你收到这束花的时候,不管你是什么感受,开心也好,生气也罢,请你都不要说出来,让我默默地感受. 各国,各民族神话也好传说也罢,都是怎么命名地球的? 如希腊神话中的地球 就叫盖亚一样? 코크플레이 htq122:外来词也好,不是外来词也罢;我只想知道这个中文的意思。 关于人身处逆境却不沉沦的故事急啊,名人也好普通人也罢贴体就行谢谢拉 征求历史上比较混蛋的皇帝暴君也好,昏君也罢,只要你觉得他够混蛋就可以了. 如何磨练自己的心态? 端正心态 翻译英文怎么写?