
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/28 11:27:27
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孟买 Mumbai(旅游景点)
Located in western India,Arabia coast,is India's largest city,is the capital of Maharashtra,an area of 603 square kilometers,a population of about 14 million.The brink of the Arabian Sea,is a natural harbor,known as India's "western gateway",is an important base for the Indian Navy,in India's political,economic,financial,military and cultural fields have played an important role.
Mumbai was originally a small fishing village,seven islands.Reclaimed the seven islands by the British into a peninsula connected,and the construction of the castle and port.Today's Mumbai skyscrapers,wide streets,Victorian-style buildings and modern skyscrapers each other.The south is the essence of the city,the magnificent building high into the sky and blossom shops,restaurants,hotels are concentrated here,including European classical architecture,a fusion of East meets West Asian and European-style buildings,but also the gorgeous spectacular India-style housing.
Mumbai is India's national business and financial center,known as India's "business capital" and "financial capital" of the said Indians often called equivalent position in the importance of Shanghai in China.Mumbai is India's western railway,aviation hub,the State Postal Bureau is located.
Mumbai gathered in a variety of race,color strong international,called the nation's melting pot.In addition to its ethnic composition,there are about sixty countries nationals.In language,3 / 4 primary schools Maratha language,the rest were using the other nine major languages,while in adults,a variety of dialects is endless.Half of the residents of Mumbai,Hindu,while others believe in the world,including almost all religions.Hindu temple in the city,you can see,Christian Cathedral,Islamic mosques,and Buddhist temples.Thus Bombay is known as "Little India," said.


Read " xiaodoudou " have feeling"
Windows of the small Dou " was written by Kuroyanagi Tetsuko, she is a famous Japanese writer, famous TV presenter, UNICEF goodwill ambassador. " Wind...



Read " xiaodoudou " have feeling"
Windows of the small Dou " was written by Kuroyanagi Tetsuko, she is a famous Japanese writer, famous TV presenter, UNICEF goodwill ambassador. " Windows of the small Dou " tells the story of the author of primary school for a true story. Little bean is very naughty, in the first grade because of curiosity, in the class, the desk lid opens and closes, opens and closes, the foot has a hundred times! Later, she didn't take the table to make a noise, but have been standing there, that is to say hello and publicity. Also. And there are so many things, to count. Because she is too naughty, so the other students affected, she had to drop out of school. Then, she transferred, Pakistan came to the academy. In the small Laughlin 's love and guidance, the eyes of ordinary people " strange" small Peas gradually became an acceptable to all children, and laid the foundation for her life. This book is praised Kobayashi Sosaku beautiful soul. I think his heart is very beautiful, also very loving children, with their own unique way to spread the love to the child, let them grow up happily. Little bean is a cheerful personality, love and friends to play with the children. Not only that, little bean was a laugh at other people's children. Little bean this one don't laugh at other people's character, not only so that I admire you thoroughly, or our model. China network compositionOn the contrary, some people, but in their own homes rich, often to buy brand-name clothes, wear to school to show off their clothes, more beautiful, and see which classmate dressed better than themselves, the students would laugh at. I want to study small peas, don't laugh at others, help others, tolerance, treat the classmates, I believe I can do it.

《窗边的小豆豆》是黑柳彻子写的,她是日本着名作家、着名电视主持人、联合国儿童基金会亲善大使。《窗边的小豆豆》讲述的是作者上小学时的一段真实的故事。小豆豆非常淘气,在一年级时因为好奇,在上课的时候,把书桌的盖子开了关,关了开,足有上百次!后来,她没把桌子弄出声来,却一直站在那里,原来是为了和宣传艺人打招呼。还有……还有的事情实在太多了,数都数不过来。因为她太淘气了,所以别的学生受到了影响,她不得不退学。于是,她转学了,来到巴学园。在小林校长的爱护和引导下,一般人眼里“怪怪”的小豆豆逐渐变成了一个大家都能接受的孩子,并奠定了她一生的基础。  这本书称赞了小林宗作的美好心灵。我觉得他的心灵非常美好,也非常爱孩子,他用了自己独特的方式来把爱传播给孩子,让他们快乐成长。小豆豆是个性格开朗、喜爱和同伴们一起玩的孩子。不仅这样,小豆豆还是个不嘲笑别人的孩子。小豆豆这一种不嘲笑别人的品格,不仅使我佩服得五体投地,还是我们学习的榜样。中国作文网

" Red rose and white rose " impression after reading

Today I read a novel, called " red rose and white rose " -- " perhaps every man has all had such two women, at least two. Marry red rose, in the course of time, the red became the wall with a mosquito blood, white or " Moonlight"; married a white rose, white is the clothes on a grain of rice stick, red is a cinnabar mole in his heart. " This is the beginning of this article.Through a vibration and man, reflected social phenomenon, a human -- every man hopes his life with two women, one is his white roses, one is his red rose, a holy wife, a mistress is warm, during the same period, and white, with his harsh fate. This is the social reality of the manIn fact, in the social reality of every woman want him there are two men in the life, Li Bihua in the " snake " in have wrote. Xu Xian and Hai, yes, Fahai is exhausted to make every attempt Bo she I smile with golden statues, Xu Xian is reluctant to part in hand, and the beautiful boy. The two have their respective advantages.The reality is ugly and not always lets the human spine chills, cannot face I want to be a person in this world, I not only in his heart the white rose, and his heart red rose, he fills my heart Xu Xian and the position. I have began to imagine such a perfect marriage, if not, then I would rather choose to be a cinnabar mole.



" I hate the grass ".I read " I hate grass " after this article, there are many ideas, want to say it out and share with.In this paper the authors introduced grass of three counts: the first indictment is the farmers worked hard to be an easy job to Zhuang Jiashi fertilizer grass was away; second counts are grass snakes, insects hideout; third counts are " best special bootlick ", wind it bow and scrape, wind walk it was lord it over others, was hate. Today I want to say is the careless advantage also do exist: the grass can absorb the carbon dioxide in air and waste gas, purify the air, grass also can protect the soil, reduce erosion, beautify the environment ... ... Is not able to see problems author. If the author of this argument reasoning should cut the grass out, then the earth will be every day blowing dust storms, we human beings will be because of poor air quality and the risk of upper respiratory system diseases. However, if blindly praise the grass, grass than the crops grow fast, so the crops will not grow well, will become the world food crisis, therefore, we should foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses on grass.On the grass strengths, we can continue to carry forward the broad masses, to resolve the grass counts: first, we developed a special herbicide, as long as where there is grass weeds using it, absorbs the nutrient part will be destroyed, then the grass will naturally dry out and die, the crops would not one point of damage. In second, the author is not to say that the grass is poisonous snakes, poisonous insects hideout? The most stupid method is very simple, as long as the grass short, do not let it grow on it. But near the Amazon has a strange grass, the grass snake, they can take away, but for beneficial insects, birds and humans do not have any effect, if we were in the grass lawn for the long sleep without any anxiety? As far as the author is listed the third counts, I think it's just the author opinion, if the grass harm relieved, the authors no longer hate grass, will be on the best attitude change.Through the study of this article, I realize the truth: it is to see anything to comprehensive analysis, not only a comprehensive, easily judge.

  通过学习这篇文章,我悟出了一个道理:那就是看任何事务都要全面地分析,不要只看一个片面,就轻易做出判断。 )

