英语翻译我看得出来是不是用翻译软体翻的喔 ( 禁止使用翻译软体)希望高手可以把我以下的句子翻通顺一点的英文 尽量简单的英文 以下在这本小说中 的确很多的人 造成 baby 失败的原因首

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 19:41:23
英语翻译我看得出来是不是用翻译软体翻的喔 ( 禁止使用翻译软体)希望高手可以把我以下的句子翻通顺一点的英文 尽量简单的英文 以下在这本小说中 的确很多的人 造成 baby 失败的原因首
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英语翻译我看得出来是不是用翻译软体翻的喔 ( 禁止使用翻译软体)希望高手可以把我以下的句子翻通顺一点的英文 尽量简单的英文 以下在这本小说中 的确很多的人 造成 baby 失败的原因首
我看得出来是不是用翻译软体翻的喔 ( 禁止使用翻译软体)
希望高手可以把我以下的句子翻通顺一点的英文 尽量简单的英文
在这本小说中 的确很多的人 造成 baby 失败的原因
首先 baby 的父亲 jules 没有作为一个父亲该有的样子 不但吸毒又吸菸
没有好好的爱他的女儿 给她一个好的教育环境 没有好好的教他的女儿
从小时候开始 就生活在没有母亲的生活环境下 baby一直是坚强独立的 因为她相信他父亲会爱她
可是并没有 反而jules 让她觉得没有人需要她 没有人爱她 所以她成为一个 prostitude ,
另外有一些社工人员 也是导致baby 失败的原因
因为他们认为baby是个问题儿童 他们否定她 他们认为baby 应该去上特别的课程
那些社工人员的想法和行为 在一个年幼的小女孩心里面 造成一个不可抹灭的伤痕
Alphonse 也是一个关键主要角色 让 baby 彻底失败的原因
他是个让 baby 的人生彻底转变的人
在一开始他们俩相遇的时 因为很多原因让baby喜欢Alphonse,Alphonse做了很多她父亲没有做的事情
Alphonse让她感觉快乐 baby感觉有人是需要她的 所以她投向 Alphonse 的怀抱
但 baby万万没有想到的是,Alphonse要求她去做prostitude 为他赚钱
因为baby无处可去 加上她喜欢Alphonse 於是她答应了 她终於成为一个 prostitude
但随著时间的逝去 Alphonse让 baby感觉越来越疏远了 因为Alphonse根本不是打从心里喜欢她
他只是在利用她而已 这个男人让 baby发现 在世界上根本没有人真正的爱她
Alphonse 让baby失望透了 他让她感觉彻底失败
综合以上的叙述 baby真的是一位 很可怜的小女孩 她只是一位渴望爱却得不到人爱的女孩
我真的很希望作者可以再把结局做好一点 让我们知道 她最後 终於有一个好的完整人生
(例如 我希望的结局是她会遇到一个 跟她一样相同年纪的男孩 (也有和她类似的生活经验 等等的)
然後很爱她 很保护她 把她当成公主一样等等的 这是我自己编的结局啦)

英语翻译我看得出来是不是用翻译软体翻的喔 ( 禁止使用翻译软体)希望高手可以把我以下的句子翻通顺一点的英文 尽量简单的英文 以下在这本小说中 的确很多的人 造成 baby 失败的原因首
In this novel,the reason of Baby’s failure was made by many people.
First of all,Jules,Baby’s father,did not to be a model what a father should do for his children.He was addicted to drugs and cigarettes; He did not love his daughter; He did not give her a good education environment; He did not teach his daughter.
When she was a little girl,living at a home without Mother,Baby became independent and tough.Because she believed that her father loves her.Unfortunately,Jules made her feel that no one needed her and no one loved her.Finally she became a prostitute.
Those social workers were a part of reasons to cause Baby’s failure.They considered that Baby was a problem child,they negated her,they regarded that Baby should attend the special courses.The thoughts and behaviors of those social workers have engraved unforgettable wounds on the heart of a little girl.
Alphonse was a key role who made Baby totally ruined.He was the one who made Baby’s life be changed entirely.At the beginning of their encounter,there were many reasons for Baby to love Alphonse,Alphonse has done many things that her father never did for her.Alphonse made her feel happy,Baby felt that she was needed by others; those are why she fell in love with Alphonse.
However,something that Baby has never thought was Alphonse asked her for being a prostitute to earn money for him.As Baby had no place to go and additionally she loved Alphonse,she agreed with Alphonse and she became a prostitute eventually.
As time goes by,Baby felt estranged from Alphonse,because Alphonse did not love Baby truly,he just utilized Baby.This man made Baby realized that there was no one love her truly in the world.Alphonse disappointed Baby,she felt herself totally lost.
In conclusion,Baby was a pitiable girl; she was only a girl who wanted to be loved but not received love.
I really wish that the author had arranged a better ending for her; At least let us know that she would have a happy full life.(For instance:I wish the ending would be she met a guy who has a similar age and similar life experiences with her etc… Then this guy loved her much,protected her well and treated her as his princess etc… Certainly this is the ending composed by myself).

In this novel is indeed many people made baby failureFirst of all baby's father, Jules is not as a father should be taking drugs and smokingDidn't love his daughter to give her a good education enviro...


In this novel is indeed many people made baby failureFirst of all baby's father, Jules is not as a father should be taking drugs and smokingDidn't love his daughter to give her a good education environment is not good to teach his daughterFrom the start of life without a mother living environment baby has been a strong and independent because she believed that his father would love herBut not only Jules let her think she has no one to take no one loved her so she become a prostitude,Some social workers also led to the baby failureBecause they think that baby is a problem child they had denied they think baby should go to special coursesThe scars of all social worker idea and behavior in a young girl inside the heart, causing an indestructibleAlphonse is also a key role for baby complete failureHe is a baby life changed completely.In the beginning they met for many reasons that baby like Alphonse, Alphonse did a lot of things that her father not to doAlphonse let her feel happy baby felt a need her so she into Alphonse's armsBut baby absolutely did not think of is, Alphonse asked her to do prostitude to make money for himBecause baby has nowhere to go, and she likes Alphonse so she promised she finally become a prostitudeBut with the passing of time Alphonse makes baby feel increasingly alienated because Alphonse is not always love herHe is just using her. The man let baby found in the world, no one really love herAlphonse baby disappointed he makes her feel complete failure


In this novel is indeed many people made baby failure
First of all baby's father, Jules is not as a father should be taking drugs and smoking
Didn't love his daughter to give her a good educat...


In this novel is indeed many people made baby failure
First of all baby's father, Jules is not as a father should be taking drugs and smoking
Didn't love his daughter to give her a good education environment is not good to teach his daughter
From the start of life without a mother living environment baby has been a strong and independent because she believed that his father would love her
But not only Jules let her think she has no one to take no one loved her so she become a prostitude,
Some social workers also led to the baby failure
Because they think that baby is a problem child they had denied they think baby should go to special courses
The scars of all social worker idea and behavior in a young girl inside the heart, causing an indestructible
Alphonse is also a key role for baby complete failure
He is a baby life changed completely.
In the beginning they met for many reasons that baby like Alphonse, Alphonse did a lot of things that her father not to do
Alphonse let her feel happy baby felt a need her so she into Alphonse's arms
But baby absolutely did not think of is, Alphonse asked her to do prostitude to make money for him
Because baby has nowhere to go, and she likes Alphonse so she promised she finally become a prostitude
But with the passing of time Alphonse makes baby feel increasingly alienated because Alphonse is not always love her
He is just using her. The man let baby found in the world, no one really love her
Alphonse baby disappointed he makes her feel complete failure
Based on the above described baby really is a poor little girl she's only a desire for love and not to love one girl
I really hope the author can put the end to do better let us know she finally have a good life
( for example, I hope the outcome is that she will meet a with her same age boy ( also have with her similar life experience and so on .)
Then love her protect her like a princess, this is my own ending. )


在这本小说中 的确很多的人 造成 baby 失败的原因(...人...造成失败的原因...楼主也把句子写通顺啊??)In this novel, many people`s faults lead to baby`s failure.
首先 baby 的父亲 jules 没有作为一个父亲该有的样子 不但吸毒又吸菸,没有好好的爱他的女儿 给她一个好的教育环境 没有好好的教他的女儿


在这本小说中 的确很多的人 造成 baby 失败的原因(...人...造成失败的原因...楼主也把句子写通顺啊??)In this novel, many people`s faults lead to baby`s failure.
首先 baby 的父亲 jules 没有作为一个父亲该有的样子 不但吸毒又吸菸,没有好好的爱他的女儿 给她一个好的教育环境 没有好好的教他的女儿
First, as a father, Jules behaves badly, not only smokes but also takes drugs .He doesn't give his daughter enough love, provides her with a good educational environment, teaches her with disciplines.
从小时候开始 就生活在没有母亲的生活环境下 baby一直是坚强独立的 因为她相信他父亲会爱她
可是并没有 反而jules 让她觉得没有人需要她 没有人爱她 所以她成为一个 prostitude(这个打错了吧!!!!) ,
Since childhood, Baby becomes motherless, however, she is very strong and independent because she believes her father will love her.Nevertheless, Jules makes her think that nobody needs her, nobody loves her,thus, she becomes a prostitute.
另外有一些社工人员 也是导致baby 失败的原因
Also, other social workers lead to baby`s vicious life.(堕落的生活 )
因为他们认为baby是个问题儿童 他们否定她 他们认为baby 应该去上特别的课程
那些社工人员的想法和行为 在一个年幼的小女孩心里面 造成一个不可抹灭的伤痕
They think Baby is a problem child , they think negatively about her and believe she should take special courses.Those people`s remarks and behaviors hurt her severely.
Alphonse 也是一个关键主要角色 让 baby 彻底失败的原因
Alphonse is the crucial character who triggers the final tragedy.
他是个让 baby 的人生彻底转变的人
He is the guy that changes Baby`s life thoroughly.
在一开始他们俩相遇的时 因为很多原因让baby喜欢Alphonse, Alphonse做了很多她父亲没有做的事情
The first time they meet, Alphonse does many things that her father never done which makes Baby`s falling in love with him.
Alphonse让她感觉快乐 baby感觉有人是需要她的 所以她投向 Alphonse 的怀抱
From Alphonse, she feels a sense of happiness,a sense of importance,so she sinks into his arms.
但 baby万万没有想到的是,Alphonse要求她去做(prostitude) 为他赚钱
What Baby never thinks of is Alphonse wants her to be a prostitute.
因为baby无处可去 加上她喜欢Alphonse 於是她答应了 她终於成为一个 (prostitude)
Baby has no way to go, and much of her love for Alphonse, she finally becomes a prostitute
但随著时间的逝去 Alphonse让 baby感觉越来越疏远了 因为Alphonse根本不是打从心里喜欢她
With time passing by, Baby feels that she is alienated from Al...., because Al.... never truly loves her from his real heart.
他只是在利用她而已 这个男人让 baby发现 在世界上根本没有人真正的爱她
He is using her to make money. That man makes baby believe nobody truly loves her in the world.
Alphonse 让baby失望透了 他让她感觉彻底失败
Al...disappointed baby and she is desperate.
综合以上的叙述 baby真的是一位 很可怜的小女孩 她只是一位渴望爱却得不到人爱的女孩
我真的很希望作者可以再把结局做好一点 让我们知道 她最後 终於有一个好的完整人生
(例如 我希望的结局是她会遇到一个 跟她一样相同年纪的男孩 (也有和她类似的生活经验 等等的然後很爱她 很保护她 把她当成公主一样等等的 这是我自己编的结局啦))All in all, Baby is really a poor girl who is just eager for love but never gains love.
I really hope the story ends with happiness and baby could have a fullfilled life.
(As I hope that it ends with Baby`s meeting with a guy who has the same experience as her and regards her as a real princess) .
PS: 写读后感要用一般现在时


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part 2 爱的句子 中翻英 禁止翻译软体 英文高手请帮我翻 拜托了 >< 我绝对不要翻译软体 例如(google)我看得出来是不是用翻译软体翻的喔 ( 禁止使用翻译软体)希望高手可以把我以下的句子翻通 中文句子翻英文 禁止翻译软体 英文高手请帮我翻 拜托了 >< 翻的好 加分喔!我看得出来是不是用翻译软体翻的喔 ( 禁止使用翻译软体)希望高手可以把我以下的句子翻通顺 文法要对 以下 时 英语翻译以下我看得出来是不是用翻译软体翻的喔 ( 禁止使用翻译软体)希望高手可以把我以下的句子翻通顺 一点的英文 因为我要放在 power point 的以下这两幅画和我的个性是相关的 因为我 英语翻译我看得出来是不是用翻译软体翻的喔 (请不要用翻译软体 来呼弄我)希望有英文高手 可以帮我把以下句子 翻成文法通顺 又简单的句子 我不要太艰深的句子要求只有这样而已 以下是 英语翻译我看得出来是不是用翻译软体翻的喔 (请不要用翻译软体 来呼弄我)希望有英文高手 可以帮我把以下句子 翻成文法通顺 又简单的句子 我不要太艰深的句子要求只有这样而已 以下是 英语翻译我看得出来是不是用翻译软体翻的喔 (请不要用翻译软体 来呼弄我)希望有英文高手 可以帮我把以下句子 翻成文法通顺 又简单的句子 我不要太艰深的句子要求只有这样而已 以下是 英语翻译以下我看得出来是不是用翻译软体翻的喔 ( 禁止使用翻译软体)希望高手可以把我以下的句子翻通顺 一点的英文 因为我要放在 power point 的以下我也很向往 爱蜜莉的个性 她有著细腻 英语翻译以下我看得出来是不是用翻译软体翻的喔 ( 禁止使用翻译软体)希望高手可以把我以下的句子翻通顺 一点的英文 因为我要放在 power point 的以下一个爱作梦的小女孩,用想像创造出一 英语翻译以下我看得出来是不是用翻译软体翻的喔 ( 禁止使用翻译软体)希望高手可以把我以下的句子翻通顺 一点的英文 因为我要放在 power point 的以下一个爱作梦的小女孩,用想像创造出一 英语翻译我看得出来是不是用翻译软体翻的喔 ( 禁止使用翻译软体)希望高手可以把我以下的句子翻通顺一点的英文 尽量简单的英文 以下我选择这首诗 是因为就像歌词所说的世界上最遥远的 英语翻译我看得出来是不是用翻译软体翻的喔 ( 禁止使用翻译软体)我在国外读书 我们老师要我们写一篇文章 what is the point of volunteering?希望高手可以把我以下的翻通顺一点的英文以下为什 英语翻译我看得出来是不是用翻译软体翻的喔 ( 禁止使用翻译软体)我在国外读书 我们老师要我们写一篇文章 what is the point of volunteering?希望高手可以把我以下的翻通顺一点的英文以下为什 英语翻译我看得出来是不是用翻译软体翻的喔 ( 禁止使用翻译软体)希望高手可以把我以下的句子翻通顺一点的英文 尽量简单的英文 以下在这本小说中 的确很多的人 造成 baby 失败的原因首 英语翻译我看得出来是不是用翻译软体翻的喔 ( 禁止使用翻译软体)希望高手可以把我以下的句子翻通顺一点的英文 尽量简单的英文 以下这本小说里面 有叙述到很多的问题 例如 还有家人之 英语翻译我看得出来是不是用翻译软体翻的喔 ( 禁止使用翻译软体)希望高手可以把我以下的句子翻通顺一点的英文 尽量简单的英文 以下有爱就是幸福 不论是家人 情侣 或动物 跟所爱的人在 英语翻译我看得出来是不是用翻译软体翻的喔 ( 禁止使用翻译软体)希望高手可以把我以下的句子翻通顺 文法要对 以下这是一部关於不同世代的母女、父子、亲人间,如何彼此沟通的故事.离 英语翻译我想翻的句子很简单 请帮我翻成简单易懂的英文句子 不要翻译软体喔 我看得出来以下是我要翻的句子因为人类的贪婪 他们捕捉大量的蝴蝶 破坏了蝴蝶的栖息地并且将美丽的蝴蝶 中文翻英文 禁止翻译软体 急 ! 请高手帮我翻 拜托不要翻译软体 (我看得出来)请高手帮我中文翻英文 句子尽量通顺和简单 谢谢以下'' the film club'' 这篇文章的作者 用了特别的写作技巧强调在