求一篇关于丘吉尔的英文短文 演讲用不要太难 做课前演讲 可以使关于丘吉尔身边一切事情的

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求一篇关于丘吉尔的英文短文 演讲用不要太难 做课前演讲 可以使关于丘吉尔身边一切事情的
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求一篇关于丘吉尔的英文短文 演讲用不要太难 做课前演讲 可以使关于丘吉尔身边一切事情的
求一篇关于丘吉尔的英文短文 演讲用
不要太难 做课前演讲 可以使关于丘吉尔身边一切事情的

求一篇关于丘吉尔的英文短文 演讲用不要太难 做课前演讲 可以使关于丘吉尔身边一切事情的
温斯顿·丘吉尔(Winston Churchill,1874-1965)英国传记作家、历史学家、政治家.生于牛津附近的布莱尼姆宫.祖父马博罗将军在战争中立有赫赫战功.父亲拉道尔夫勋爵曾任英财政大臣.他从小便被差送入寄宿学校学习,曾就读于著名的哈罗学校,但生性执拗,学习成绩不佳,只喜欢历史、文学和军事游戏.1893年勉强考入桑德斯特陆军军官学校后,由于志趣相投,毕业成绩名列前茅,获军官资格.1895年,以少尉军衔编入皇家第四骑兵团.后因渴望冒险的战斗生活,以志愿兵和随军记者的身份先后参加过西班牙对古巴的殖民地战争和英国军队在印度、苏丹、南非的战争,以作战英勇,敢于履险犯难闻名.其间,在印度驻守的两年中,他还广泛阅读了历史、哲学、宗教和经济方面的著作,以弥补自己在教育上的欠缺.同时,发表了报告文学《马拉坎德远征记》(1898)、《河上的战争》(1899)、《南非从军记》(1908)和小说《沙普罗拉》(1899)等,广受欢迎.
British biographer, historian, politician of the · Churchill( the Winston Churchill,1874-1965) of WEN SI DUN4.Was born in the oxford nearby cloth temple.Grandfather, MA3 BO2, Luo, the general has the military merit of neutrally in the war.The father pulls a man lord to once allow the English Chancellor of the Exchequer.He was then differ to send into the boarding school to study since the childhood, once studying in the of of hello school, but the born nature pertinacity, study the result not good, like the history, literature and the military games only.Tested into the virtuous of mulberry unwillingly in 1893 especially the army officer school after, because of share common interest, graduating the result to come out in front, getting the military officer qualifications.In 1895, with the second lieutenant the soldier title plait went into the Royal fourth to ride the large unit.Empress because of the combat life that hope earnestly to take a risk, the body that to volunteer the soldier and war correspondent attends Spain successively to Cuba of colony war and the British troops war in India, Sudan, South Africa, with the battle brave, presume the to risk danger to be known for nearly.In the interval, in two years that India garrison, he still read history, philosophy, religion and the work of the economies extensively, to make up the oneself in the lack on the education.At the same time, announced the reportage 《 the virtuous expedition of MA3 LA KAN3 record 》 (1898), 《 the war on the river 》 (1899), 《 South Africa joins the army to record 》 (1908) and novel 《 the sand Luo pull 》 (1899) etc., widely popular.
In 1899, the Churchill retired from the army to participate in politics, winning an election for the lower chamber councilman in 1900.Went into the 阁 to serve as to colonize the vice- big minister with a first time of the liberal party body in 1906, served as the big minister of big minister, domestic affairs of business behind, the first world war night before last served as the First Lord of the Admiralty, war the period served as the big minister of army supplies.In October after the revolution victory, he plans anti- Su once and actively.In 1924, served as the Chancellor of the Exchequer with the conservative party body again, keep go to 1929 the conservative party is in the election fiasco but leave the government, long unemployed decade.He published this period five originally memoirs 《 crisis of world 》 (1923-1931), the biography work 《 my early years life 》 (1930), four originally 《 MA3 BO2's Luo spread 》 .(1933-1938)
30's, because of the method west influence of rising, the European situation is increasingly nervous, the Churchill
resolute objection the English method etc. the appeasement policy of the country, become hard-liner's leader.He makes a speech everywhere, making public the danger of the war.He delivers a speech the surging eloquence of speech, a of , drive generally accepted is an outstanding declamation house.In 1939, the World War II break out, the Churchill
appointed the First Lord of the Admiralty of ZHANG BO2 LUN2's cabinet.In 1940, he accepted order in hour of danger, serving as the prime minister, lead the British people to protect three islands of England, and the all levels launched the diplomacy activity actively, forming alliance with beautiful Su, becoming the international anti- method west united front, doing a major contribution for the end victory of the anti- method west war.
In 1945, at the anti- method west victory night before last, failed in the election because of the conservative party, the Churchill lost prime minister's post.Afterward, he completed with six years six originally 《 memoirs of World War II 》 .(1948-1954)In 1951, the conservative party elected to win to win in all aspects, the Churchill served as the prime minister again with 77 years old advanced age.1955 retires because of the high resignation of age, composing with concentration four originally 《 English race history 》 .(1956-1958)January of 1965 dies because of the apoplexy.
Although the whole life of the Churchill mainly is engaged in the political activity, his history say to achieve the famous with the biography literature writing also.1946 start, he then is nominate for the candidate of the Nobel literature prize, and finally in 1953," because he is describing the scholastic attainment of the history and biography, at the same time because of him that defends the lofty person of value of glorious speech", acquire the Nobel literature prize.Sweden college compare he make" have the west fills Luo literary talent of big emperor of Caesar".( 《 make awards the 》 )

Something about Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill(1874-1965)was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945.In World War Two he played a leading role in the fight against German d...


Something about Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill(1874-1965)was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945.In World War Two he played a leading role in the fight against German domination and achieved great victory.In addition,he was a man of great humor and good at speech.He often made speeches for the people to desribe his thought and idea.People all loved and respected him,for he was not only a top leader of the United Kingdoms but also an exellent speaker.


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